芝麻豆腐饼 Sesame Tofu Patty
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This is a Netizen Recipe that does not require much of talent or skills...or intellect. Use as patty or cutlet or in a sandwich.
准备&烹饪时间| Prep & Cook time: 20-30分钟 | 20-30 min
适合食用人数 | Serves: 2人 | 2 people [3-4个大饼或者8个小饼 ][3-4 big or 8 small patties]
储藏时间 | Store: 在冰箱里最多放三天 | In Fridge for 3 days maximum*
*Well, after 3 days, sniff and taste...and eat at your own risk.
准备材料 | Ingredients:
东北豆腐 | 东北Tofu: 250g
鹰嘴豆面粉 | Chickpea Flour [Besan]: 4汤匙 | 4tbsp
咸味酱 | Vegemite: 1茶匙 | 1 tsp
芝麻酱 | Sesame Paste: 2汤匙 | 2 tbsp
青菜 | Spinach: 100g
西红柿 | Tomato: 25g
绿辣椒 | Green Chilli Pepper: 一长根 | One long/large
红辣椒 | Red Chilli Pepper: 一小个 | One small
葵花籽油[或任何食用油] | Sunflower Oil [or any cooking oil]: 1茶匙 | 1tsp
其他 | Optional:
芝麻油 | Sesame Oil: 1汤匙 | 1 tbsp
洋葱 | Onion: 中等大小的一半 | Half of a medium size
大蒜 | Garlic: 两瓣 | Two Cloves
过程指导 | Directions:
1. 将豆腐块(用手)压碎,加入2汤匙鹰嘴豆粉、1茶匙蔬菜酱和1汤匙芝麻油,拌匀。
Crush the Tofu block [with your hand] and add 2 tsps of Chickpea Flour, one tsp of vegemite and optional 1 tbsp Sesame Oil. Mix well.
2. 将蔬菜切成丁,像我这样偷懒的你要注意:不要莫随心所欲的乱切,不一样的大小行不通的,请不要偷懒,切成丁啊。
Dice the veggies. Note to lazy people like me: Do not cut as you wish. Random sizes won't work. Do not be lazy, please. DICE.
3. 烧热中号平底锅,加入1茶匙油,翻炒蔬菜,青菜一热把它们移到一边,加入碎豆腐,让它们煮5分钟。
Heat a Medium-large sized pan, add 1 tsp of oil and stir fry the veggies. The moment the spinach shrivels on heat, move them to a side and add the crushed Tofu mix. Allow them to cook on their own sides for 5 minutes.
4. 5分钟后,将两面混合,加芝麻酱、酱油、醋、米酒,再炒5分钟。*从锅中取出,放入盘中让它冷却。
After 5 minutes, mix the two sides together. Add Sesame paste, Soy sauce, Vinegar, Rice Wine. Stir fry for another 5 minutes. * Add 2 tbsp of Sesame paste. Remove from pan and place on the plate. Allow it to cool.
*If you are a fan of frying stuff, add another 1tsp oil when frying at this stage...but don't overdo the oil.
5. 在平面上撒上1汤匙鹰嘴豆粉。把炒好的豆腐做成一个球,然后轻轻拍下来,两边各拍上面粉。
On a flat surface spread 1 tbsp Chickpea Flour. Make a ball of the fried-tofu mix and pat it down. Pat each side with the flour.*
* Don't worry if it looks cracked or a bit ugly.
You have no additives or chemicals into this patty, so it is all-natural looking.
6. 在煎锅里加入3茶匙油,用中火将肉饼每一面煎1分钟。记住,混合食材已经煮好了,所以没有必要炒得太久。
Add 3 tsp oil on a frying pan and fry the patty each side for 1 minute on medium heat. Remember, the mix is already cooked, so no need to overdo the frying.
7. 你的饼这就做好啦!
Your Patties are ready.
Eat as Sandwich or whatever way you like. I used Rye Bread for the Sandwich and hummus for the spread.
我使用的配料 Ingredients I used:
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