商务部部长:钟 山
外商投资准入特别管理措施 (负面清单)
(2019 年版)
说 明
一、《外商投资准入特别管理措施(负面清单)》(以下简称《外商投资准入负面清单》)统一列出股权要求、高管要求等 外商投资准入方面的特别管理措施。《外商投资准入负面清单》之外的领域,按照内外资一致原则实施管理。
(2019 年版)
Order of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China No.25
June 30, 2019
The Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2019 Edition), approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, are hereby promulgated and will enter into force from July 30, 2019. The Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2018 Edition) released by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce on June 28, 2018, shall be repealed simultaneously.
Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: He Lifeng
Minister of Commerce: Zhong Shan
Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investments (Negative List) (2019 Edition)
I. The Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investments (Negative List) (hereinafter referred to as the “Negative List for Access of Foreign Investments”) set out in a centralized manner special administrative measures in respect of the access of foreign investments, such as limits on the proportion of foreign investment and the requirements on senior management. Sectors not specified in the Negative List for Access of Foreign Investments shall be subject to administration under the principle of treating domestic investments and foreign investments equally.
II. The Negative List for Access of Foreign Investments provides the transition period for some sectors to abolish or ease access limits; access limits on these sectors will be abolished or eased on schedule upon expiry of the transition period.
III. Foreign investors are forbidden to engage in investment activities as individual businesses, investors of sole proprietorship enterprises or members of farmers' professional cooperatives.
IV. Foreign investors shall not invest in any of the prohibited sectors specified in the Negative List for Access of Foreign Investments; they must obtain the permit for access of foreign investments if they intend to invest in other sectors that are not prohibited; if they intend to invest in sectors subject to limits on the proportion of foreign investment, they are not allowed to establish foreign-invested partnerships.
V. Where the merger and acquisition of affiliated domestic companies by domestic companies, enterprises or natural persons via the companies legally established or controlled overseas thereby involve matters relating to the establishment of foreign investment projects and enterprises as well as the alteration thereof, the existing provisions shall apply.
VI. In terms of measures concerning administrative examination and approval, qualification requirements, national security, etc. for such sectors as culture and finance, which are not specified in the Negative List for Access of Foreign Investments, the existing provisions shall apply.
VII. If other provisions in the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Mainland China and Hong Kong and its follow-up agreements, the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Mainland China and Macao and its follow-up agreements, the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement and its follow-up agreements, free trade zone agreements and investment treaties entered into by and between China and other relevant countries, and international treaties to which China is a party, offer more preferential opening-up measures to eligible investors, such provisions in relevant agreements or treaties shall prevail. Where more preferential opening-up measures are offered to eligible investors in special economic zones, such as pilot free trade zones, the relevant provisions shall prevail.
VIII. The Negative List for Access of Foreign Investments shall be interpreted by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce in concert with related departments.
Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investments (Negative List)
(2019 Edition)
—— The End ——
中新法讯 关注中国、新加坡及一带一路沿线国家的最新法律咨询和实践案例,致力于为跨国企业的合规经营、跨境家庭的财富管理,提供法律帮助。