
在ESCP法国欧洲高等商学院暑期交换是什么体验?(下)Unique Exchange Experience at ESCP

浙大ZIBS 浙大ZIBS 2023-03-30

During this summer holiday, Hiba Tebay and Samuel Ivaska, international students of iMF Program, were the first batch of exchange students to spend a month in Paris at ESCP Europe. The two students reflect on their enriching and exciting exchange experience at ESCP. Let's hear what did Samuel say about this unique experience!

暑假期间,ZIBS 2021级金融硕士国际生Hiba Tebay和Samuel Ivaska作为首批交换生赴巴黎ESCP Europe进行了为期一个月的交换学习。本期请Samuel Ivaska跟我们分享他在巴黎的交换生活吧!点击查看上期Hiba Tebay的交换体验!

▲Hiba Tebay(左)与Samuel Ivaska(右)

I have greatly enjoyed my time in Paris and it is definitely a good place that I want to visit again in the near future. I am greatly thankful for the hospitality of ESCP and their unique and interesting courses, as the contents of these courses I will implement not only in my master thesis but also in my professional life. I highly recommend every ZIBS student experience this exchange program.


Learning Experience

Studying at ESCP was a very exciting experience for me. Combined with the ESCP’s international engagement, I wouldn’t have to fear of inability to speak French, as there were many other foreign and domestic students who spoke in English and all lectures were taught in person in English as well. Thanks to this, I was able to fully immerse myself in the courses that I have attended, and take full advantage of all the materials I’ve been given to grow not only my academic knowledge but also personal knowledge.

The most notable and valuable courses for me were the negotiation boot camp and art thinking, as these courses involved both theoretical and practical teaching approaches in their syllabuses. Through the interactive case studies and additional materials that we were given, I was able to improve my negotiation skills and deepen my knowledge about various European cultures and what strategies/techniques should be implemented. In the art thinking class, I got to share my creative vision and create an art piece in a group with other students, which we then presented in the art exhibition on campus. This class has taught me a lot not only from the management perspective, as it has allowed me to practice how to manage a larger group of people and make them come together to accomplish one singular goal, but it has also introduced a completely new perspective on innovation. It has shown me how art and artists’ approach can be used in the business environment to achieve success when entering the industries.




Campus Life

The campus was conveniently located not too far from the main city center, yet completely hidden from the public eye, allowing me and other students to not get disturbed by the outside environment during the school’s celebration events in the campus’ gardens and the classes.



Life in Paris

Given Paris’ historical significance and a wide variety of cultural monuments, there was plenty for me to explore in my free time outside of campus life. Over my one month in Paris, I got to explore a large portion of Paris and its attractions, ranging from the most famous ones like the Louvre Museum to the Eiffel Tower. I also traveled to nearby cities like Versailles to explore and experience more traditional French culture.

My favorite memories during the whole trip includes my visit to one of the oldest coffee shops in Paris, called Angelina, where I got to enjoy morning hot chocolate with croissants in traditional French architecture, and the celebration of Bastille Day which occurred at the end of my study trip.




Advice for Future Exchange Students

I strongly recommend everyone that wants to visit Paris to learn at least a few sentences of French before your arrival, especially if you plan on visiting less tourist popular destinations. Additionally, when it comes to dining or attending any kind of popular attraction/place, I strongly recommend that you get tickets in advance, as it allows you to secure the tickets with a better price and skip the queue. One last note I would like to add, make sure to buy a weekly metro card instead of a monthly one, as unlike in other modern cities, in Paris a monthly metro card is only valid until the end of that month regardless of when you buy it.


Thank you to Samuel for sharing his unique memories of ESCP Europe and Paris. Want to learn more about the exchange life of ZIBSers? Stay tuned for future exchange programs of ZIBS.

感谢Samuel同学与我们分享他对于ESCP Europe和巴黎的独特记忆!想要了解更多异彩纷呈的交换生活?欢迎继续关注ZIBS未来的交换项目。

Following the successful cooperation between Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS) and ECSP Europe (ESCP) and as per the terms of the MOU, ZIBS and ESCP have confirmed to develop collaboration in Student Exchange programme. The purpose is to exchange graduate master students studying at ZIBS Master of Finance (iMF) with an equivalent number of graduate students studying at ESCP Europe Master in Management (MIM). 

2022年3月23日浙江大学国际联合商学院(ZIBS)与ESCP Europe法国欧洲高等商学院线上签署双学位及交换生协议。两院开展管理和金融硕士双学位联合培养项目和交换生项目,共同培养当代发展急需的金融管理国际化人才。



电话:0571 8757 2609


编辑|陈槭丽莎 李诗馨

责编|沈莉 洪真真


• 在ESCP法国欧洲高等商学院暑期交换是什么体验?(上)Unique Exchange Experience at ESCP

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