CPB的国外合作出版商IOP Publishing 已连续三年设立“中国高被引文章奖”,旨在表彰来中国的最具影响力的优秀文章。
今年的“中国高被引文章奖”是从共90多本IOP Publishing 旗下期刊及合作期刊2017—2019年的所有发文中选出的被引用前1%文章,以及被引用最多的9篇综述文章。共计213篇文章获奖。其中,CPB共有7篇文章获奖。
获奖名单已在IOP Publishing网上发布,通讯作者将获得IOP出版社颁发的荣誉证书。
Effects of filler loading and surface modification on electrical and thermal properties of epoxy/montmorillonite composite
Zi-Rui Jia(贾梓睿), Zhen-Guo Gao(高振国), Di Lan(兰笛), Yong-Hong Cheng(成永红), Guang-Lei Wu(吴广磊), Hong-Jing Wu(吴宏景)
Chin. Phys. B . 2018, 27(11): 117806
A theoretical study of a plasmonic sensor comprising a gold nano-disk array on gold film with a SiO2 spacer
Xiangxian Wang(王向贤), Jiankai Zhu(朱剑凯), Huan Tong(童欢), Xudong Yang(杨旭东), Xiaoxiong Wu(吴枭雄), Zhiyuan Pang(庞志远), Hua Yang(杨华), Yunping Qi(祁云平)
Chin. Phys. B . 2019, 28(4): 044201
A novel color image encryption scheme using fractional-order hyperchaotic system and DNA sequence operations
Li-Min Zhang(张立民), Ke-Hui Sun(孙克辉), Wen-Hao Liu(刘文浩), Shao-Bo He(贺少波)
Chin. Phys. B . 2017, 26(10): 100504
Multi-scroll hidden attractors and multi-wing hidden attractors in a 5-dimensional memristive system
Xiaoyu Hu(胡晓宇), Chongxin Liu(刘崇新), Ling Liu(刘凌), Yapeng Yao(姚亚鹏), Guangchao Zheng(郑广超)
Chin. Phys. B . 2017, 26(11): 110502
The magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in binary R-T (R=Pr, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm; T=Ga, Ni, Co, Cu) intermetallic compounds
Xin-Qi Zheng(郑新奇), Bao-Gen Shen(沈保根)
Chin. Phys. B . 2017, 26(2): 027501
Imaging the diffusion pathway of Al3+ ion in NASICON-type (Al0.2Zr0.8)20/19Nb(PO4)3 as electrolyte for rechargeable solid-state Al batteries
Jie Wang(王捷), Chun-Wen Sun(孙春文), Yu-Dong Gong(巩玉栋), Huai-Ruo Zhang(张怀若), Jose Antonio Alonso, María Teresa Fernández-Díaz, Zhong-Lin Wang(王中林), John B Goodenough
Chin. Phys. B . 2018, 27(12): 128201
MoS2 saturable absorber prepared by chemical vapor deposition method for nonlinear control in Q-switching fiber laser
Meng-Li Liu(刘孟丽), Yu-Yi OuYang(欧阳毓一), Huan-Ran Hou(侯焕然), Ming Lei(雷鸣), Wen-Jun Liu(刘文军), Zhi-Yi Wei(魏志义)
Chin. Phys. B . 2018, 27(8): 084211
Chinese Physics B (CPB)是由中国科学院物理研究所和中国物理学会主办,由合作出版商IOP Publishing海外宣传发行,目前国内载文量最大、影响力最大的物理类综合性英文学术期刊,报道和刊登国内外物理学科各领域(粒子物理与核物理类除外)创新性成果的“研究论文”、“研究快讯”及“前沿研究综述”。发文领域包括condensed matter and materials physics; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics; plasma physics; interdisciplinary physics. 从投稿到录用平均审稿周期:2个月;文章录用后2天内网上预出版(with DOI);每期评选封面文章、亮点文章并多渠道宣传推送;组织出版物理学热点研究领域和基础研究领域专题。
●【期刊】FOE:USST | 上海理工大学詹其文教授课题组:基于微纳结构的光学轨道角动量探测
●【科学综述】Frontiers of Physics:量子分子动力学的进展及其在重离子碰撞中的应用
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