

2017-11-16 iNature iNature



iNature:在植物学主流专刊中,主要有Plant Cell,Molecular Plant,Plant Journal,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,Plant Biotech J,Plant Cell &Environ,Nature Plants等8种期刊,另外,加一个综合性的杂志,选定标准主要是IF>9(PNAS以上级别)以上。现在经过前期的测试,iNature决定每天遴选8大植物学主刊各1篇再加上综合性的杂志(IF>9,PNAS以上级别)一篇文章,共9篇文章,推送给大家,使大家能及时的了解植物学领域的动态:

Nature Genetics Reviews:美国康奈尔大学Nelson等人发表培育复杂性状的抗病作物的综述;

Plant Cell:比利时根特大学Straeten等人揭示二氢叶酸还原酶/胸苷酸合酶调节叶酸的状态并控制植物中的氧化还原动态平衡

Nature Plants:华中农业大学邢永忠等人揭示FZP上游沉默子的复制增加了水稻的产量

Molecular Plant:西北农林科技大学赵天永等人揭示通过在玉米和拟南芥中操作棉子糖家族低聚糖(RFOs)调节种子活力

Plant Journal:美国密歇根州立大学Brandizzi等人揭示从植物中短暂的内质网应激恢复依赖于bZIP28和bZIP60的组织特异性和非常独立的作用以及BAX抑制剂1对由bZIP28介导的促适应性信号传导的拮抗作用;

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:德国路德维希马克西米利安大学Leister等人揭示DEAD-box RNA解旋酶RH50是一种23S-4.5S rRNA成熟因子,功能上与质体信号因子GUN1重叠

NEW PHYTOLOGIST:中国农业科学院赖锦盛等人揭示HKT1家族钠转运蛋白中的逆转座子引起玉米叶片Na +排斥和耐盐性的变化

Plant Biotech J:安徽农业科学院杨建波等人揭示分离5个非稻米胚乳组织表达的启动子并评估其在转基因水稻中的活性

Plant Cell &Environ:浙江农林大学肖力宏等人揭示小立碗藓的脱水耐受性:脱水率和内源ABA的参与

1Nature Genetics Reviews:美国康奈尔大学Nelson等人发表培育复杂性状的抗病作物的综述


Plant diseases are responsible for substantial crop losses each year and pose a threat to global food security and agricultural sustainability. Improving crop resistance to pathogens through breeding is an environmentally sound method for managing disease and minimizing these losses. However, it is challenging to breed varieties with resistance that is effective, stable and broad-spectrum. Recent advances in genetic and genomic technologies have contributed to a better understanding of the complexity of host–pathogen interactions and have identified some of the genes and mechanisms that underlie resistance. This new knowledge is benefiting crop improvement through better-informed breeding strategies that utilize diverse forms of resistance at different scales, from the genome of a single plant to the plant varieties deployed across a region.



2Plant Cell:比利时根特大学Straeten等人揭示二氢叶酸还原酶/胸苷酸合酶调节叶酸的状态并控制植物中的氧化还原动态平衡


Folates (B9 vitamins) are essential cofactors in one-carbon metabolism. Since C1 transfer reactions are involved in synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and other biomolecules, as well as in epigenetic control, folates are vital for all living organisms. This work presents the first complete study of a plant DHFR-TS (dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase) gene family that implements the penultimate step in folate biosynthesis. We demonstrate that one of the DHFR-TS isoforms (THY3) operates as an inhibitor of its two homologs, thus regulating DHFR and TS activities and, as a consequence, folate abundance. In addition, a novel function of folate metabolism in plants is proposed, i.e., maintenance of the redox balance by contributing to NADPH production through the reaction catalysed by methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (MTHFD), thus allowing plants to cope with oxidative stress.



3Nature Plants:华中农业大学邢永忠等人揭示FZP上游沉默子的复制增加了水稻的产量


Transcriptional silencer and copy number variants (CNVs) are associated with gene expression. However, their roles in generating phenotypes have not been well studied. Here we identified a rice quantitative trait locus, SGDP7 (Small Grain and Dense Panicle 7). SGDP7 is identical to FZP (FRIZZY PANICLE), which represses the formation of axillary meristems. The causal mutation of SGDP7 is an 18-bp fragment, named CNV-18bp, which was inserted ~5.3 kb upstream of FZP and resulted in a tandem duplication in the cultivar Chuan 7. The CNV-18bp duplication repressed FZP expression, prolonged the panicle branching period and increased grain yield by more than 15% through substantially increasing the number of spikelets per panicle (SPP) and slightly decreasing the 1,000-grain weight (TGW). The transcription repressor OsBZR1 binds the CGTG motifs in CNV-18bp and thereby represses FZP expression, indicating that CNV-18bp is the upstream silencer of FZP. These findings showed that the silencer CNVs coordinate a trade-off between SPP and TGW by fine-tuning FZP expression, and balancing the trade-off could enhance yield potential.



4Molecular Plant:西北农林科技大学赵天永等人揭示通过在玉米和拟南芥中操作棉子糖家族低聚糖(RFOs)调节种子活力


Raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) accumulate in seeds during maturation desiccation in many plant species. It is still unclear whether RFOs have a role in establishing seed vigor. GALACTINOL-, RAFFINOSE- and STACHYOSE-SYNTHASE (GOLS, RS and STS) are enzymes responsible for RFOs biosynthesis. Only raffinose is detected in maize seeds and a unique maize RS gene (ZmRS) was identified. Two independent mutator (Mu)-interrupted zmrs lines, containing no raffinose but hyper-accumulating galactinol, had significantly reduced seed vigor, compared to null segregant (NS) controls. Unlike maize, Arabidopsis seeds contain several RFOs (raffinose, stachyose and verbascose). Manipulation of Arabidopsis RFOs content by overexpressing ZmGOLS2ZmRS or AtSTS demonstrated that co-overexpression of ZmGOLS2 and ZmRS, or overexpression of ZmGOLS2 alone, significantly increased total RFOs and enhanced seed vigor. Surprisingly, while over-expression of ZmRS increased raffinose it dramatically decreased seed vigor, galactinol, stachyose and verbascose amounts, while the mutant (atrs5) was similar to WT in all respects except for stachyose, which it accumulated. Total RFOs, RFOs:sucrose ratio, but not absolute individual RFOs amounts, positively correlated with Arabidopsis seed vigor, with stachyose and verbascose contributing more than raffinose. These findings provide new and contrasting information about the requirement for RFOs for seed vigor of a monocot and a dicot.



5Plant Journal:美国密歇根州立大学Brandizzi等人揭示从植物中短暂的内质网应激恢复依赖于bZIP28和bZIP60的组织特异性和非常独立的作用以及BAX抑制剂1对由bZIP28介导的促适应性信号传导的拮抗作用


The unfolded protein response (UPR) is an ancient signaling pathway that commits to life-or-death outcomes in response to proteotoxic stress in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In plants, the membrane-tethered transcription factor bZIP28 and the ribonuclease-kinase IRE1 along with its splicing target, bZIP60, govern the two cytoprotective UPR signaling pathways known to date. The conserved ER membrane-associated BAX inhibitor1 (BI1) modulates ER stress-induced programmed cell death through yet-unknown mechanisms. Despite the significance of the UPR for cell homeostasis, in plants the regulatory circuitry underlying ER stress resolution is still largely unmapped. To gain insights into the coordination of plant UPR strategies, we analyzed the functional relationship of the UPR modulators through the analysis of single and higher order mutants of IRE1,   bZIP60,  bZIP28  and BI1 in experimental conditions causing either temporary or chronic ER stress. We established a functional duality of bZIP28 and bZIP60 as they exert partially independent tissue-specific roles in recovery from ER stress, but redundantly actuate survival strategies in chronic ER stress. We also discovered that BI1 attenuates the pro-survival function of bZIP28 in ER stress resolution and, differently to animal cells, it does not temper the ribonuclease activity of IRE1 under temporary ER stress. Together these findings reveal a functional independence of bZIP28 and bZIP60 in plant UPR, and identify an antagonizing role of BI1 onto the pro-adaptive signaling mediated by bZIP28, bringing to light a distinctive complexity of UPR management in plants.



6PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:德国路德维希马克西米利安大学Leister等人揭示DEAD-box RNA解旋酶RH50是一种23S-4.5S rRNA成熟因子,功能上与质体信号因子GUN1重叠


DEAD-box RNA helicases (DBRHs) modulate RNA secondary structure, allowing RNA molecules to adopt the conformations required for interaction with their target proteins. RH50 is a chloroplast-located DBRH that co-localizes and is co-expressed with GUN1, a central factor in chloroplast-to-nucleus signaling. When combined with mutations that impair plastid gene expression (prors1-1, prpl11-1, prps1-1, prps21-1, prps17-1 and prpl24-1), rh50 and gun1 mutations evoke similar patterns of epistatic effects. These observations, together with the synergistic growth phenotype of the double mutant rh50-1 gun1-102, suggest that RH50 and GUN1 are functionally related and that this function is associated with plastid gene expression, in particular ribosome functioning. However, rh50-1 itself is not a gun mutant, although - like gun1-102 - the rh50-1 mutation suppresses the down-regulation of nuclear genes for photosynthesis induced by the prors1-1 mutation. The RH50 protein co-migrates with ribosomal particles, and is required for efficient translation of plastid proteins. RH50 binds to transcripts of the 23S-4.5S intergenic region and, in its absence, levels of the corresponding rRNA processing intermediate are strongly increased, implying that RH50 is required for the maturation of the 23S and 4.5S rRNAs. This inference is supported by the finding that loss of RH50 renders chloroplast protein synthesis sensitive to erythromycin and exposure to cold. Based on these results, we conclude that RH50 is a plastid rRNA maturation factor.



7NEW PHYTOLOGIST:中国农业科学院赖锦盛等人揭示HKT1家族钠转运蛋白中的逆转座子引起玉米叶片Na +排斥和耐盐性的变化


Soil salinity is one of several major abiotic stresses that constrain maize productivity worldwide. An improved understanding of salt-tolerance mechanisms will thus enhance the breeding of salt-tolerant maize and boost productivity. Previous studies have indicated that the maintenance of leaf Na+ concentration is essential for maize salt tolerance, and the difference in leaf Na+ exclusion has previously been associated with variation in salt tolerance between maize varieties.Here, we report the identification and functional characterization of a maize salt-tolerance quantitative trait locus (QTL), Zea mays Na+ Content1 (ZmNC1), which encodes an HKT-type transporter (designated as ZmHKT1).We show that a natural ZmHKT1 loss-of-function allele containing a retrotransposon insertion confers increased accumulation of Na+ in leaves, and salt hypersensitivity. We next show that ZmHKT1 encodes a plasma membrane-localized Na+-selective transporter, and is preferentially expressed in root stele (including the parenchyma cells surrounding the xylem vessels). We also show that loss of ZmHKT1 function increases xylem sap Na+ concentration and causes increased root-to-shoot Na+ delivery, indicating that ZmHKT1 promotes leaf Na+ exclusion and salt tolerance by withdrawing Na+ from the xylem sap.We conclude that ZmHKT1 is a major salt-tolerance QTL and identifies an important new gene target in breeding for improved maize salt tolerance.



8Plant Biotech J:安徽农业科学院杨建波等人揭示分离5个非稻米胚乳组织表达的启动子并评估其在转基因水稻中的活性


Using promoters expressed in non-endosperm tissues to activate target genes in specific plant tissues or organs with very limited expression in the endosperm is an attractive approach in crop transgenic engineering. In this paper, five putative non-endosperm tissue expressed promoters were cloned from the rice genome and designated POsNETE1, POsNETE2, POsNETE3, POsNETE4 and POsNETE5. By qualitatively and quantitatively examining GUSplus reporter gene expression in transgenic rice plants, POsNETE1-POsNETE5 were all found to be active in the roots, leaves, stems, sheaths and panicles but not in the endosperm of plants at different developmental stages. In addition, POsNETE2, POsNETE4 and POsNETE5 were also inactive in rice embryos. Among these promoters, POsNETE4 and POsNETE5 exhibited higher activities in all of the tested tissues, and their activities in stems, leaves, roots and sheaths were higher than or comparable to those of the rice Actin1 promoter. We also progressively monitored the activities of POsNETE1-POsNETE5 in two generations of single-copy lines and found that these promoters were stably expressed between generations. Transgenic rice was produced using POsNETE4 and POsNETE5 to drive a modified Bt gene, mCry1Ab. Bt protein expressed in the tested plants ranged from 1769.4 to 4428.8 ng/g fresh leaves, whereas Bt protein was barely detected in the endosperm. Overall, our study identified five novel non-endosperm tissue-expressed promoters that might be suitable for rice genetic engineering and might reduce potential social concern regarding the safety of GMO crops.



9Plant Cell &Environ:浙江农林大学肖力宏等人揭示小立碗藓的脱水耐受性:脱水率和内源ABA的参与


The moss Physcomitrella patens, a model system for basal land plants, tolerates several abiotic stresses, including dehydration. We previously reported that Physcomitrella patens survives equilibrium dehydration to -13 MPa in a closed system at 91% RH. Tolerance of desiccation to water potentials below -100 MPa was only achieved by pre-treatment with exogenous ABA. We report here that gametophores, but not protonemata, can survive desiccation below -100 MPa after a gradual drying regime in an open system, without exogenous ABA. In contrast, faster equilibrium drying at 90% RH for 3-5 d did not induce desiccation tolerance in either tissue. Endogenous ABA accumulated in protonemata and gametophores under both drying regimes, so did not correlate directly with desiccation tolerance. Gametophores of a Ppabi3a/b/c TKO transgenic line also survived the gradual dehydration regime, despite impaired ABA signaling. Our results suggest that the initial drying rate, and not the amount of endogenous ABA, may be critical in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance. Results from this work will provide insight into ongoing studies to uncover the role of ABA in the dehydration response and the underlying mechanisms of desiccation tolerance in this bryophyte.






漫画 | 真事儿,39篇诺奖论文曾被拒稿,看到原因我笑了



Nature Biotechnology|CRISPR基因编辑技术新突破






Nature Communications|上海交大附属仁济医院冯海忠研究组揭示胶质母



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