
2020 #4 极端气候致死企鹅 Climate-Emergency-Penguin-Dying

VoS Team 小步VEGAN 2022-04-13

#1 澳大利亚丛林大火


Australian Bush Fires
Worsened by Man-Made Climate Change

#2 冠状病毒感染造成全球紧急


Coronavirus Infection Global Emergency

Wildlife Meat Consumption

#3 国际蝗灾紧急情况


Locust Disaster National Emergencies

Linked to Global Heating

and now

 #4 帽带企鹅群落,剩下40%左右:




Chinstrap Penguins colonies, around 40% left:
50 years ago: 122,550 pairs

2020 count: 52,786 pairs

Is this disaster natural or yet again, man-made?

图片来源 Picture source: noaa.gov


From Jan. 5 to Feb. 8, the environmental group Greenpeace went to Western Antarctica to conduct a survey on the thriving colonies of different penguin species. Scientists on board of the Greenpeace expedition found that the number of chinstrap penguins on the Elephant island in the Antarctic peninsula has dropped almost 60% since the last survey in 1971. Some colonies were down by as much as 77%. Overall, there were 122,550 pairs of different penguin colonies 50 years ago, it had reduced by 60% to 52,786 today.

图片来源 Picture source: 国家地理


What are Chinstrap Penguins


The chinstrap penguin is a species of penguin that inhabits a variety of islands and shores in the Southern Pacific and the Antarctic Oceans. Its name stems from the narrow black band under its head, which makes it appear as if it were wearing a black helmet, making it easy to identify.


Click to see the cute chinstrap penguins:


Climate Change is Killing the Chinstrap Penguins

#1 食物短缺 

Food shortage


The receding penguin numbers have been attributed to the shortage of krill, the main staple of the penguin diet. A 2016 study reported that Antarctic krill has decreased due to reduced sea ice and higher ocean temperatures.

“企鹅、海豹和鲸鱼都依赖磷虾,而磷虾依赖于冰。所以,如果气候变化影响了冰,那就会影响到其他一切。” Stony Brook大学的鸟类学家和企鹅研究员诺亚·斯特莱克(Noah Strycker)告诉CNN。与此同时,商业捕捞磷虾进一步减少了磷虾的数量。

 “Penguins, seals, and whales all depend on krill, which depends on ice. So, if climate change affects the ice, that impacts on everything else. ”  Noah Strycker, an ornithologist and penguin researcher at Stony Brook University, told CNN. In the meantime, commercial fishing for krill,  have further reduced krill populations.


What is Antarctic krill?


Antarctic krill is a species of krill found in the Antarctic waters of the Southern Ocean. It is a small, swimming crustacean that lives in large schools, called swarms, sometimes reaching densities of 10,000–30,000 individual animals per cubic meter. 

半透明磷虾长约两英寸,是南极食物网的核心。鱼,乌贼,企鹅,海豹和鲸鱼都食用磷虾。Translucent krill, about two inches long, is the centerpiece of the Antarctic food web. Fish, squid, penguins, seals, and whales all consume krill.

图片来源 Picture source: 国家地理 National Geographic

#2 企鹅宝宝杀手---雨水

Baby Penguin Killed - Rain


As Antarctica warms, rain becomes more common—and rain is a penguin chick killer. Once the young birds get wet, they often develop hypothermia and die.

图片来源 Picture source: 微博


Antarctica is a desert. It does not rain or snow a lot there. When it snows, the snow does not melt and builds up over many years to make large, thick sheets of ice, called ice sheets. Rainfall like what is seen recently is unusual.

人类的肉食& 冰帽的融化

Our Meaty Diet & Melting Ice Cap


图片来源 Picture source: FAO


The world is now nearly one degree warmer than it was before widespread industrialization, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The global average temperature for the first 10 months of 2018 was 0.98C above the levels of 1850-1900. The 20 warmest years on record have been in the past 22 years, with 2015-2018 making up the top four. If this trend continues, temperatures may rise by 3-5C by 2100.


Many people will naturally associate climate change with automobile exhaust, factory emissions, etc., but there is another most important reason that you may not know:


Meat products produce lots of greenhouse gases


Among the greenhouse gases produced by global human activities, the food production industry accounts for one-quarter to one-third of the greenhouse gas emissions. Most of which come from animal husbandry.

更多阅读 Read More: Vegan&肉类工业 Vegan Vs Meat Industry




图片来源 Picture source: Environmental Working Group


Livestock produces 65 percent of the world's nitric oxide, which is 296 times more potent than carbon dioxide in causing the greenhouse effect.


In the United States, for example, a family of four emits more greenhouse gases from eating meat than from driving two cars. But when people talk about global warming, we tend to think about cars and forget about meat consumption.


Research published by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization revealed that animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the exhaust from all of the world’s transportation — including cars, trucks, planes, and trains — combined. 

图片来源 Picture source:  绿色和平 GREENPEACE


In addition to carbon dioxide, cows produce 150 billion gallons of methane a day, which has 86 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, livestock produces 65 percent of the world's nitric oxide, which is 296 times more potent than carbon dioxide in causing the greenhouse effect.



图片来源 Picture source: EPA; FAO


Reducing Meat Consumption = Mitigating Climate Change = Saving Penguins


As long as we reduce the amount of meat in our diet and replace it with plants, we can greatly slow the formation of greenhouse gases. By doing so we can save countless animals on the planet and our future generations.

更多阅读 Read More:什么是纯植物性饮食?What is Veganism?

牛津大学研究员Marco Springmann与同事一起建立了计算机模型,以此来预估2050年,如果人人都成为素食主义者,会造成什么样的影响。结果显示,不吃红肉带来的变化巨大:与食物相关的温室气体排放将减少约60%。如果更严格一些,每个人都是纯植物性饮食者的话,减排比例将达到70%。

University of Oxford researcher Marco Springmann worked with colleagues to build a computer model to estimate what the impact would be if everyone became a vegetarian in 2050. The results show that the change from not eating red meat is huge: food-related greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by about 60%. If it is more stringent, suppose everyone is a pure plant-based dieter, the reduction rate will reach 70%.


If everyone becomes vegan, then ideally, 80% of livestock land can be converted back to grassland or woodland, and the latter two can absorb carbon dioxide and alleviate the climate change crisis.


If everyone adopted a vegan diet, worldwide food-related greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by up to 70% by 2050.


Source: News, 'veggie-based diets could save 8 million lives by 2050 and cut global warming', University of Oxford

更多阅读 Read More: 这些病毒从何而来? Viruses, where do they come from?


Some scientists say 2020 is the last chance for humanity to save the planet through action. We hope this is just an alarmist, but everything that happened in early 2020 reminds us that the situation is already bad. We hope that everyone can remove their masks in the coming spring. While breathing the spring flowers, let's take action and make the wildfires no longer spread, locusts no longer flood, and diseases no longer invade.

参考 References: 

bbc.com, greenpeace.org, nationalgeographic.com, totallyveganbuzz.com, time.com, fao.org, Vegans of Shanghai MEATFEST.

