
BRI Asian Countries 4-1 | Pakistan 一带一路亚洲国家系列4 巴基斯坦

Ali and Loise 宝安外语协会 2020-09-20

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Pakistan is a country in Asia, it borders India to the east, Iran to the west, Afghanistan to the northwest, China to the northeast and Arabian Sea to the south. The National language of Pakistan is Urdu and the Official language of Pakistan is English. Pakistan was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relationship with China.



National Flag 国旗

The national flag of Pakistan has a thin white band on the left and a wider dark green band on the right with a white crescent moon and a five-pointed star in the middle of the dark green band. The white band represents peace and the minority religions, while the dark green one represents prosperity and the religion of Islam. The crescent moon represents progress and the star represents light.



National Anthem 国歌

The national anthem of Pakistan is "Qaumi Taranah. "



Currency 货币

▲ 1000 Pakistan Rupee note 一千巴基斯坦卢比钞票

The currency used in Pakistan is Pakistan rupee.



Islamabad 伊斯兰堡

Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan. The name Islamabad ("City of Islam," or "City of Peace") was chosen to reflect the country’s ideology. Islamabad consists of mainly Federal Government offices, Parliament House, the official residences of the President and Prime Minister along with the Diplomatic Enclave, an area next to the Parliament House dedicated to foreign embassies.



▲ It is one of the cleanest cities in Pakistan.



Islamabad has some of the great roads and infrastructures in the country.



Faisal Mosque is a mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan. It is located on the foothills of Margalla Hills in the city, the mosque features a contemporary design consisting of eight sides of the concrete shell and is inspired by a Bedouin tent. The mosque is a major tourist attraction and is referred to as a contemporary and influential feature of Islamic architecture.



Karachi 卡拉奇

Karachi is also dubbed as the "Paris of Asia", "the city that never sleeps" and "the city of lights", it is the most populous city in Pakistan and one of the most populous city in the world. 

卡拉奇又被称为“亚洲的巴黎”,“不夜城”和“灯光之城”, 是巴基斯坦人口最多的城市,也是世界人口最多的城市之一。


Mazar-e-Quaid is the final resting place of Quaid-e-Azam ("Great Leader") Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. It is the iconic symbol of Karachi and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Karachi.

Mazar-e-Quaid是 Quaid-e-Azam(“伟大领袖”)穆罕默德·阿里·金纳(巴基斯坦建国领导)的安息地,是卡拉奇的标志性建筑,也是卡拉奇最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。


Seven Wonders City is a theme-based housing scheme that features replicas of famous places around the world such as Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, the Statue of Liberty, the Pyramid of Giza, the Great Wall of China, the Roman Colosseum, Stonehenge, etc.



Peshawar 白沙瓦

Peshawar is one of the oldest living cities in south Asia. It dates back to perhaps 539 BCE. 



▲ Bala Hissar Fort



Peshawar’s historic buildings include Bala Hissar, Gor Khatri, the pure white mosque of Mahabat Khan (1630), Victoria memorial hall; and Government House. There are many parks, Coffeehouses, while gardens and suburbs are outside the old city wall.

白沙瓦的历史建筑包括巴拉希萨尔(Bala Hissar)、戈尔哈特里(Gor Khatri)、马哈巴特汗(Mahabat Khan,1630年)的纯白色清真寺、维多利亚纪念堂和政府大楼。有许多公园,咖啡馆,但花园和郊区都在老城墙外。


Lahore  拉合尔

This is the second most populous city in Pakistan. The Lahore Literary Festival is considered to be one of South Asia's premier cultural events. The major leading universities are in this city, it is also home to Pakistan's film industry, Lollywood, and is a major center of Qawwali music. Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens here are both UNESCO World Heritage Sites.




Minar-e-Pakistan is a national monument located in Lahore, Pakistan. The tower was built between 1960 and 1968 on the site where the All-India Muslim League passed the Lahore Resolution on 23 March 1940 - the first official call for a separate and independent homeland for the Muslims of British India, as espoused by the two-nation theory. The resolution eventually helped lead to the emergence of an independent Pakistani state in 1947.

Minar-e-Pakistan是位于巴基斯坦拉合尔的国家纪念碑。 该塔建于1960年至1968年之间,在这里是全印度穆斯林联盟于1940年3月23日通过了《拉合尔决议》,然而两国元首所首次正式呼吁为英属印度穆斯林建立一个独立的国家。  该决议最终导致了1947年巴基斯坦获得独立。


Quetta 奎达

This city is also called the "Fruit Garden of Pakistan" because of its many fruit orchards and a large variety of fruits produced in this city. It is a high-altitude city, at 1680 meters above sea level.

这个城市也被称为“巴基斯坦水果花园”,这是由于这里有许多果园生产各种水果。 这是一座坐落在海拔高度1680米的城市。

一End of Part 1, Part 2 coming soon!一


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