【直播】【中国科大寰宇开物天文讲坛】中科院高能所曹臻研究员:LHAASO and Its First Few...
LHAASO and Its First Few Discoveries--onset of UHE gamma-ray astronomy
曹臻 研究员(中国科学院高能物理研究所)
2021年9月14日 16:00
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) as the largest ground based Gamma Ray detector array is built up. The 3/4 array has been operated for months. Many VHE gamma ray sources has been observed including well known sources such as the Crab and Mkr421. With many sources found having strong emission of gamma rays in UHE (> 0.1 PeV) band, LHAASO starts the era of the UHE gamma ray astronomy. With its unprecedented sensitivity at energies above 10 TeV and extremely high background rejection capability, super-PeV gamma-like events, including the record high energy of 1.4 PeV, are detected first time in history. With also measured SEDs of several galactic gamma sources above 0.1 PeV, LHAASO reveals that our galaxy is full of PeVatrons. The extreme features of the electron PeVatron inside the Crab pose strong challenges to models and even more fundamental theories. Those exciting discoveries enable an exploring for hadronic PeVatrons which are origins of cosmic rays. With the operation of the full scale LHAASO array starting now, more exciting observational results will be highly anticipated.
中国科大寰宇开物天文讲坛是由中国科学技术大学物理学院天文学系主办、蔻享学术协办的天文前沿学术讲坛,内容涉及行星、恒星、星系与活动星系、宇宙大尺度结构、宇宙学等天体物理前沿领域的最新研究进展,致力于为广大天文科研工作者与关注天文研究进展的人们提供一个学术交流与天文知识传播的平台。“寰宇”取自严济慈先生在1988年为科大创办30周年而题写的“创寰宇学府,育天下英才”,“开物”源于中国古代科学著作《天工开物》;“寰宇开物”寓意为力求通晓宇宙中万物——这是天文学研究的不懈追求。The Universe, Yours to Discover!