
第二届青少年环境峰会 | 快来瞅瞅在印度领事馆发生了什么?

Upbeing 2020-10-02

Upbeing was delighted to hold a workshop at YES 2017 at the Indian Consulate Hall.We were happy to see the future changmakers gather and coming up with so many creative solutions.


Upbeing held a Trash Trans4mer workshop and this time we added a different angle to it, we invited some of our student to present their research and artwork regarding the new material, especially eco-friendly new material and upcycling.

在今天六月的doo+大会上,Upbeing曾成功举办过废弃物升级工作坊(Trash Trans4mer) , 这次我们给到工作坊加入了更多的新鲜元素,并从另一个角度切入:我们邀请了一些学生,契合大会主旨,给他们分配了不同的任务,比如对环保新材料做了研究,为凳子画出其一生的故事,在峰会上同大家分享。

Life of chair by Ethan

After the presentation it was time to "get our hands dirty" . The participants of YES (children and their parents) got into groups and started to brainstorm how they can create a furniture or household item from the provided material.(The material we prepared was plastic bottles, aluminum cans, old magazines, old used clothes and plastic cups.)

光说不练可不是我们套路, 动手才是真本事。 于是我们邀请了所有参与青少年环境峰会的大朋友和小朋友们,分组进行头脑风暴,通过提供的废弃物(塑料瓶, 易拉罐, 旧杂志,废弃布料等)制作了各种环保家具用品。

The task wasn't easy because the participants had to only use the things around them. This required out of box thinking, creativity and lots of courage to try out things. It was wonderful to see how the students and parents started to collaborate in order to solve the problem.

只是看着塑料瓶, 易拉罐, 旧杂志,废弃布料这些有限的废弃物是难以开启脑洞的,我们需要跳出思维局限, 通过创造力,在试错中探索出解决方案。

After a quick braisntorm they got down to work and started to make different prototypes. During the process they found out the importance of itireation and teamwork. Everybody had its own duty在快速的头脑风暴后, 每个小组便开始尝试搭建自己的原型。

After 30 min it was time for our Young Trash Trans4mers to present their beautiful creations.

They came to the stage one by one or in small groups and introduced their "artwork"

30分钟后,每个小组创造了他们的“艺术品” ,并给在场所有的参与者介绍了他们的理念。 

lamp from plastic bottles 塑料瓶做的灯

stool made out of cans 用易拉罐做成的凳子

Hour-glass made from plastic bottle 时间计时沙漏

Canned stool 凳子

思考 Take away:

1. We can use the things around us to create something new


2. Can give second, third or even forth life to trash


3. Increased problem-solving skills


4. It was meaningful to do an activity with the parents together


During the YES event other meaningful workshops and quiz were hold from M&Y Group and Fundamentor, local KOL Mr. Nitin Dani, founder of Green Initiatives presented his view on the environemntal issues and their solution.

After lunch a panel discussion was conducted. Participants were: Romir Williams, Sarthak Bodhale Aneesh Waikar and Xiyona Gosain, YES 2016 Alumni; Dr. Srini Yanamandra, sustainable and responsible parent, Mr. Clement St. Ellie Waste Management expert, co-founder of Feibao.

本次环境峰会上除了Upbeing带来了废弃物升级回收Workshop之外,还有M&Y Group带来的Life skills to be the Change工作坊 ,Fundamentor 的绿色奖学金小测试,以及参赛者就环境议题的演讲。

At the end it was time to harvest the fruit of hard work. The jury which consisted of environmental experts like Ms. Alize from Zero Waste Shanghai, Ms. Sherry Poon ,Founder of Eco Design Fair in Shanghai and Mr. Nitin Dani -Founder of Green Initiatives - had a very difficult job to decide on winners.

最后由来自Zero Waste Shanghai的Ms.Alizee,Eco Design Fair 的Ms. Sherry Poon以及  Green Initiatives 创始人Mr.Nitin Dani 共同组成的评审团一起商议决定了本次演讲的最终获奖者。

Mr. Nitin Dani from Green Initiatives

Ms. Alizee from Zer Waste Shanghai

让我们一起来祝贺本次环境峰会的获奖者吧: We would like to congratulate the winners:

▲一等奖  First Prize

Ms. Sadhana Saravanan /Ms Subathra Saravanan

▲二等奖Second Prize

Ms. Arunima Nair/ Mr. Murals Nair

▲三等奖 Third Prize

Ms. Anouska Panda/ Ms. Aparajita Panda

Thank you so much for Parenting Group to organize such a meaningful and fun event!!! Looking forward more to come!

最后感谢Parenting Goup的邀请, 在第二届青少年峰会上给大家带去TrashTransformer,让更多人通过实践感受到环保的重要性。

About YES | 关于YES

Youth Environmental Summit (YES) is full day summit, which aims to sensitize young children on environmental issues and empower them to be responsible future leaders. They will bring their individual perspectives on environmental challenges and solutions through short, informative presentations developed under the guidance of their parents.Keynote presentations by influential thought leaders and passive participation of smaller age groups through creative activities, video screenings, quizzes and workshops is the other highlight of the summit. The entire activity is designed to be interactive, engaging, educational and impactful.



国际竞争力 / 创变者 / 斜杠青年

International Competence / Global Changemaker / Slash 

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

