

王陆峰 志阳创谈 2023-05-24

【SMJ】CEO equity risk bearing and strategic risk taking: The moderating effect of CEO personality



Mirko H. Benischke1 | Geoffrey P. Martin2 | Lotte Glaser3

1Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2Department of Business Administration, University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School, Carlton, Victoria, Australia

3Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam, The Netherlands



We draw upon applied psychology literature to explore interagent differences in perceived risk to their equity when making strategic risk decisions. Our theory suggests behavioral agency's predicted negative relationship between equity risk bearing and strategic risk taking is contingent upon four personality traits. Our empirical analyses, based on personality profiles of 158 Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of S&P 1,500 firms in manufacturing industries, indicate the relationship between executive risk bearing and strategic risk taking crosses from negative to positive for high extraversion, greater openness, and low conscientiousness. These findings demonstrate that agency based predictions of CEO risk taking in response to compensation—and board attempts at creating incentive alignment using compensation—are enhanced by integrating insights from personality trait literature. 

【AMJ】The Coevolution of Social Networks and Thoughts of Quitting



Christian Tröster1 | Andrew Parker 2 | Daan van Knippenberg3 | Ben Sahlmüller4

1 Kühne Logistics University

2 University of Exeter

3 Drexel University

4 University of Rotterdam & Kühne Logistics University




Research has shown that employees who occupy more central positions in their organization’s network have lower turnover. As a result, scholars commonly interpret turnover as the consequence of social networks. Based on conservation of resources theory, we propose an alternative coevolution perspective that recognizes the influence of changes in individuals’ social network position on their thoughts of quitting (the consideration of turnover), and which also posits that thoughts of quitting shape individuals’ agency in maintaining and changing their social network. Extending previous research, we predict that creation (dissolution) of both friendship ties and advice ties are negatively (positively) related to subsequent thoughts of quitting. We then develop and test the novel hypotheses that for friendship ties, thoughts of quitting are positively related to tie retention and negatively related to tie creation (leading to network stasis), whereas for advice ties thoughts of quitting are negatively related to tie retention and positively related to tie creation (leading to network churn). In a longitudinal network analysis that assessed 121 employees across three time points, we find support for our hypotheses that thoughts of quitting affect network changes, but do not find that network changes affect thoughts of quitting.

【AMJ】Human Capital Acquisition and Organizational Innovation: A Temporal Perspective



Taiyuan Wang1 | Christopher D. Zatzick2 |

1 China Europe International Business School

2 Simon Fraser University




Newcomers contribute to organizational innovation by bringing in new knowledge and ideas, on the one hand, and by collaborating and exchanging with incumbents, on the other. We propose that an organization’s ability to use these contributions is influenced by hiring rate, hiring rate change, and hiring rate dispersion, which affect both the flow of new ideas into the organization and the level of collaboration between newcomers and incumbents. Using four years of data from a large, multi-industry sample, we find that hiring rate and hiring rate dispersion increase organizational innovation. We also find that increases in hiring rates from year to year are positively related to innovation for organizations with more collaborative work practices, while the relationship between hiring rate dispersion and innovation is less positive when organizations have more collaborative work practices. This study highlights how temporal patterns of hiring influence human capital acquisition and development.

【ASQ】Bowing before Dual Gods: How Structured Flexibility Sustains Organizational Hybridity



Wendy K. Smith’1 | Marya L. Besharov’2

1 University of Delaware

2 Cornell University


组织正在努力克服混合性——即传统上不会放在一起的身份、形式、逻辑或者其他核心元素的联合。基于成功社会企业前十年的深度长期数据——Digital Divide Data,成立于柬埔寨——本文通过结构灵活性来推导一个随时间可持续混合的实证模型:稳定的组织特征和自适应制定过程的相互作用。我们识别了两组稳定特征——矛盾框架,涉及领导者对于混合相互矛盾相互依赖两面性的认知理解;防护,由正式结构、领导专家以及各方之间的利益相关者关系——共同便利双重元素的含义与实践的持续适应,使得两种元素随时间变化得以保持可持续。本文的结构灵活性模型重新定位了单纯研究可持续混合的稳定性或者适应方法的研究,从而走向了两者之间的交互研究,对于混合性、双重性和适应性的研究具有广泛启发意义。


Organizations increasingly grapple with hybridity—the combination of identities, forms, logics, or other core elements that would conventionally not go together. Drawing on in-depth longitudinal data from the first ten years of a successful social enterprise—Digital Divide Data, founded in Cambodia—we induce an empirically grounded model of sustaining hybridity over time through structured flexibility: the interaction of stable organizational features and adaptive enactment processes. We identify two stable features—paradoxical frames, involving leaders’ cognitive understandings of the two sides of a hybrid as both contradictory and interdependent, and guardrails, consisting of formal structures, leadership expertise, and stakeholder relationships associated with each side—that together facilitate ongoing adaptation in the meanings and practices of dual elements, sustaining both elements over time. Our structured flexibility model reorients research away from focusing on either stable or adaptive approaches to sustaining hybridity toward understanding their interaction, with implications for scholarship on hybridity, duality, and adaptation more broadly.






【研究速递】SEJ 2018年12月文献中英文摘要

【研究速递】ETP 2019年1月文献中英文摘要



- 图文编辑:王陆峰 -



