验血-饮食变化 Blood Tests-Diet Change
Regardless of what diet you follow, get these tests done, regardless of showing signs of symptoms of any illnesses, before making any drastic changes in your eating habits.
"Are you menstruating?"
"Do you smoke or drink alcohol?"
"Do you exercise regularly?"
These are the common questions that your physician will ask when you go for your blood tests. Be prepared to answer honestly and as openly as possible as the interpretation of results depends on your answer.
图片来源 | Image source: health.harvard.edu
Remember, it is not just your diet that will impact your health. Health is a complex topic and multiple factors influence it other than a diet: age, ethnicity, air pollution, water quality, lack of exercise, intake of certain bodybuilding supplements, lack of access to qualified health professionals and so on.
These are names of the tests in Chinese and English you can ask your physician to test. For Iron, make sure you get the serum level and the storage.
Since I am vegan, my family doctor recommended I check these levels once a year. Iron, B12 and Vit D. So, for those who are flexitarians or vegans, I recommend asking your doctor about these tests.
铁 - 这是一种微量营养素,如果你的植物性饮食不平衡,比如不吃全谷物或绿叶蔬菜,就很容易摄入不足。
Iron - it is a micronutrient that is easy to go low on if you are not eating a balanced plant-based diet - such as avoiding food groups like whole grains or green leafy vegetables.
B12 - 不存在于蔬菜中,所以如果你不补充它,你的摄入肯定会偏低。
B12 - is not found in vegetables, so if you are not supplementing it, you are bound to go low in it.
维生素D - 你需要阳光刺激你的皮肤来获得每天的D3摄入量。在一年中的某些时候,最好服用补充剂。
Vit D - You need sunlight to stimulate your skin to get your daily D3 intake. In certain parts of the year, better to take supplements.
样表 | Sample Report:
常见问题 | FAQs
Where to get tested?
Almost all national and international hospitals can do these tests. Book an appointment with a general physician and ask for a general body checkup. Please, do not interpret the results yourself - consult a doctor to understand them.
What if I am low/high on one of the results?
We strongly suggest: DO NOT internet-search your symptoms or ask on group chats as your first line of consulting. Ask your doctor what should be the treatment plan and if you doubt the first doctor, find another doctor for a second opinion or even third.
图片来源 | Image source: shutterstock
When should I do these tests?
理想情况下,在你对你的饮食做出重大改变之前 - 例如从每周吃500克的红肉到完全以植物为主,或从你的饮食中剔除所有的乳制品。饮食的改变应该在仔细计划后进行,我们强烈建议在做出大的改变之前有一个你的健康底线。
Ideally, before you make a drastic shift in your diet - for example going from eating 500g/week of red meat to entirely plant-based or cutting out all dairy from your diet. Diet changes should be done after careful planning and we strongly recommend you have a baseline of your health before making big changes.
If you did not do the tests before the diet changes, might as well do it now.
Ummm.....Why should I do these tests?
Diet changes or not, we recommend knowing your health status once a year. Early detection is key to treating many health issues, so along with your blood tests, do your cancer screenings, etc.
图片来源 | Image source: Unsplash
All of this sounds super scary and intense. Is it necessary to check these levels?
It is a recommendation but not necessary.
However, please do not put off your yearly health checks. An annual physical examination ensures wellness and good health by monitoring vitals like weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and other markers. A physical can also be a preventive step. It allows you to catch up on vaccinations or detect a serious condition, like cancer or diabetes, before it causes problems. During a routine physical, your doctor can also check vitals, including weight, heart rate, and blood pressure.
来源 | Source:
- Author's Bio Chemistry Report
- www.healthline.com
- www.health.harvard.edu
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