
Indonesian women VS Chinese women

不会游泳的沙漠骆驼 印尼的那些事儿 2022-11-21

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When it comes to Indonesian women, we always try to judge them separately from Chinese Indonesian women. Like a woman in a headscarf is an Indonesian woman. I think Chinese women, Malay women and all other women who have grown up here for generations can be called "Indonesian women".


My first impression of Indonesian women is that they are gentle, so gentle, they are all gentle. They speak softly and only move their lips when talking on the phone. Wecan hear nothing. In all these years I have never seen an Indonesian woman shouting or arguing in public. They just like to laugh loudly around.


Of course, there are many gentle Chinese women, but it is quite common for Chinese women to argue or quarrel with others. There are also many examples of a man known by his voice.


Chinese women are more ambitious


Chinese women's ambitions rank high in the world. Seventy percent of Chinese women work (number one in the world) and hold an extremely important place in their families.

According to a survey report, Chinese women are the most ambitious women in the world. 76 percent of Chinese women aspire to have higher positions and social status as well as money. Everyone knows China is a fast developing country, but did anyone know that Chinese women contribute 41% of GDP? It is not uncommon for many Chinese women to claw their way to the top. Young Chinese women are certainly not content with babysitting other families or serving plates in restaurants. A Chinese woman who is supposed to be a nanny or a waitress must be thinking of opening a homemaking company or her own restaurant someday.

When Chinese women look around, they are the most free, the most self-reliant, the best and the most ambitious.



What about Indonesian women? Don't they have ambition? 51% of Indonesian women also work, including in restaurants, stocks, hospitals and even Go-jek. What are their aspirations for the position and social status? I met a lot of Indonesian women in my office, and I met a lot of other Indonesian women from all walks of life outside my office. Indonesian women love their jobs, are very patient and considerate. As for ambition, it's hard to see, and there are few examples of it. They are easily satisfied and difficult to change once they settle down. There are a lot of Indonesian women who have been babysitters for 20, 30 years, and others who have been waitresses in a restaurant for more than 10 years, very satisfied and happy. There are also many Indonesian women who sit on the boards of directors or managers of their own companies. They keep the company and the family business going, but they rarely see them making big changes from the old ones or seeking new ones. Most people's status is fixed, what to change?



The " Red" in China has spawned a large number of web celebrities, most of them women, who take photos and build their own companies, sell this and sell that, and earn eye-popping salaries. Very few web celebrities are willing to take orders or work for someone else's company. There are also a lot of web celebrities in Indonesia. The web celebrity friend I introduced in an article has a very high popularity. I once advised her to go it alone, and her popularity can catch fire on any social media. Confused, she just kept saying, she would have to pay the photographer. I said I started to take photos by myself. I also showed her a lot of photos I took by myself. She was surprised. She shook her head. She did not want to bother, but felt that she could work honestly.



Indonesian women are more tolerant in their families

I didn't live in an Indonesian family and a lot of things were just hearsay. Nothing comes out of nowhere, does it? In many family stories, I think Indonesian women are more tolerant to their family members than Chinese women. Perhaps because of their personalities and the ambitions mentioned above, Chinese women have become more dismissive of their family members. I've seen a lot of rich Indonesian wives stay at home with their husbands and children and also run some family businesses and do all three at the same time. Believe me, being a wife is the hardest job for any family, no matter how rich they are .

But Indonesian women are very protective of their children, seldom beat and scold, but also very protective of their husband, in every situation they will ask for the husband's opinion. Some Chinese women often give their husband’s allowance according to the prescribed amount or the economic power held in the family. Sometimes, when their husbands make less money, they will complain in public or beat and scold their husbands in private. Such a situation is still rare in Indonesian families. You might say that because their husbands make most of the money Indonesian women can't have an opinion about them.

It's not true. I've seen a lot of Indonesian husbands in Indonesia who don't even go to work to earn money. They just go here and there all day, and when their wives get off work, they ride a motorcycle to pick them up. Even so, Indonesian women do not go home and swear at their husbands or take it out on their children. Still smiling every day to and from work, home open happy life. Their children can't learn as well as others, their husbands can't, and Indonesian women will show their full support instead of complaining all the time. Perhaps they are more tolerant of their family members and less likely to make strict demands on them.


Chinese women pay more attention to their appearance, Indonesian women are more confident, and women in both countries care about appearances.

Chinese women have very high requirements for their body shape. They believe that a bodyweight over 50KG is not a perfect figure. They put on a facial mask every day, discuss whitening and moisturizing, they pay attention to diet and appearance of the beautiful. Indonesian women love beauty, of course, but they don't pay much attention to what they wear and what brand of makeup they use. They dress up for big festivals and don't mind dressing for a photo shoot. They also like to be slim, but most people's definition of thinness is different from that of Chinese women. Indonesian women consider 60KG or 70KG acceptable, and 50KG people like me fall into the category of "extremely thin" in their eyes. Nor did weight affect Indonesian women's confidence.

I have seen many overweight or obese Indonesian women dancing to the music, speaking confidently, singing and expressing their bodies. They are very optimistic and lively. I think it's very flattering. Most Chinese women are pretty and fashionably dressed, but they rarely wave their bodies or praise their bodies. According to the survey, Chinese women are the least satisfied with their body shape. Unless they were crazy. Chinese women go through life demanding and never satisfied with their body shape.

Although Indonesian women are shy, they do not mind public speaking and are very expressive and confident. Most Chinese women are inferior to this. They are very talented but reluctant to show their talents to others. Both Chinese and Indonesian women like to buy and admire famous brands, and they like to discuss whose husband makes the most money. It's not uncommon for Chinese and Indonesian women to save a few months 'salary to buy a designer bag or a new iPhone.

Most Chinese women were not rich in the 1970s and 1980s, but now they like to spend money on property, education, jewelry, clothing and cosmetics. A small number of Chinese women like to show off their expensive personal belongings on the Internet. Although it sounds very funny and superficial, it does not affect their popularity on the Internet at all, and they will even be followed by others. The gap between the wealth of Indonesian women in the 1970s and 1980s is not so great. Apart from the repeated devaluation of the Rupiah, Indonesian women in the 1970s and 1980s may have been richer than their Chinese counterparts, but this has not stopped them from pursuing material possessions until now. Carrying designer bags, buying gold jewelry, spending a lot of money on hair and beauty salons are everywhere.



Chinese women are more willing to take the time to join the public role, Indonesian women are more willing to help their families


Indonesia has always been politically unstable, and Indonesians have never been easy to say yes to. Indonesian women also stand up and speak out in times of social unrest. The former governor of Jakarta Recently pointed out that many Indonesian women and communities have been involved in criticizing or praising him. I've also seen Indonesian women burning tires in the streets to protest their grievances. I have also seen Indonesian women working without pay in orphanages, volunteers and group activities. Who relatives died, where floods and fires, I have seen Indonesian women are not stingy donations. There are also many Indonesian women's groups active in Indonesia. Indonesian women prefer to spend their time in public service and group activities.

They also like to volunteer for charity and don't mind playing a more public role. Instead, Chinese women a bit cold for public characters, they wouldn't spend a lot of time on the protest or express their opinions, Chinese women are doing volunteer work, but they don't spend too much time in the public service, especially when they have families, they usually try to want to spend time in education for their children. They are not afraid to make any sacrifices at home and are willing to spend a lot of money on their children. But when it comes to social services, they don't rack their brains, they don't participate in group activities, and they don't think they have the time cost to volunteer.



When it comes to work, Indonesian women are more methodical and Chinese women are faster and more efficient. Both parties don't mind working overtime and spending time on it. Indonesian women are also good politicians. In terms of family, both sides love children and value family very much. Indonesian women will not force their children and family to change. In terms of friendship, Indonesian women also attach great importance to friendship, but it is more difficult to deepen friendship. Everybody sweeps the snow before their own door. Chinese women are less likely to turn down requests for help from new friends and are more willing to share their own resources. The marriage rate of Indonesian underage women is much higher than that of Chinese underage women.

Some Indonesian women also accept polygamy and don't mind sharing their husbands with others. Among China's rising divorce rates, 76 percent are initiated by Chinese wives. Divorce rates are also rising in Indonesia, where more than 50 percent of divorces are initiated by Indonesian wives. Thus, women on both sides do not tolerate marital discontent.

Chinese women work harder than Indonesian women, many of whom are only children and cannot afford a nanny to take care of their children. They also need to compete with men in the workplace, and they can't escape the contrast between their aunts and uncles. Chinese families also have standards for Chinese women from the very beginning, and the values of having a happy life are not the universal values bestowed on Chinese women by Chinese families. Indonesian women's families have expectations of them, but most of them respect their own wishes.

Perhaps this is because Indonesian women are also more optimistic and pay more attention to the little things and pleasures in life. Indonesian women are reluctant to take part in manual labor and are generally not too strict with themselves. It is rare to see Indonesian women driving taxis or buses, but they are often seen as security guards.

No matter how well I know Indonesian or Chinese women, one thing they all have in common is that they remain a mystery to this day. Only they really know themselves.






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