【学术视频】ICFSI-17 | 诺贝尔物理学奖得主J. Michael Kosterlitz教授
图 | John Michael Kosterlitz
报告人:John Michael Kosterlitz
单 位:Brown University, America
时 间:2019-06-24
地 点:上海交通大学
In this talk, I attempt to describe my own vision of how new scientific knowledge is created, based on my own experience of resolving a conflict between accepted physical wisdom and some experimental observations on certain systems in two space dimensions. I discuss what was the conflict and how David Thouless and I stumbled on the solution which opened up a new field of physics and stimulated the use of topology in physics. We were awarded the 2016 Physics Nobel Prize along with Duncan Haldane for this work and its extension to quantum mechanical systems.
John Michael Kosterlitz,是世界著名物理学家,美国科学院院士,现任布朗大学物理学教授,苏州大学讲席教授。本科、硕士求学于英国剑桥大学,1969年在牛津大学获得博士学位。先后在伯明翰大学、康奈尔大学、布朗大学等工作。早年从事高能物理理论研究,后转而研究凝聚态理论和统计物理。先后获得昂色格物理学奖(美国),马克斯韦尔奖(英国),诺贝尔物理学奖等。1972-1974年间,Kosterlitz和Thouless合作发展了研究了二维XY模型的相变问题。Kosterlitz和Thouless的工作指出了二维系统中拓扑缺陷和统计物理之间的深刻联系,从而根本性地改变了物理学界对热力学相变和统计物理的认识。Kosterlitz因此和David Thouless,Duncan Haldane一起获得2016年诺贝尔物理学奖。
The 17th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-17) was held in Shanghai. This 17th conference of the ICFSI series, started in 1985 by G. Le Lay, has the intention, as all previous meetings, to give a broadband overview over the latest developments of modern phenomena at surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures based on semiconductors or insulators ranging from the characterization at the atomic scale to prospects of electronic, spintronic, photonic and photovoltaic applications. The aim for this conference is to bring together leading experts from various fields and disciplines in order to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and promote the capabilities of this interdisciplinary research topic.
Organizer: Shanghai Jiaotong University, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences