【直播】兰州大学兰州理论物理中心(筹)| A Covariant Formulation of Stochastic ...
主 题:A Covariant Formulation of Stochastic Thermodynamics from Ito-Langevin Theory
We derive a covariant formalism of stochastic thermodynamics from the recently developed covariant nonlinear Ito- Langevin dynamics with multiplicative noises. Assuming that the generalized potential and kinetic matrix obey conditions of detailed balance in all time, we derive the expressions for work, heat, entropy production, and free energy both at ensemble level, and at the level of individual dynamic trajectory. We also study how these quantities transform under nonlinear transformation of variables. Using a covariant expression for short time transition probability, we also derive the entropy production formula and prove its covariance. Finally, we use the entropy production formula to derive Crooks Fluctuation Theorem and Jarzynski equality, as well as demonstrate their invariance under nonlinear transformation of variables.
Xiangjun Xing is a professor of physics in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He obtained Phd from University of Colorado in 2003. His research interests include statistical physics, soft condensed matters, and complex systems.
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