

全球学院 CIDGA 2023-10-24

主办方  Organizer


College of International Development and Global Agriculture, China Agricultural University时间  Time

2022年5月12日  May 12, 2022 

21:00—22:30(北京时间  Beijing)

8:00—9:30( 艾奥瓦州  Iowa)

9:00—10:30(华盛顿特区  Washington, DC)
平台 Platform


Zoom Webinar


Please make your registration in advance by scanning the QR code on the poster, or click "Read more" at the bottom.


China-US Expert Dialogue on Rural Development

近期中国驻美大使秦刚在访问美国艾奥瓦州时指出:“中美农业人士应加强沟通交流和经验分享,拓展互利合作空间,让彼此餐桌上的食物更加健康和多样化,不断提高农民收入,实现对更美好生活的向往。” 金伯利农场主指出:“我与中国农民有很深的感情……我们对土地共同的感情将彼此深深联系在一起,此时此刻想起当时的场景我还是抑制不住内心的感动。疫情过后我希望再去中国走走看看。” 中美两国作为农业大国,双方携手合作对解决世界粮食安全意义重大,双方农业与乡村发展经验交流互鉴对于促进两国可持续发展、提升全球农业系统稳定性至关重要。

Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, pointed out the importance of agricultural cooperation between China and the US during his recent visit to Iowa: Chinese and American people in agriculture field should have more exchanges and share experience with each other to broaden space for mutual-beneficial cooperation. Chinese and American people should work together to make the food on people’s tables healthier and more diverse, and continuously raise farmers’ income to realize their aspirations for a better life.  Rick Kimberley, president of Kimberley Farms in Iowa, appreciated the deep friendship between American and Chinese farmers. He noted that the shared affection for the land brings Chinese and American together.

As major agricultural countries, it is significant for China and the United States to share experiences and knowledge on agriculture and rural development, and work together to meet the world food insecurity challenges. Joint efforts are vital to promote sustainable development and enhance the stability of the global agricultural system.


1. 中美农业和乡村发展的经验和启示有哪些?

2. 当前中美农业和乡村发展合作有什么挑战和机遇?

Under this context, this dialogue will invite Chinese and American experts in agriculture and rural development to share their experience and explore future cooperation opportunities in the following aspects:1. What can we learn from the agricultural and rural development in China and the United States?2. What are the challenges and opportunities for future cooperation in agriculture and rural development between China and the US?



中国农业大学国际发展与全球农业学院/中国南南农业合作学院基于其过去三十多年从“引进来”到“走出去”国际发展合作研究与人才培养探索之上,于2017年成立的围绕国际发展和全球农业相关领域进行科研和人才培养的新学科建设平台。面向国际前沿,秉持全球视野。*Frontier research with global vision*

Established in 2017, CIDGA/CISSCA is a comprehensive platform of China Agricultural University that brings  together multidisciplinary fields around international development and global agriculture based on decades of the university's explorations on both bring-in and going-out development researches and talents fostering.


【CIDGA】论文征集 | 经济社会学与跨国企业研究
【CIDGA】论文征集 | 全球乡村转型与可持续发展:基于系统创新的视角
【CIDGA】论文征集 | 社会性别视角下的中国国际发展合作:理论与实践

