
【学术视频】The Kavli ITS workshop - Majorana Modes | 中科院物理所胡江平研究员

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25

图 | 胡江平研究员

题   目:Iron Based Superconductors As Topological Materials


单   位:Institute of  Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

时   间:2019年1月8日-11日

地   点:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences



  • Introduction and review

  • Band structure and symmetry in iron-based superconductors

  • Topological band structures in iron-based superconductors

  • Topological Vortex Phases (Zero bias peak)



胡江平,1994年在北京大学核物理专业获学士学位;1997年在中科院理论物理所获硕士学位;2002年在美国斯坦福大学获理学博士学位;2002年-2004年在加州大学洛杉矶分校做博士后研究;2008年在普渡大学任副教授;2010年加入中科院物理所任研究员;2017年担任中科院物理所副所长;2018年9月,当选美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)。其研究方向为:强关联电子系统理论(包括铜氧化物超导材料的理论,低维量子强关联系统,量子霍尔效应,拓扑效应等);铁基超导体的物性和机理;多铁性材料的物性和机理;自旋电子学和强自旋轨道结合体系的新物理规律;冷原子系统的物理。


The Kavli ITS workshop on “Majorana Modes in Topological Superconductors” was held at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (Kavli ITS) at UCAS in Beijing from January 8-11, 2019. The workshop mainly focuses on the realization and application of elusive Majorana modes in topological superconductors.

Majorana particles, which are their own antiparticles, have been of considerable interest for quantum computing in solid state systems since the zero-bias peak of the conductance was observed in the semiconductor nanowires. Now there are multiple experimental hints to support the potential existence of the Majorana states possessing zero energy. Since Majorana states can form qubits for quantum computations, once the Majorana states are able to be fully controlled and manipulated, the number of the Majorana qubits can be scalable to accelerate the speed of the quantum computation.

The scope of this workshop is to discuss the recent topics in Majorana bound states and Chiral Majorana edge modes in class D, aiming at promoting new collaborations among participants and seeking practical implementations to use Majorana modes for quantum computation. Furthermore, in the workshop, there will be a discussion session focusing on Majorana physics in the vortices of the topological superconductors.

—— ——往期精彩回顾—— ——

● The Kavli ITS workshop - Majorana Modes | 刘东:Topologically protected quantum computation based on Majorana: A theory perspective

● The Kavli ITS workshop - Majorana Modes | 戴希:Quantum Anomalous Vortex & Majorana Zero Mode in Fe1+y(Te1-xSex) Superconductors

● The Kavli ITS workshop - Majorana Modes | Masatoshi Sato: Multiple Topological Superconductivity in Iron-based Superconductors

● The Kavli ITS workshop - Majorana Modes | Huan Yang:Phase-referenced QPI and impurity effect in Bi2Te3/FeTe0.55Se0.45 heterostructures

● The Kavli ITS workshop - Majorana Modes | Tetsuo Hanaguri:Nature of the Zero-Energy Vortex Bound State in Fe (Se, Te)

● The Kavli ITS workshop - Majorana Modes | Jinfeng Jia:Majorana zero mode in the vortex

 Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | Ching-Kai Chiu:Majorana lattice with disorder

 Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | 闻海虎:Vortex bound states and Majorana modes in FeTe0.55Se0.45 and Bi2Te3 / FeTe0.55Se0.45

 Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | Tianci Zhou:Dynamics of Entanglement in Random Unitary Circuit

 Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | 封东来:Clean and robust Majorana zero modes in an iron selenide

Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | 周兴江:Orbital Origin of Extremely Anisotropic Superconducting Gap in Nematic Phase of FeSe Superconductor









