《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第46期,总第110期)生物语言学及脑科学系列专题与大家分享华盛顿大学知名神经语言学家帕特里夏·库尔(Patricia Kuhl) 关于儿童语言习得的研究。本期视频 “婴儿是天才的语言学习者” 中,帕特里夏·库尔教授通过一系列现代神经科学技术证实了关键期前幼儿令人惊叹的语言天赋。
Patricia Kuhl is co-director of the Institute for Brain and Learning Sciences at the University of Washington. She’s internationally recognized for her research on early language and brain development, and studies that show how young children learn. Kuhl’s work has played a major role in demonstrating how early exposure to language alters the brain. It has implications for critical periods in development, for bilingual education and reading readiness, for developmental disabilities involving language, and for research on computer understanding of speech.
We are embarking on a grand and golden age of knowledge about child’s brain development. We’re going to be able to see a child’s brain as they experience an emotion, as they learn to speak and read, as they solve a math problem, as they have an idea. And we’re going to be able to invent brain-based interventions for children who have difficulty learning.
Just as the poets and writers described, we’re going to be able to see, I think, that wondrous openness, utter and complete openness, of the mind of a child. In investigating the child’s brain, we’re going to uncover deep truths about what it means to be human, and in the process, we may be able to help keep our own minds open to learning for our entire lives.