影像上海艺术博览会/ PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai
2023影像上海艺术博览会将于2023年4月20日-4月23日在上海展览中心举办,观看当代艺术中心将携敖国兴、细江英公、须田一政、李止、马大龙、荒木经惟、罗杰·拜伦(Roger Ballen)、肖萱安、颜劲松、周强等艺术家的作品参展。
Chinese have a conventional favor for landscape. Mountains and waters are not only home to Chinese, but also their spiritual recess. Therefore in China, there are both visible mountains and invisible mountains. Visible ones are natural, while invisible ones are cultural. The mountains are always there, silent and lofty. However in the recent decades they were gradually overlooked.
From 2014 to 2019 I have been following the predecessors’ steps to wander around the mountains and waters in the hope of identifying the lineage of Chinese culture with photography. Landscape in Three Chapters is the final product.
To complete Travel in Mountains I started from the North and headed for the South.
To complete Honggu I followed the step of Jing Hao, the master in the Five Dynasties, and started my own creation in Mount Honggu.
To complete Xishan, I started from Yaozhou, the hometown of Fan Kuan, a master in the Northern Song Dynasty, and travelled through Wangchuan, Central Plains and regions south of the Yangtze River. During my trip I visited all kinds of wonderful scenery and acquainted myself of many hermits. After one year of creation I decided that I should set my feet on places that had never been trodden by predecessors, so I went westward to Tibet and later Eastward to the coasts. While trying to learn from ancient masters, I also attempt to create some more experimental works with pure traditional photography.
溪山01 ©李止
50 * 80cm,Edition of 12
80 *127cm,Edition of 8
溪山02 ©李止
50 * 80cm,Edition of 12
80 *127cm,Edition of 8
李 止
自幼一直以中国传统的师承方式学习艺术,后游学于中国美术学院,清华美术学院 ,艺术研究院,国家画院胡伟工作室。在创作中,基于十年学艺所得和传统诗书的滋养,从艺术形式上对中国与西欧两大传统绘画溯流而上,辨其源流,从精神性上逐渐由儒学的熏染渐进于中国禅宗与道家思想的根性,由书房画室的研习转向踏遍青山,体会山川自然,草木清华间的气息流转,生生不息。由此个人在摄影方面的创作也随游踪所至渐渐变化,涤去旧貌,所摄所作,既是银盐颗粒在山水烟云间的跌宕咏叹,也是大自然承受工业文明重荷所发的悲怆长吟。九年故山行旅影像考察后,发表《问水》《山行》《洪谷》《溪山》《遁》五个风景与观念摄影作品,之后重提画笔,进入影像与架上绘画的综合表现。
观看当代艺术中心(VIEW CONTEMPORARY ART CENTER,简称VCAC)成立于2014年,是一家成长于中国西部的当代艺术机构,立足“兰州国际影像双年展”,积极参与国际对话,坚持“寻求艺术灵光”,拓展艺术的可能空间,从摄影开始,致力于影像、架上、装置与数字等多媒介当代艺术的交流、收藏、展览与出版,发现和推广最具潜力与创造力的艺术家,开展艺术家驻地计划、青年艺术家支持计划与公共艺术项目。
Founded in 2014, View Contemporary Art Center (VCAC for short) is a contemporary art institution in Western China. It based on the "Lanzhou International Image Biennale". VCAC actively participates in international dialogue and insists on "seeking artistic inspiration" to expand the possible space of art. Starting from photography, VCAC is committed to the communication, collection, exhibition and publication of multi-media contemporary art such as video, easels, installations and digital art. It finds and promotes the most promising and creative artists, and carries out artist residency programs, young artist support programs and public art projects.