

黄老师 独到英语 2020-10-28




在737 MAX出事被停飞之后,












△ 5月3日,一架波音737降落在河里

Boeing is under scrutiny over reports of recurring errors on the assembly line for the 787 Dreamliner plane.


The errors are believed to have stemmed from a manufacturing process that allows mechanics to self-inspect their work.


Errors on the production line included debris in airspeed sensors, rags and bolts in planes, and loose cabin seats.


Tires with cuts in them were also spotted by workers.


"I'm always finding cases where jobs are signed off and the parts aren't installed," a Boeing employee who spoke on the condition of anonymity told the newspaper. "It happens a lot."


"It's an everyday thing — every single day," another Boeing employee said.


Employees said that while allowing workers to inspect their own work was quicker for production, it also compromised passenger safety.


The duration of the final assembly process has been slashed by several days, but the drawback is that workers spent more time fixing problems with the 787s before their first test flights.


At a Boeing manufacturing facility in North Charleston, South Carolina, the aerospace giant reportedly pressured workers to speed up production while ignoring employee complaints about potential safety risks and defective manufacturing, according to a new report from The New York Times.


Boeing workers have filed numerous safety complaints with the federal government over issues ranging from shoddy manufacturing practices to tools and debris being left on planes, and workers say they have been pressured to not report regulatory violations to authorities.


Boeing workers have installed faulty parts in planes at the facility, and that some aircraft have even taken test flights with debris such as tools and metal shavings inside the engine or tail, creating potential safety hazards.


Boeing has denied manufacturing problems with the Dreamliner. However, the newspaper also reported that at least one major carrier, Qatar Airways, had been frustrated by manufacturing issues at that particular Boeing facility, with the airline opting to only buy its Dreamliners from a different Boeing facility since 2014.

△ 可上下滑动看无注释版原文,精读版在下方

Boeing is under scrutiny (受到关注,被人盯着) over reports of recurring (反复出现的) errors on the assembly line (装配线) for the 787 Dreamliner (梦想客机) plane.


The errors are believed to have stemmed from (来自于,相当于come from) a manufacturing process that allows mechanics (机械师) to self-inspect (自查) their work.


Errors on the production line included debris (碎屑,[ˈdeɪbri:],s不发音哦) in airspeed sensors (空速传感器), rags (碎布) and bolts (螺钉) in planes, and loose cabin seats (没有固定住的机舱座椅).

Tires with cuts (切口) in them were also spotted (发现) by workers.



"I'm always finding cases where jobs (任务) are signed off (签字通过) and the parts (零件) aren't installed," a Boeing employee who spoke on the condition of anonymity (在匿名的条件下)  told the newspaper. "It happens a lot."


"It's an everyday (日常的,在这里是形容词) thing — every single day," another Boeing employee said.

Employees said that while allowing workers to inspect their own work was quicker for production, it also compromised (损害) passenger safety.

△ compromise作名词表示妥协,做动词表示违背,损害。例句:He compromised the privacy of celebrities. 他侵犯了名人的隐私。while在这里表示虽然。


The duration of the final assembly (总装) process has been slashed (砍掉,减少) by several days, but the drawback (缺点) is that workers spent more time fixing problems with the 787s before their first test flights (试飞).

At a Boeing manufacturing facility (工厂) in North Charleston, South Carolina, the aerospace giant (航空巨头) reportedly (据报道) pressured (迫使,试压) workers to speed up production while ignoring employee complaints about potential safety risks and defective (有缺陷的) manufacturing, according to a new report from The New York Times.

△ 超长的一句话,主干是航空巨头迫使工人加速生产,while后面的部分提到波音忽视员工反应的问题。


Boeing workers have filed (提出) numerous safety complaints with the federal government over issues ranging from shoddy (不靠谱的,粗制滥造的) manufacturing practices to tools and debris being left on planes, and workers say they have been pressured to not report regulatory violations (违规) to authorities.

△ file complaints with sb.表示想某人投诉举报。这句也很长,主干是工人向联邦政府举报,over后面表示举报的内容,由于问题很多,所以用了from...to...。


Boeing workers have installed faulty (有问题的) parts in planes at the facility, and some aircraft (复数不加s) have even taken test flights with debris such as tools and metal shavings (金属碎屑) inside the engine or tail, creating potential safety hazards (隐患).

△ with...inside...表示在引擎或尾部有工具和金属碎屑等散落的物体。

Boeing has denied manufacturing problems with the Dreamliner. However, the newspaper also reported that at least one major carrier (航空公司), Qatar Airways (卡塔尔航空), had been frustrated (使人生气,沮丧) by manufacturing issues at that particular Boeing facility, with the airline opting to (选择) only buy its Dreamliners from a different Boeing facility since 2014.


文章来源:CNBC, Business Insider

视频来源: YouTube



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