【明天十点】彭桓武科教合作中心 | NCUT林家民:Inflation and the swampland criteria
主题:Inflation and the swampland criteria
主讲人:林家民 助理教授
单位:National Chin-Yi University of Technology
In this talk, I will explain what are the swampland criteria, why do some peogle believe in it, what are the problems caused by the criteria to cosmology and particle physics. I will then introduce the idea of cosmic inflation on the brane in the framework of chaotic inflation and hilltop inflation in order to evade the problems. Finally I will discuss whether eternal inflation is in the swampland.
● 直播回放:安徽省科协科普大讲堂:中国科大梁琰副研究员 | 发现科学之美● 直播回放:清华大学燃烧能源中心 | 麻省理工学院William H. Green教授:Predicting Combustion Chemistry: PAH Formation●【大学频道】清华大学高等研究院冷原子物理系列讲座
●【视频摘要】Detail-preserving smoke simulation using an efficient high-order numerical scheme
● 中国半导体十大研究进展候选推荐(2020-009)——实现纳米机电系统振动模式的电学相干调
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