【学术视频】第三届集成光量子信息技术青年学术论坛 | 北京大学王剑威研究员
图 | 王剑威
题 目:硅基集成光量子信息技术进展
单 位:北京大学
时 间:2019-12-07
地 点:上海科学会堂
On-chip generating, controlling and detecting quantum states of light with large-scale silicon-photonic circuits opens the way to realizing complex quantum technologies for applications in the fields of computing, simulation and communication. In this talk we present recent progress in large-scale integrated photonic circuit for quantum information processing. We will discuss a large silicon-photonic device that is able to generate, manipulate and measure high-dimensional entanglement with high controllability and universality. The generation and manipulation of four-photon genuine multipartite entanglement and intra-chip/inter-chip quantum teleportation have been realized in a programmable device. We will further show our recent demonstrations of scattershot and Gaussian Boson sampling in a single silicon device. With the developed quantum photonic hardware it allows us to benchmark the simulation and characterizations of electron spin systems and molecular systems with photons. These results show silicon-integrated quantum photonic circuits as a versatile testbed for new quantum algorithms and as a route towards large-scale quantum information processing, pointing the way to applications in fundamental science and quantum technologies.
王剑威,北京大学物理学院研究员,第十四批国家青年项目获得者。浙江大学光学工程学士(2008)、硕士(2011),英国布里斯托尔大学物理学博士(2016)及博士后。研究领域为集成光量子芯片物理和技术,及其在量子计算、量子模拟和量子通信等方面的应用,在Science, Nature Physics, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Science Advances和Phys. Rev. Lett.等学术期刊上发表论文多篇。
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