

全球治理 2021-02-06


本文四位作者中,达尼洛·图尔克(Danilo Türk)系斯洛文尼亚前总统、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院外籍高级研究员,罗思义(John Ross)系英国伦敦前经济与商业政策署署长、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院高级研究员,威廉·琼斯(William Jones)系《全球策略信息》(EIR)华盛顿分社总编、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院外籍高级研究员,西夏姆·宰迈提(Hisham El-Zimaity)系前埃及外交部部长助理、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院外籍高级研究员。本文中文删减版刊于4月20日《参考消息》,本公众号特独家提供这四位专家的英文原稿,中英文双语分享,以飨读者。



 1. 世界贸易应抓住中国机遇

达尼洛·图尔克(Danilo Türk)

The world is focusing again on the question of the future of the world trade. The debate was triggered by the protectionist measures of the US and by the President Trump’s assertion that trade wars are “good and easy to win.” The international reaction was unison in rejecting this bizarre idea. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, a man known for his cautious public statements, pointed out that the truth is quite the opposite. “Trade wars are bad and easy to lose”.

由于美国实行贸易保护措施以及特朗普总统声称“贸易战是好事,我们很容易打赢”,世界再次将焦点聚集到全球贸易的问题上来。然而国际社会均不认同美方荒诞观点,欧洲理事会主席唐纳德·图斯克(Donald Tusk)表示事实和美方看法恰恰相反,“贸易战很糟糕,而且容易失败”。

The current situation requires reflection in two directions. The first is general and relates to the global development. The second is particular and requires an understanding of China, a decisive player in the world trade.


At the global level, the past fifteen years have brought important improvements. The UN’s Millennium Development Goals (2000 - 2015) have been implemented to a level higher than expected. Past years have seen the fastest reduction of extreme poverty in human history: The number of people living below the international poverty line of 1.25 US $ a day was reduced by half a billion between 2000 and 2013. Substantial improvement was reported also in such areas as reduction of child mortality and death of malaria. The new, UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (2015 – 2030) committed governments around the world to ending extreme poverty everywhere by 2030. 


In other words, the international community is at the threshold of a major, historic breakthrough. If allowed to focus on the toughest places, the 31 “fragile states” that are currently lagging behind, and, at the same time, to develop global economic cooperation along the normal trajectory for all countries, the world can achieve a new level of prosperity for all. This would be another major achievement and an important enabling factor for addressing such major challenges as global warming.


However, all this can be put in jeopardy by a trade war that would produce losers on all sides. The worst losers would be, as usual in times of global regressions, the least developed parts of the world and the global poor. But the more prosperous part of the world such as the EU would also lose. The EU has barely ended a period of recession and its economy has started to grow again. It needs further growth to consolidate its economic and political space and offer the future to its youth. For such a development Europe needs normal trade relations with the world, and in particular with its largest economies, the US and China. 


The achievements of China offer opportunities for the world that must not be wasted. In the past decades China has undergone important transformations. A single statistical indicator tells a story of global importance: The gross exports from China to all countries equaled 35 per cent of China’s GDP in 2006 and only 18 per cent last year. China is clearly moving from an export dependent economy to an economy that is much more reliant on the consumer demand of its vast population. This is good news for China - and for the world. 

中国的发展为世界提供机会。在过去的几十年中,中国经历了重大转变。一个简单的统计指标就能说明其对全球的重要性。2006年中国出口总额占GDP的35% ,而2017年仅占18%。很显然,中国出口依赖度在逐步下降,正转型为更加依靠内需的经济体,这对于中国和世界而言都是好消息。

While the full adjustment to a new type of sophisticated consumer economy will take several more years, it can also be accelerated by good policies. The fact that China has been able to pursue its path of reforms for the past forty years without interruptions created a level of credibility and confidence that justifies an optimistic outlook today. 


Two policy orientations of China are of special importance. The first is the Belt and Road Initiative that offers expanded development cooperation and an active engagement of China as an investor in large areas of Asia, reaching to Europe and Africa. The other is the policy of openness most recently explained by President Xi Jinping at the Boao Forum earlier this week. 


President Xi’s speech of 10 April was a masterful act of statesmanship and an impressive offer for growth of global trade and prosperity. At the time when talk about a possible trade war still occupies much space in the media, President Xi turned the tables and offered a radical alternative based on openness, cooperation, win-win outcomes and a practical way of building our “common future”.  Not only did he announce significant lowering of import tariffs, a fundamental instrument of promoting international trade, he also offered a number of incentives in areas such as protection of intellectual property and accession to the WTO’s code on public procurement. On top of this he also promised specific steps to improve the investment environment for foreign investors and to generally broaden market access. 


Openness brings progress and creates opportunities that China’s partners around the world must not miss. Policy makers in the West in particular will be well advised to take these opportunities seriously.  



2. 美贸易战负面影响将波及世界

罗思义(John Ross)

The US threat to impose unilateral tariffs on China, outside the framework of the WTO, following its unilateral imposition of steel and aluminium tariffs on several countries, damages the world economy in the short term and strategically threatens the economic well-being of numerous other countries. IMF managing director Christine Lagarde therefore correctly expressed her duty towards the international economic community when she recently stated: ‘Let us redouble our efforts to reduce trade barriers and resolve disagreements without using exceptional measures.’ It is, therefore, crucial to understand that unilateral tariff imposition is not merely against the interests of any one country but against the interests of all states. 


The most immediate threat is of disruption to a global economy which is enjoying its most sustained synchronised recovery since the international financial crisis.  


As Madame Lagarde put it: ‘The world is currently experiencing a strong upswing that holds the promise of higher incomes and living standards. Delivering on this promise is critical… But we can see darker clouds looming... the momentum expected for 2018 and 2019 will eventually slow.’ To avoid ‘darker clouds’: ‘First – governments need to steer clear of protectionism in all its forms.’ 


The threat posed by unilateral tariffs was reflected on US financial markets themselves. Immediately the US administration announced tariffs against China, on the morning of 4 April US share markets fell by 1.6% - losing over $400 billion.  To calm this US Commerce Secretary Ross, and Director of the National Economic Council Kudlow, had to appear on the media announcing there would be no ‘trade war’ with China but negotiation – which led to share market recovery. As CNBC put it: ‘Larry Kudlow saved the stock market yesterday.’ 

单方面加征关税所带来的威胁在美国金融市场得到体现。美国政府宣布对华500亿美元商品加征关税后,4月4日早晨美国股市下跌1.6%——华尔街投资者损失4000多亿美元。为稳定市场,美国商务部长罗斯(Wilbur Ross)与白宫国家经济委员会主任库德洛(Larry Kudlow)相继出面安抚人心,后者对媒体称,惩罚关税不会引发中美贸易战,最终会谈判收场。库德洛发表讲话后,美国股市应声上涨。正如美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)指出:“库德洛拯救了美国股市。”

The same fall was repeated when President Trump ordered the drawing up of expanded plans for tariffs on China’s exports. On 6 April US share markets fell by 2.2% -  losing over $500 billon. 


Therefore, merely the threat of US unilateral tariffs leads to hundreds of billions of dollar losses for investors - even before damaging tariffs are imposed.


It is an error to believe the negative consequences of US tariffs would only affect the US and China.  The modern globalised economy’s efficiency is based on international value chains spanning many countries, while to support large scale efficient production markets must be international.  An example is the threat to Germany from proposed US actions. The Financial Times noted: 


‘German companies fear they could suffer considerable collateral damage … because machines and cars made by their subsidiaries in China and exported to the US could end up being hit just as hard as all-Chinese products.’


The head of the foreign trade department of the German Machinery Association stressed he was receiving anxious calls from companies worried about the tariff’s impact. For example: ‘One particularly vulnerable sector is cars, a pillar of the German economy. 

德国机械设备制造业联合会(VDMA)对外贸易部负责人乌尔里克阿克曼Ulrich Ackermann表示,他在过去一周不停地接到来自企业的电话,他们都对美国对华关税未来可能带来的影响忧心忡忡。一个特别脆弱的行业是德国经济的支柱产业——汽车。

For example, BMW and Mercedes parent Daimler would be highly exposed… Martin Wansleben, managing director of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry… said an additional concern among German companies is that Chinese demand for German-made parts, machines and other equipment could fall if Chinese companies are no longer allowed to export to the US market.’

比如,宝马和奔驰母公司戴姆勒将因中国对美国进口汽车加征关税遭受重大损失……德国工商总会董事总经理Martin Wansleben称,德国企业关心的另一个问题是,如果中国企业不再被允许出口产品到美国市场,那么中国对德国制造的零件、机器和其他设备的需求将会下降。”

Even greater that the immediate damage to the world economy is the strategic threat. By definition international trade is multi-national. It must, therefore, have mutually agreed rules. If any one country is allowed to set the rules, or to act outside a mutually agreed framework, it would inevitably manipulate the situation to its own advantage - damaging other countries. Any US action outside the WTO therefore strategically threatens the multilateral trade framework on which every economy’s prosperity depends.


This is even more serious when the US administration has a wrong analysis of the causes of its trade deficit. Again, as Christine Lagarde put it on trade deficits: ‘imbalance is driven by the fact that a country spends above its income.’ The US trade deficit is ‘made in the USA’, by attempts to spend more than US income, not in other countries. While the US tariffs will damage the global economy, they will not reduce the US trade deficit – as numerous Western commentators have pointed out.


Slow growth imposed on other countries by US actions would also inevitably lead to increased social and political tensions within them.


In his speech to this year’s Boao Forum Xi Jinping repeated an unequivocal defence of globalisation: ‘Over the last four decades, the Chinese people have embraced the world with open arms and actively contributed our share to the world.’ He added globalisation was not only in China’s interest but that of all countries: ‘any country or nation… must follow the logic of history… in their pursuit of progress and development.’ Events since the US threat of unilateral tariffs strongly confirm that judgement.


3. 造福美国工人密钥在贸易战之外

威廉·琼斯(William Jones)

The world had become somewhat unnerved by the rhetoric coming out of the Trump Administration threatening to impose draconian tariffs on China, the biggest trading partner of the United States. The tremendous fluctuations in the world’s stock markets over the last few days is a clear sign of this concern. While the rhetoric has cooled down in the last few days since President Xi Jinping’s speech at the Boao Forum, where he addressed most of the issues that President Trump had brought up as a pretext for the tariff threat, the unease remains.


Of course, an escalation of the trade disputes with the mutual imposition of tariffs between these two giants could well serve to send the markets, and the world economy, tumbling. Finding a way out of this dilemma is therefore crucial for maintaining growth in the world economy.


Donald Trump was elected President largely because he promised the voters that he would work to restore the health of the U.S. economy. He focused on the need to deal with what he considered unfair trade agreements and to rebuild the ailing infrastructure of the United States. Unfortunatley, his rhetoric often degenerated into mere China-bashing.


Nevertheless, given the close personal relationship that has since developed between President Trump and President Xi, Trump now says he doesn’t blame China for the trade deficit, but rather his predecessors in the White House who signed the trade deals that led to the present conditions in the U.S. economy. And yet the threat of tariffs are directed primarily against China.


While President Trump’s intentions of improving conditions for American workers may be laudable, the means he has chosen will certainly not lead to a better situation for the American worker nor for the world. A tariff war would lead to sharp price rises which would immediately effect the living standards of every American, hitting most forcefully, low-income families. And while it would probably trigger a collapse of world markets, we could be looking ahead, and not back, at the Great Depression.


The President’s problem is that he doesn’t understand the underlying problem and he underestimates the vital role of government in tackling the problem.


It’s quite true that most of the trade deals agreed to by the United States have not benefited the American workers, beginning with NAFTA. During the 1970s in particular, there was a push by most U.S. manufacturing nterprises to lower wages and cut production costs. While the trade union movement in the United States at the time was strong, it was difficult to get U.S. workers to accept major wage cuts, in particular, at a time of growing inflation. The easy way out for U.S. manufacturing industry was therefore to invest in developing countries where you could  pay workers a mere pittance compared to what the American worker expected.


There was some rationale to this from the standpoint of the market trader and his shibboleth, “Buy cheap and sell dear.” But when factories started heading to Mexico to exploit the cheap labor there, nothing was done to cushion the fall for U.S. workers. Had the U.S.maintained some form of industrial policy, these workers would have been re-trained for higher technological skills and measures taken to advance the technology and the productivity in the stricken industries. While American workers DID have a higher standard of living than workers in Mexico or in China, this also provided them with the means of improving their skill levels and moving U.S. manufacturing to a higher technological level with greater productivity. But there was no consideration given to this problem by any of the U.S. presidents since then.


Trump could change this. But it would mean that the U.S. must return to some of the policies that were used by Franklin Roosevelt during the last Great Depression. The U.S. Government could set up an infrastructure bank or infrastructure fund to help finance the revamping of U.S. infrastructure. This would also give the possibility China to invest in U.S. infrastructure without the complaints that China was “buying up” U.S. infrastructure. 


Secondly, Trump could reinstate the Glass-Steagall legislation, as he said he would, which would create a firewall between the commercial banking system and the more speculative investment bankers. Wall Street should have no “too big to fail” banks, and the U.S. Government should not be forced to bail them out.


Thirdly, the President should also move to focus on improving the scientific R&D capability of the United States. Let’s get a competent administrator for NASA and let’s go somewhere. And, by all means, Mr. President, you should have a science advisor. If the U.S. would focus on building these capabilities, and not get so paranoid of China “getting ahead” of the U.S. in the field of science, they might then lower some of the restrictions placed on China in purchasing more products from the U.S. high-tech realm or even in investing in some of the U.S. high-tech industries.


And precisely because China has advanced so much in various fields of scientific endeavor, including in manned space exploration, they would be an ideal partner for joint work with the U.S. in further exploration of our universe. Such collaboration would be a win for America, a win for China, and a win for the world. 



4. 非洲中东希望维护多边贸易体制

西夏姆·宰迈提(Hisham El-Zimaity)

As if he was predicting the future. Last year at the WEF in Davos, President Xi warned that in the face of increasing uncertainties, there was a need for concerted efforts to reverse the trends of protectionism and anti-multilateralism. The decisions by the US came at a time when the world needs a peaceful and stable environment and a spirit of international relations where nations forge partnerships of dialogue not confrontation, respect each other's development path and social system. 


The US Trade Representative reported that China failed to follow through on promises it made in US-China dialogues, such as declaring foreign firms were free to decide when to share technology with Chinese partners; and that Chinese regulators continue to require foreign companies to transfer technology as a condition for securing investment approvals. 


President Trump decided to slap tariffs on $US150 billion of Chinese goods and demanded Beijing help cut the $US375 billion merchandise trade deficit with China. So China warned it would retaliate with equal force. The US tariffs were being threatened under a Section 301 action in retaliation for alleged pilfering of American intellectual property and forced technology transfer from US companies operating in the lucrative China market. The US seemed worried, both on economic and defense grounds, that Beijing's "Made in China 2025" list will give China an advantage in industries such as aerospace, IT and artificial intelligence, robotics, machines, energy saving vehicles and medical devices.


It is unfortunate that any escalation in trade tensions which leads to a significant fall in US imports from China would have a sizable impact, not only on China and Taiwan, but on Malaysia which exports a lot of intermediate goods to China. Japan, which relies on the US for almost 20% of its exports and on China for another 20%, would face a low direct impact from the tariffs, but the country's economy could be significantly impacted by stock market volatility and fluctuations in its currency, the yen, if trade tensions escalate. South Korea, which counts both China and US among its largest trading partners, would be one of the biggest casualties if a trade war breaks out.


Asian economies are likely to be significantly impacted in a full-blown trade war, since these countries are export-oriented and are key suppliers of components to China. Also big financial centers such as Hong Kong and Singapore, which rely greatly on the Chinese manufacturing sector, would also suffer if trade tensions escalate.


Even in a medium-sized country like Egypt, the price of gold has slightly gone up following the Sino-American developments. 


The effects could also be felt further in the West as fears of a trade war between the US and China were driving up borrowing costs and pushing down stock prices. Companies with global operations, such as German carmaker BMW have also warned that a US-China trade war would ripple around the globe, adding that barrier-free access to markets is a key factor for growth, welfare and employment throughout the global economy. There could be a considerable loss of growth across the board if the ongoing trade skirmishes spiraled out of control.


There would likely be a re-distribution in trade flow, which could see China substitute US soybeans for those from Latin America. China's proposed tariffs on fossil fuel imports from the US could also see the Middle East gaining a greater share of Chinese trade. China gets most of its polyethylene imports from the region, and could further increase its reliance on Middle Eastern countries if it decides to do so. The US currently accounts for less than 5% of China's imports of the commonly used plastic, but that number is expected to triple over the next two years if the tariffs aren't imposed. And while otherwise vulnerable, South Korea could also potentially benefit from a greater Chinese need for polyethylene, with Korean companies like Lotte Chemical and LG Chem among potential suppliers.

贸易往来可能会重新分配,从中国用美国大豆替代拉丁美洲的大豆可以看出;也从中国对美进口的化石燃料征收关税使中东在与中国贸易中获得更大份额中可以看出。中国同时还从该地区进口大部分聚乙烯产品,而且未来中国可能会决定进一步增加对中东国家的依赖。中国目前从美国进口的常用塑料占总量的不到5%,但如果不征收关税,这一数字预计将在未来两年内增加两倍。反之,韩国也有可能从中国增加对聚乙烯的需求中受益,比如乐天化工(Lotte Chemical)和LG化工(LG Chem)等韩国企业。

President Xi vowed to significantly lower 25 per cent of car tariffs, strengthen intellectual property protection and relax foreign ownership restrictions for financial firms and the manufacturing of cars, aero planes and ships. The response was the famous Tweet by President Trump: Very thankful for President Xi of China’s kind words on tariffs and automobile barriers. Also, his enlightenment on intellectual property and technology transfers. We will make great progress together. This helped calm the markets for a while. All trading partners, especially from the Middle East are Africa are hopeful that the multilateral trading system and the WTO will be preserved, and that trade disputes shall be solved within the rules of the World Trade Organization. Africa created the African Continental Free Trade Area, (AfCFTA) last month, and is working hard to tear trade walls down in order to make the continent the largest free trade area created since the establishment of the WTO. No trade walls or disputes among the two biggest trading partners of Africa and the Middle East are needed at this juncture.




【新视野】前WTO总干事拉米:恕不接受美国要挟 可谈判完善贸易体系





关 于 我 们

中国人民大学全球治理研究中心(Global Governance Research Center,RUC)成立于2017年3月9日,是北京巨丰金控科技有限公司董事长马琳女士向中国人民大学捐赠并由中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)负责运营管理的教育基金项目。中国人民大学全球治理研究中心由原外交部副部长、人大重阳高级研究员何亚非领衔,前中国银行副行长、国际商会执行董事、人大重阳高级研究员张燕玲担任学术委员会主任,旨在构建高层次、高水准的全球治理思想交流平台,并向社会发布高质量的全球治理研究报告,努力践行咨政、启民、伐谋、孕才的智库使命。




