
【学术视频】第八届国际磁科学会议 | 荷兰拉德堡德大学Theo Rasing院士

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | Theo Rasing

题   目:All-optical Control of Magnetism

报告人:Theo Rasing

单   位:Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands

时   间:2019-10-12

地   点:中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院



The 21st century digital economy and technology is presently facing fundamental scaling limits (heating and the superparamagnetic limit) as well as societal challenges: the move to mobile devices and the increasing demand of cloud storage leads to an enormous increase in energy consumption of our ICT infrastructure. These developments require new strategies and paradigm shifts, such as photon-and spin-based technologies. Since the demonstration of magnetization reversal by a single 40 femtosecond laser pulse, the manipulation of spins by ultra-short laser pulses has become a fundamentally challenging topic with a potentially high impact for future spintronics, data storage, and quantum computation. The ability to control the macroscopic magnetic ordering by means of femtosecond laser pulses provides an alternative and energy efficient approach to magnetic recording. The realization that femtosecond laser induced all-optical switching (AOS) as observed in ferrimagnets exploits the exchange interaction between their sub-lattices, has opened the way to engineer new and rare-earth-free magnetic materials for AOS. Expansion to hybrid magnetic materials, multilayers, FePt and even magnetic garnets are ongoing efforts to expand AOS to future magnetic recording media technology. Recent developments using plasmonic antennas indicate the possibility to even scale the technique of AOS to the nanoscale, making AOS a potential candidate for fast and energy efficient data storage.   


Theo Rasing院士是荷兰拉徳堡德大学终身教授,是荷兰拉徳堡德大学杰出科学家,是荷兰皇家艺术与科学院院士并担任荷兰皇家艺术与科学院自然科学与工程学部委员,同时也是欧洲科学院院士。Theo Rasing院士是“荷兰皇家狮子骑士”勋章获得者 , 联合国联合国教科文组织纳米科技与纳米技术贡献奖(UNESCO Medal "For Contribution to the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies")获得者,荷兰最高科技奖“斯宾诺莎奖” (Spinoza Prize) 获得者,欧洲研究委员会高级基金(ERC Advanced Grant)获得者,荷兰物理学会物理学奖 (Physica Prize of the Dutch Physics Society) 等众多学术荣誉和奖项的获得者。Theo Rasing院士在表面和界面磁学、飞秒激光强磁场特性与材料相互作用、超快光磁物理、飞秒化学、超快光谱技术、非线性光谱物理、非线性磁光调控等领域在国际上享负盛名,是国际上知名的光磁领域的顶级专家,是全光超快磁存储领域的开拓者,在超快激光与材料相互作用领域具有极深的造诣。Theo Rasing院士的杰出贡献引导了材料、凝聚态物理、光谱技术、磁学和超导以及光学等领域多个新的研究方向和领域的发展以及激发和共同开发了多个新的实验和理论技术。Theo Rasing院士以第一作者或通讯作者发表超过480篇高水平论文,总被引次数超过17000次(h-index 63 Google, h index 55, Web of Science),其中Reviews of Modern Physics(发表者皆为该物理热门领域里的国际公认大师),6Nature正刊1Science41Physical Review Letters1Nature Nanotechnology1Nature Chemistry1Nature Physics1Nature Photonics2Nature Materials5Nature Communications其它顶级期刊Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS NANO, Advanced Functional Materials, Reports on Progress in Physics, Laser Photonics Reviews, Physics Review B, Applied Physics Letters若干。



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