在孵科创公司 | 巴西初创Biosolvit,Ecotrace,Imersa
# XNode 在孵科创公司
Startup in Acceleration
Brazil Online Acceleration Camp
#农业科技 #新材料 #区块链 #生物科技 #气候科技 #数字技术 #环境、社会和公司治理 #巴西创业
#agritech #newmaterial #blockchain #biotech #climatetech #digitech #ESG #Brazilstartup
Founded in 2014, Biosolvit is a biotech company applied to new materials development. It uses discarded biomass to develop new materials that solve several environmental issues.
The company has already sold their products in Brazil and Los Angeles. They are looking to export the products to China market and looking for the local partner to do co-Investment. The strategy will be opening a business unit in the local market.
Guilhermo Queiroz
Founder and CEO of Biosolvit
Guilhermo Queiroz 拥有25年的创业经验,专注于石油、天然气、水处理方面的软件开发与服务,一直关注可持续发展与循环经济。
25 years as entrepreneur. Oil and Gas, Water Treatment, Software and Services! Sustainability and Circular Economy!
Ecotrace 利用AIoT和区块链技术实现农业、畜牧业和食品行业的产品追踪,使得食品和农业供应链中实现更高的透明度、安全性、公平性和可持续性。公司成立于2018年,并已有一些中国客户使用其平台溯源。
Ecotrace is an end-to-end traceability solution, ensuring reliability, security and transparency throughout the agriculture value chain. The company was founded in 2018 and several Chinese consumers are already using their platform to find out the origin of the products they are buying.
They are looking for prospect new customers and opportunities in the Chinese market.
Maria Paula Castro
Head of Innovation of Ecotrace
Maria 毕业于巴西坎皮纳斯州立大学。她曾多年任职于巴西最大的创业培养机构SEBRAE,现在是Ecotrace的创新负责人。她是多家创业公司的导师和董事成员,一直致力于帮助初创企业高速成长,热爱挑战与创新精神。
Maria Paula Castro graduated at Unicamp. She has worked for many years in SEBRAE, the largest Brazilian support service for small companies. Nowadays, she is the head of innovation at Ecotrace and have mentored many startups and helped them to thrive. She is a board member of a few startups and loves challenges, entrepreneurship, and innovation!
Imersa is a climate-tech startup from Brazil that seeks to combine human creativity with the regenerative power of our oceans in order to transform unforgettable stories into personalized art pieces made with seaweed that captures Carbon out of the air and prevents the emission of Methane. Since 2017, they have built Immersive Memories to feel nostalgic and remember the past while also guaranteeing a future for the next generations.
They are looking forward to having as many conversations as possible with different people, evaluate if there is interest in the solution, how could Imersa build partnerships from that, and co-create a better and more sustainable future for China’s and Brazil’s next generations.
Pedro Neto
CEO and founder of Imersa
Pedro Neto is the CEO and founder of Imersa, a climate tech startup from Brazil. He has more than 8 years of experience working with startups. He was the CMO of Smarti9 and Wari before leaving to found Imersa in 2017. Pedro also works as an Eco Entrepreneurship professor at SEBRAE, the largest entity that fosters entrepreneurship in Brazil, and at a Ph.D program of Unimontes, a state university of Minas Gerais.
Brazil Online Acceleration Camp
巴西初创线上加速营由巴西驻上海总领事馆和上海市科技创业中心(STIC)大力支持,XNode 创业加速器提供孵化对接。点击了解更多详情
The Brazil Online Acceleration Camp is powered by XNode accelerator with supports from Consulate General of Brazil Shanghai and Shanghai Technology Innovation Center (STIC).
本次加速营的负责人吴婧雯是XNode的创始成员兼高级加速经理,她将帮助巴西初创企业梳理其中国战略,加速他们的业务发展,并充分释放创新潜力。如果你有兴趣与这些发展迅速的初创公司建立联系,欢迎联系 jingwen.wu@thexnode.com。
Ms. Jingwen Wu, Founding Member and Senior Acceleration Manager at XNode is overseeing the program and will accelerate the Brazilian startups with their China strategy and unleash full innovation potentials. If you are interested to get connected with any of these promising startups, feel free to contact jingwen.wu@thexnode.com.
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XNode | Startup & Corporate Accelerator
XNode 跨境创业加速项目
XNode 跨境创业加速计划已经覆盖新加坡、澳大利亚、韩国、日本、美国及欧洲各国,初创企业可以选择适合的目标开展加速计划。XNode将为初创企业提供三个阶段的加速项目
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XNode | Startup & Corporate Accelerator
XNode Scaleup Program
XNode’s Scaleup Program is a cross-border startup acceleration service with an emphasis on providing holistic, instructive, and practical content. The program covers three key phases: cross-border mentoring, access to industry decision makers, and partner building. Currently, XNode has partnered with innovation agencies in five countries - Australia, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Italy - establishing bilateral cross-border channels to accelerate startups’ entry into new markets.
How do we help?
Working Space
You will get working space in the center of Shanghai as well as the dedicated help of an amazing acceleration team
Knowledge & Networking
You will participate in workshops, meetings and activities that will help you grow and better understand China
Demoday & Graduation
You will get to present yourself and your progress during our demo day as well as join our growing community