

2017-11-15 iNature iNature



iNature:在植物学主流专刊中,主要有Plant Cell,Molecular Plant,Plant Journal,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,Plant Biotech J,Plant Cell &Environ,Nature Plants等8种期刊,另外,加一个综合性的杂志,选定标准主要是IF>9(PNAS以上级别)以上。现在经过前期的测试,iNature决定每天遴选8大植物学主刊各1篇再加上综合性的杂志(IF>9,PNAS以上级别)一篇文章,共9篇文章,推送给大家,使大家能及时的了解植物学领域的动态:

Nature Communications:中国农大孙传清等人发现NOG1可以增加水稻产量;

Plant Cell:日本东京大学Oda等人揭示CORD1对于细胞壁的合成过程是必需的

Nature Plants:瓦赫宁根大学Weijers等人揭示早期拟南芥胚胎的表达谱

Molecular Plant:瑞典农业科学大学Sun等人揭示双启动子基因协调淀粉和果聚糖的蔗糖合成

Plant Journal:复旦大学马红等人揭示赖氨酸乙酰化的蛋白质组学分析为涉及植物减数分裂和绒毡层功能的乙酰化蛋白质提供了强有力的证据

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:中国农业大学周本忠等人揭示MADS盒转录因子的RIN-MC融合蛋白具有转录活性

NEW PHYTOLOGIST:中国农业科学院韩天富等人揭示FT同系物大豆的功能多样性:GmFT1a和GmFT2a / 5a在开花和成熟阶段中的作用是相反的;

Plant Biotech J:美国明尼苏达大学Stupar等人使用CRISPR / Cas9和TALENs技术为大豆和Medic藜苜蓿(Medicago truncatula)的小RNA加工的基因产生可遗传的突变

Plant Cell &Environ:南京农业大学谢彦杰等人揭示在水稻叶片中,氧化应激促进琥珀酰基和乙酰基蛋白质组之间的相互作用。

1Nature Communications:中国农大孙传清等人发现NOG1可以增加水稻产量


During rice domestication and improvement, increasing grain yield to meet human needs was the primary objective. Rice grain yield is a quantitative trait determined by multiple genes, but the molecular basis for increased grain yield is still unclear. Here, we show that NUMBER OF GRAINS 1 (NOG1), which encodes an enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase, increases the grain yield of rice by enhancing grain number per panicle without a negative effect on the number of panicles per plant or grain weight. NOG1 can significantly increase the grain yield of commercial high-yield varieties: introduction of NOG1 increases the grain yield by 25.8% in the NOG1-deficient rice cultivar Zhonghua 17, and overexpression of NOG1 can further increase the grain yield by 19.5% in the NOG1-containing variety Teqing. Interestingly, NOG1 plays a prominent role in increasing grain number, but does not change heading date or seed-setting rate. Our findings suggest that NOG1 could be used to increase rice production.



2Plant Cell:日本东京大学Oda等人揭示CORD1对于细胞壁的合成过程是必需的


Proper patterning of the cell wall is essential for plant cell development. Cortical microtubule arrays direct the deposition patterns of cell walls at the plasma membrane. However, the precise mechanism underlying cortical microtubule organization is not well understood. Here, we show that a microtubule-associated protein, CORD1 (CORTICAL MICROTUBULE DISORDERING 1), is required for the pitted secondary cell wall pattern of metaxylem vessels in Arabidopsis thaliana. Loss of CORD1 and its paralog, CORD2, led to the formation of irregular secondary cell walls with small pits in metaxylem vessels, while overexpressing CORD1 led to the formation of abnormally enlarged secondary cell wall pits. Ectopic expression of CORD1 disturbed the parallel cortical microtubule array by promoting the detachment of microtubules from the plasma membrane. A reconstructive approach revealed that CORD1-induced disorganization of cortical microtubules impairs the boundaries of plasma membrane domains of active ROP11 GTPase, which govern pit formation. Our data suggest that CORD1 promotes cortical microtubule disorganization to regulate secondary cell wall pit formation. The Arabidopsis genome has six CORD1 paralogs that are expressed in various tissues during plant development, suggesting they are important for regulating cortical microtubules during plant development.



3Nature Plants:瓦赫宁根大学Weijers等人揭示早期拟南芥胚胎的表达谱


During early plant embryogenesis, precursors for all major tissues and stem cells are formed. While several components of the regulatory framework are known, how cell fates are instructed by genome-wide transcriptional activity remains unanswered—in part because of difficulties in capturing transcriptome changes at cellular resolution. Here, we have adapted a two-component transgenic labelling system to purify cell-type-specific nuclear RNA and generate a transcriptome atlas of early Arabidopsis embryo development, with a focus on root stem cell niche formation. We validated the dataset through gene expression analysis, and show that gene activity shifts in a spatio-temporal manner, probably signifying transcriptional reprogramming, to induce developmental processes reflecting cell states and state transitions. This atlas provides the most comprehensive tissue- and cell-specific description of genome-wide gene activity in the early plant embryo, and serves as a valuable resource for understanding the genetic control of early plant development.



4Molecular Plant:瑞典农业科学大学Sun等人揭示双启动子基因协调淀粉和果聚糖的蔗糖合成


Sequential carbohydrate synthesis is important for plant survival because it guarantees energy supplies for growth and development during plant ontogeny and reproduction. Starch and fructan are two important carbohydrates in many flowering plants and in human diets. Understanding this coordinated starch and fructan synthesis and unravelling how plants allocate photosynthates and prioritize different carbohydrate synthesis for survival could lead to improvements to cereals in agriculture for the purposes of greater food security and production quality. We report a system from a single gene in barley, employing two alternative promoters, one intronic/exonic, to generate two sequence-overlapping but functionally opposing transcription factors, in sensing sucrose, potentially  via  sucrose/glucose/fructose/trehalose 6-phosphate signaling. The system employs an autoregulatory mechanism in perceiving a sucrose-controlled trans activity on one promoter and orchestrating, the coordinated starch and fructan synthesis by competitive transcription factor binding on the other promoter. As a case in point for the physiological roles of the system, we have demonstrated that this multitasking system can be exploited in breeding barley with tailored amounts of fructan to produce healthy food ingredients. The identification of an intron/exon-spanning promoter in a hosting gene, resulting in proteins with distinct functions, adds to the complexity of the plant genome.



5Plant Journal:复旦大学马红等人揭示赖氨酸乙酰化的蛋白质组学分析为涉及植物减数分裂和绒毡层功能的乙酰化蛋白质提供了强有力的证据


Protein lysine acetylation (KAC) is a dynamic and reversible post-translational modification, playing important biological roles in many organisms. Although KAC was shown to affect reproductive development and meiosis in yeast and animals, similar studies are largely lacking in flowering plants, especially in a proteome-scale investigation for a certain reproductive stage. Here, we reported results from a proteomic investigation to detect KAC status of the developing rice anthers near the time of meiosis (RAM), providing strong biochemical evidence for roles of many KAC-affected proteins during rice anther development and meiosis. We identified a total of 1,354 KAC sites in 676 proteins. Among these, 421 acetylated proteins with 629 KAC sites are novel, greatly enriching KAC information on flowering plants. GO enrichment analysis showed chromatin silencing, protein folding, fatty acid biosynthetic process, and response to stress were over-represented. In addition, certain potentially specific KAC motifs in RAM were detected. Importantly, 357 rice meiocyte proteins were acetylated; and four proteins genetically identified to be important for rice tapetum and pollen development were acetylated on 14 KAC sites in total. Furthermore, 47 putative secretory proteins were detected to exhibit acetylated status in RAM. Moreover, by comparing our lysine acetylome to the RAM phosphoproteome we obtained previously, we proposed correlation between KAC and phosphorylation as a potential modulatory mechanism in rice RAM. Taken together, this study provided the first global survey of KAC in plant reproductive development, making a promising starting point for further functional analysis of KAC during rice anther development and meiosis.



6PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:中国农业大学周本忠等人揭示MADS盒转录因子的RIN-MC融合蛋白具有转录活性


Fruit development and ripening is regulated by genetic and environmental factors and is of critical importance for seed dispersal, reproduction and fruit quality. Tomato rin mutant fruit have a classic ripening-inhibited phenotype, which is attributed to a genomic DNA deletion resulting in the fusion of two truncated transcription factors, RIN and MC. In wild-type fruit, RIN, a MADS-box transcription factor, is a key regulator of the ripening gene expression network with hundreds of gene targets controlling changes in color, flavor, texture and taste during tomato fruit ripening; MC, on the other hand, has low expression in fruit, and the potential functions of the RIN-MC fusion gene in ripening remain unclear. Here, over-expression of RIN-MC in transgenic wild-type AC tomato fruits impaired several ripening processes, and down-regulating RIN-MC expression in the rin mutant was found to stimulate the normal yellow mutant fruit to produce a weak red color, suggesting a distinct negative role for RIN-MC in tomato fruit ripening. By comparative transcriptome analysis of rin and rin 35S::RIN-MC RNAi fruits, a total of 1168 and 1234 genes were identified as potential targets of RIN-MC activation and inhibition. Further, the RIN-MC fusion gene was shown to be translated into a chimeric transcription factor that was localized to the nucleus and was capable of prot 44 34438 44 15290 0 0 3261 0 0:00:10 0:00:04 0:00:06 3261ein interactions with other MADS-box factors. These results indicated that RIN-MC is functional and controls expression of many ripening genes, thereby contributing to the rin mutant phenotype.



7NEW PHYTOLOGIST:中国农业科学院韩天富等人揭示FT同系物大豆的功能多样性:GmFT1a和GmFT2a / 5a在开花和成熟阶段中的作用是相反的


Soybean flowering and maturation are strictly regulated by photoperiod. Photoperiod-sensitive soybean varieties can undergo flowering reversion when switched from short-day (SD) to long-day (LD) conditions, suggesting the presence of a ‘floral-inhibitor’ under LD conditions.We combined gene expression profiling with a study of transgenic plants and confirmed that GmFT1a, soybean Flowering Locus T (FT) homolog, is a floral inhibitor.GmFT1a is expressed specifically in leaves, similar to the flowering-promoting FT homologs GmFT2a/5a. However, in Zigongdongdou (ZGDD), a model variety for studying flowering reversion, GmFT1a expression was induced by LD but inhibited by SD conditions. This was unexpected, as it is the complete opposite of the expression of flowering promoters GmFT2a/5a. Moreover, the key soybean maturity gene E1 may up-regulate GmFT1a expression. It is also notable that GmFT1aexpression was conspicuously high in late-flowering varieties. Transgenic overexpression of GmFT1adelayed flowering and maturation in soybean, confirming that GmFT1a functions as a flowering inhibitor.This discovery highlights the complex impacts of the functional diversification of the FT gene family in soybean, and implies that antagonism between flowering-inhibiting and flowering-promoting FThomologs in this highly photoperiod-sensitive plant may specify vegetative vs reproductive development.



8Plant Biotech J:美国明尼苏达大学Stupar等人使用CRISPR / Cas9技术和TALENs为大豆和Medic藜苜蓿(Medicago truncatula)的小RNA加工的基因产生可遗传的突变


Processing of double-stranded RNA precursors into small RNAs is an essential regulator of gene expression in plant development and stress response. Small RNA processing requires the combined activity of a functionally diverse group of molecular components. However, in most plant species, there are insufficient mutant resources to functionally characterize each encoding gene. Here, mutations in loci encoding protein machinery involved in small RNA processing in soybean and Medicago truncatula were generated using the CRISPR/Cas9 and TAL-effector nuclease (TALEN) mutagenesis platforms. An efficient CRISPR/Cas9 reagent was used to create a bi-allelic double-mutant for the two soybean paralogous Double-stranded RNA-binding2(GmDrb2a and GmDrb2b) genes. These mutations, along with a CRISPR/Cas9-generated mutation of the M. truncatula Hua enhancer1 (MtHen1) gene, were determined to be germ-line transmissible. Furthermore, TALENs were used to generate a mutation within the soybean Dicer-like2 gene. CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis of the soybean Dicer-like3 gene and the GmHen1a gene were observed in the T0 generation, but these mutations failed to transmit to the T1 generation. The irregular transmission of induced mutations and the corresponding transgenes was investigated by whole genome sequencing to reveal a spectrum of non-germline targeted mutations and multiple transgene insertion events. Finally, a suite of combinatorial mutant plants were generated by combining the previously reported Gmdcl1a, Gmdcl1b and Gmdcl4b mutants with the Gmdrb2ab double mutant. Altogether, this study demonstrates the synergistic use of different genome engineering platforms to generate a collection of useful mutant plant lines for future study of small RNA processing in legume crops.



9Plant Cell &Environ:南京农业大学谢彦杰等人揭示在水稻叶片中,氧化应激促进琥珀酰基和乙酰基蛋白质组之间的相互作用


Protein lysine acylations, such as succinylation and acetylation are important posttranslational modification (PTM) mechanisms, with key roles in cellular regulation. Antibody-based affinity enrichment, high-resolution LC-MS/MS analysis and integrated bioinformatics analysis were used to characterize the lysine succinylome (Ksuc) and acetylome (Kace) of rice leaves. In total, 2593 succinylated and 1024 acetylated proteins were identified, of which 723 were simultaneously acetylated and succinylated. Proteins involved in photosynthetic carbon metabolism such as the large and small subunits of RuBisCO, ribosomal functions and other key processes were subject to both PTMs. Preliminary insights into oxidant-induced changes to the rice acetylome and succinylome were gained from treatments with hydrogen peroxide. Exposure to oxidative stress did not regulate global changes in the rice acetylome or succinylome but rather led to modifications on a specific subset of the identified sites. De-succinylation of recombinant catalase (CATA) and glutathione S-transferase (OsGSTU6) altered the activities of these enzymes showing that this PTM may have a regulatory function. These findings not only greatly extend the list of acetylated and/or succinylated proteins but they also demonstrate the close cooperation between these PTMs in leaf proteins with key metabolic functions.










Nature Communications|上海交大附属仁济医院冯海忠研究组揭示胶质母细胞瘤新机制

Molecular cell|傅向东开发R-ChIP方法,解决R-loops形成机制







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