防疫指引 | Interim Guidance in Private Automobiles
防控新型冠状病毒肺炎临时指南:家庭预防篇。详情点击☞防疫指引 | Prevention of COVID-19 Information for Households
Interim Guidance for the Prevention and
Control of COVID-19 in Private Automobiles
Part I: In daily life
In general, disinfection of private automobile is unnecessary. In an open area, the driver may ventilate the automobile. But be careful that in winter when rolling down the windows for ventilation, the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the automobile is significant. It is easy to catch a cold. In aconfined space such as an underground car park, it is recommended to close the windows and switch the air conditioner to the internal circulation mode.
The driver and the passengers are advised to clean their hands with alcohol-based sanitizer when coming back to the automobile from public places. If the passenger’s health condition is unknown, the driver should wind down the window for ventilation and disinfect the inside of the automobile by cleaning and sanitizing the surface with effective disinfectant or disinfection wipes.
Chlorine-containing disinfectant, chlorine dioxide and disinfection wipes are suitable for surface disinfection by wiping. Iodine, chlorine-containing disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) and alcohol-based sanitizer are suitable for hand and skin disinfection by wiping.
Part II: When giving a suspected
patient a ride
A patient with symptoms compatible with COVID-19 should wear a surgical mask and keep a distance from other passengers in the same private automobile. The internal air circulation mode should not be used. Instead, the windows should be wound down to ensure proper ventilation. Symptoms compatible with COVID-19 include fever, cough, sore throat, chest distress, breathing difficulties,fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis and muscle ache.
After the patient with suspicious symptoms gets off, the automobile windows should be wound down at once, and the surface touched by the patient (door handles,steering wheel, windows, windshield, seats, etc.),should be disinfected.
Part III: After giving a confirmed
COVID-19 patient a ride
Terminal disinfection of the private automobile should be done once the patient gets off. The surface (seats, steering wheel, windows, door handles, etc.), air-conditioning system and vomitus should be disinfected. Chlorine dioxide and peracetic acid are recommended. The engine should be started and the airconditioner should be switched to the internal circulation mode during disinfection. The local CDC and other qualified third party will provide disinfection service. The automobile should not be used again before terminal disinfection.Passengers riding together in the same automobile are close contacts and should be put under medical observation for 14 days.
防疫指引 | Prevention of COVID-19 Information for Households
防疫指引 | Interim Guidance at Industrial Enterprises(三)
防疫指引 | Interim Guidance at Industrial Enterprises(二)
编辑:依婷 责编:邹向东
来源 | 广州疾控i健康、中国疾控中心