

CIDGA CIDGA 2023-03-16


North-East Asia Development Cooperation Forum 2021:

Development Cooperation of North-East Asian Countries in Strengthening post-COVID-19 Risk Resilience

26-27 August 2021 (Virtual meeting)

9:00 am (Moscow) / 2:00 pm (Beijing) / 3:00 pm (Seoul / Tokyo)

Organized by 

ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office, China International Development Research Network (CIDRN), Japan Society for International Development (JASID), Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation (KAIDEC), and Russian Association of International Development Assistance Experts (RAIDAE)

Concept noteOverall theme of the Forum 2021It is increasingly evident that the climate crisis is an actual and imminent threat. Thus, the announcements of the three countries in North-East Asia in 2020 to commit to carbon neutrality (China by 2060; Japan and ROK by 2050) were perceived as a major step by the international community. Russian Federation is also considering to scale up its effort to reduce the Green House Gas emission. How such momentum and commitment are reflected in their strategies to support developing countries through development cooperation will have a significant implication for sustainable economic recovery path and GHG emissions of the development cooperation partner countries. At the same time, countries around the world are still in the middle of responding to and recovering from the current health emergency. Thus, the Forum will highlight how development cooperation of North-East Asian countries contributes to strengthening the risk resilience of partner countries in post-COVID-19, embracing a broad spectrum of the risk resilience, including mitigation of GHG emission, strengthening the health system, etc. Description of the sessionsSession 1: (led by JASID)Title: Changing face of development cooperation in post-COVID19 eraCOVID19 pandemic revealed a panoply of “inconvenient truths” in advanced countries – abysmal inequality, a lack of social cohesion, government’s inability to employ scientific expertise, and a distrust between the government and the people, to list a few.  This may fundamentally change the face of development cooperation predominantly informed by the “mainstream” development thoughts that has long touted the advanced economies as the political and socio-economic model for the developing world.Session 2: (led by KAIDEC) Title: The SDGs in the post-COVID19 era for regional development cooperationThe session will share what Republic of Korea (ROK) government would do for achieving SDGs after COVID 19, especially in Northeast Asian context. The speaker will introduce ROK policy toward NEA -New Northern Policy- and discuss how to coordinate this policy for SDGs in this region after COVID 19.Session 3 (led by CIDRN/CIDGA)Title: East Asia Poverty Alleviation Experience and its Implications for other developing countriesThe session will share China’s poverty alleviation experiences and explain what China has learned from other Asian countries and explore the implications of these experiences for other developing counties in the post-COVID-19 era. Session 4 (led by RAEDAE)Title: Russia’s Role in Achieving the SDGs in the Post-Covid-19 Context 

The session aims to highlight the actions Russia has undertaken nationally and internationally to advance sustainable development in the post-COVID era. How do the Russian government’s anti-crisis measures contribute to attainment of the SDGs? How does Russia support developing countries and strengthen their resilience as they face the intertwined health, economic, and social effects of COVID-19? What efforts have been made to ensure affordable and equitable access to vaccines ?  What is the actual scope and composition of Russia’s contribution to sustainable development? What factors will likely determine its policies over the Decade of Action?  

Format of the ForumEach session is expected to have one presentation, followed by interactive discussion by the participants. The presentation may be followed by a limited number of discussants (panellists) to set the tone of discussion and stimulate interaction with the rest of the participants. Proposed participants 
  • Members of partner networks (CIDRN, JASID, KAEDEC, RAEDAE) 

  • Interested officials from the member countries, development cooperation agencies, and international organizations

  • Researchers from North-East Asian countries and development cooperation partner countries

Tentative Programme 

Online registration  


ESCAP event page




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