
指引 | 关于厕所的那些事 :Let’s Talk About the Toilets(中英文对照)


醇类消毒剂和含氯消毒剂。详情点击☞指引 | Alcohol Disinfectants and Chlorine-containing Disinfectants


Let’s Talk About the Toilets


As mentioned in the Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 (Trial Version 7), the SARS-CoV-2 can be detected in feces and urine, and it should be noted that in the environment contaminated by feces and urine, the risk of aerosol transmission and contact transmission may exist. So about the toilets, there is something we need to pay special attention to. From authoritative information sources, such as “zgjkdt” and “gz12320”, the official WeChat account run by China CDC and Guangzhou CDC respectively, we collected scientifically credible data and compiled a list of questions and answers (Q&As). We hope you find the Q&As helpful.

壹- 问答时间 -问:什么是卫生厕所?


壹- 问答时间 -Q: What are hygienic toilets?

A: The characteristics of hygienic toilets can be summarized as “Three Nos”, “Two Nones” and “One Must”. The “Three Nos” are no leakage of rainwater from the roof, no revelation of the users' privacy, and no leakage of feces on the floor. The “Two Nons” are non-maggot-infested and non-smelly. The “One Must” means the feces must be made harmless.

贰- 问答时间 -问:为什么要使用卫生厕所?

贰- 问答时间 -Q: Why should we use hygienic toilets?

A: There are a lot of pathogens, such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites and parasitic ova, which are harmful to human health in the feces. The installation and use of hygienic toilets is the most important measure to control relevant infectious diseases and parasitic diseases from the start.

叁- 问答时间 -问:卫生厕所日常如何管理?


叁- 问答时间 -Q: How to manage the hygienic toilets?

A: The toilet rooms need clean-up every day. Keep the toilets clean, without unflushed feces. Open the windows every day and maintain an odor-free environment. Keep the cleaning tools orderly and neatly. Reinforce the daily management and make sure the feces are made harmless. In accordance with the requirements of epidemic control and prevention, the public toilets and private bathrooms used by confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients should be disinfected.

肆- 问答时间 -问:如厕后怎么做?


肆- 问答时间 -Q: What should be done after using the toilets?

A: After using the toilets, put the toilet lids down before flushing and wash hands carefully. Handwashing is the most effective and economical way to prevent diseases. Wash hands with soap/liquid soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. The seven-step hand-washing method is recommended.


Click on the picture to see the seven-step washing method

伍- 问答时间 -



伍- 问答时间 -

Q: At present, what should we pay attention to in the hygienic maintenance of private bathrooms?

A: At present, the policy of Guangzhou requires all of the confirmed COVID-19 patients, asymptomatic carriers, and their close contacts to be isolated in designated facilities. So in ordinary households, the bathrooms do not need to be disinfected. Keep the bathrooms clean. Open the bathroom windows and maintain proper ventilation. Once a week, pour a glass of clean water (about 500mL) into the floor drain in each bathroom, followed by a tea spoon of chlorine-containing disinfectants (about 10mL) at an effective chlorine concentration of 2.5g/L, then a glass of clean water (about 500mL) again after 30 minutes. There is a potential risk of disease transmission if the water-sealing tubes are empty for a long time. In vacant buildings, the floor drains in the bathrooms should be covered.


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指引 | Alcohol Disinfectants and Chlorine-containing Disinfectants

防疫指引 | 境外来穗必读Coming to Guangzhou please follow

来源 :广州疾控i健康、国家卫生健康委员会官网 、广州市12320卫生热线

编辑:依婷  责编:邹向东



