
主旨发言预告(六)|| Lucia Boldrini: ​Biofiction, Heterobiography...

秘书处 文学伦理学批评研究 2022-04-24










预告 || 第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会 分论坛与召集人


Lucia Boldrini, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her research interests include Joyce, Dante and modernist medievalism; comparative literature; fictional biography and autobiography; and literature on/of the Mediterranean area. Among her books: Joyce, Dante, and the Poetics of Literary Relations (CUP, 2001) Autobiographies of Others: Historical Subjects and Literary Fiction (Routledge, 2012). She convenes the "Comparative Literature and Criticism" pathway of the MA Comparative Literary Studies and is the academic co-director of the Strategic Partnership Mediterranean Imaginaries: Literature, Arts, Culture. She was elected Vice-President of the International Comparative Literature Association for the term 2016-2019, and has been General Coordinator of the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies.

Biofiction,Heterobiography and the Ethics of Speaking of, for and as Another

   Novels that choose historical individuals as their protagonists –"biofiction" (Buisine 1990; Middeke and Huber 1999; more recently Lackey 2016) or, especially in the case of first-person narration, "heterobiography" (Boldrini 2012) – can be a powerful tool to reflect on historical and philosophical constructions of the human subject; on individual identity, its representations, its autonomy and/or relationality; on the ethics of the voice, of narrating another's story, and on the ethical implications of literary practices of representation.

  In heterobiography in particular, the historicity of the protagonist/narrator and the use of the grammatical first-person singular foreground the "double I" of author and narrating historical character, of fictional narrator and historical person, bringing into focus a range of ethical questions, including: the different ethical horizons of distant historical times; the ethical duty of giving voice to those that have been historically silenced vs the ethical risk of speaking for (appropriating the voice of) another; the ethical dilemmas inherent in the disputed ownership of stories; the potential violence of the demand of coherence intrinsic in narrativization; the inevitable gap between authorial words and lived life. My talk will examine these key question, illustrating them through a range of textual examples narrated in the first and/or third person: Susan Sontag's 1992 The Volcano Lover (based on William Hamilton, collector and British Ambassador to the court of Naples in the 18th Century, his wife Emma, famous for her poses impersonating legendary figures, Admiral Horatio Nelson, and various other real and imaginary characters); Monica Truong's 2003 The Book of Salt (narrated by "Binh", a figure based on Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas's Vietnamese cooks); Gavin McCrea's 2015 Mrs Engels (narrated by Lizzie Burns, Fredrick Engels' lover, partner and finally wife), and Patricia Duncker's 2015 Sophie and the Sibyl (in which the Sibyl of the title is the Victorian novelist George Eliot).

责任编辑  | 汤轶丽、任洁审校 | 杨革新— END —

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