

CIDGA CIDGA 2022-04-23

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       新冠疫情的全球爆发给全人类的健康带来威胁,其影响已经蔓延到社会、经济、政治及文化交流等各个方面,同时也不断刷新着人们对全球化及国际发展合作的认识。一国抗疫的成功并不能够给本国带来安全和经济繁荣。各国只有同心抗疫,加强合作,才能彻底战胜疫情,实现共同繁荣。在此背景下,讨论如何通过加强国际发展合作促进全球团结变得比以往任何时候都具有重要意义。       中国农业大学国际发展与全球农业学院将联合中国国际发展研究网络、英国国际发展研究院(IDS)、卡特中心(Carter Center)、联合国经社会东亚和东北亚办公室(ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office)、南方智库网络(NeST),以及联合国南南合作办公室(UNOSSC)等伙伴,举办一系列云端对话,邀请来自亚洲、欧洲、美洲、非洲等传统援助国、新兴国家和一带一路沿线国家的专家学者、决策者和发展实践者,针对疫情背景下如何更好的推进发展合作进行政策对话。


  • 疫情与抗疫如何重塑国际发展?

  • 后疫情时代的国际发展合作前景如何?需要做出哪些改变来更好适应全球局势的变化?

  • 疫情对多边机构的冲击如何?

  • 疫情对于非洲发展带来哪些影响?对于中非合作的启示是什么?

  • 疫情冲击对于新阶段一带一路建设的启示是什么?

  • 疫情对东亚区域合作带来怎样的机遇与挑战?

  • 多元主体如何参与抗疫国际发展合作,其有效性如何?

  • 疫情如何影响南南合作和三边合作?

CIDGA/CIDRN Global Development Cooperation Webinar Series

Strengthening Development Cooperation Against COVID-19: Opportunities and Challenges


The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic not only poses a threat to the health of all mankind, its impact on economic, political, social and cultural aspects also constantly reshape people’s perception and actions on international development cooperation. The success of a country ’s anti-pandemic cannot bring security and economic prosperity to itself unless all countries are clear from the contagious disease. At this critical moment, we need to realize that in a world where economies are fully integrated, only by fighting against the pandemic together can all countries completely overcome the epidemic and achieve common prosperity. In this context, discussing how to strengthen international development cooperation has become a relevant and urgent task for scholars, think-tanks, policymakers as well as development practitioners.


Objectives of the Webinar Series

The College of International Development and Global Agriculture(CIDGA) of China Agricultural University (CAU) and China International Development Research Network (CIDRN), will establish partnerships with international partners such as Institute for International Development (IDS), the Carter Center, and the ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office, the Southern Think Tank Network (NeST), and the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), etc. to provide a platform for scholars, policymakers and development practitioners from all over the world to discuss how to strengthen effective development cooperation amid and post-COVID-19.

The main topics of the Webinar Series

-  Will and how does COVID-19 pandemic reshape future international development?

-  What are the prospects for international development cooperation in the post-COVID-19 era? What changes need to be made to better adapt to new context?
-   How does COVID-19 impact multilateral organizations?
-   What impact does the pandemic have on Africa's development? What are the lessons for China-Africa development cooperation?
-   What are the implications of the pandemic for the new stage of the Belt and Road Initiative?
-   What opportunities and challenges does the pandemic bring to East Asian regional cooperation?
-   How do African countries fight the pandemic? What are the roles of government, private sector and civil society?
-   How do multiple stakeholders participate in the international development cooperation against COVID-19, and how effective is it?
-   How does COVID-19 impact South-South and Trilateral Cooperation?

编 辑:张 瑶






【CIDGA】 合集1:新冠肺炎对国际发展和全球农业带来的冲击和重塑




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