
【学术视频】2019国际半导体前沿论坛 | 香港大学徐士杰教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



 | 徐士杰

题   目:Dopants induced local electric fields and their impact on the band-edge absorption of GaN

报告人:徐士杰单   位:The University of Hong Kong时   间:2019-10-13地   点:中国科学院半导体研究所



GaN is an important wide bandgap semiconductor for short-wavelength optoelectrics and high-power/high-temperature electronics. It is well known that dopants always exist in GaN and other semiconductors no matter they are intentionally introduced and/or non-intentionally added. Moreover, dopants play a key role in determining electrical and optical properties of semiconductors including GaN. Therefore, it is fundamentally important for us to develop better understanding of dopants and their effects in GaN. In this talk, I’ll present a study on dopant-induced local electric fields and their impact on the band-edge absorption of GaN. It is found that an average electric field induced by charged dopants is quite strong, i.e., about 104 V/cm over a 20 nm region in GaN with a fairly low dopant density of 1017 cm-3. Since dopants are randomly distributed within GaN, a distribution of dopant-induced local fields is derived with Bayes’ probability rule. For the average electric field strength, it is revealed to be quite strong, i.e., in an order of. Influence of the dopantinduced electric fields on the band-edge absorption coefficient of GaN is then investigated on the basis of the Franz–Keldysh mechanism. Without any adjustable parameters, computed absorption coefficients of GaN are in good agreement with the available experimental values. 


Professor Shijie Xu received his BSc degree in 1984 from Hebei Institute of Technology (currently renamed as Hebei University of Technology) and Ph.D. degree in 1993 from Xi’an Jiaotong University. From 1993 to 1998, he conducted his research in Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National University of Singapore, and Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore. In 1999, he joined the University of Hong Kong. He is currently a professor with tenure in Physics Department, The University of Hong Kong.  His research focuses on optical physics, especially luminescence and related phenomena of wide bandgap semiconductors and their device structures. He has authored and co-authored over 170 SCI index papers and 4 monograph chapters. 


International Semiconductor Frontier Forum (ISFF) 2019 is the first time for the Institute of Semiconductors CAS and the Journal of Semiconductors to jointly organize this annual conference. This year's conference brings together over 200 high-ranking guests from around the world. ISFF 2019 aims to provide a valuable opportunity for engineers and researchers to communicate their latest works and related breaking progress in Semiconductor Technology. 

Conference Themes:

1) Physics, Materials, and Devices of Conventional Semiconductors;

2) Organic and Perovskite Semiconductors Based Optoelectronic Devices;

3) Optoelectronic Devices and Integration;

4) Microelectronic Devices and (Integrated) Circuits;

5) Semiconductor Spintronics; 6) Flexible Electronics;

7) Semiconductors and New Energy;

8) Wide Bandgap Semiconductors;

9) Semiconductor Quantum Devices and Physics;

10) Two-Dimensional Materials and Related Physics and Devices. 

 (The topics include but not limited to these.) 

《半导体学报》是中国科学院主管、中国电子学会和中国科学院半导体研究所主办的学术刊物,1980年创刊,首任主编是王守武院士,黄昆先生撰写了创刊号首篇论文,2009年改为全英文月刊Journal of Semiconductors(简称JOS),同年开始与IOPP英国物理学会出版社合作向全球发行。现任主编是李树深院士。


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