

主流学者关注了 语言治理

Special Issue of Second Language Teacher Education:
‘Corpus Linguistics in Second Language Teacher Education’
Guest Editors: Prof. Fiona Farr and Prof. Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska

Aims and Scope

The journal of Second Language Teacher Education (SLTE) will publish a Special Issue on integrating corpus linguistics in second language teacher education in November 2023. The SI editors invite abstract submissions on any theme related to the integration of corpus linguistics into any aspect of Second Language Teacher Education programmes. The proposed papers should be research-based and have a strong practice-based orientation. The editors welcome papers using any appropriate research methodologies which focus on investigating the implementation of corpus linguistics and data-driven learning (DDL) into any content or practice-based components of teacher education programmes in any second language, including English.

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts of 500-600 words (excluding refs) should be sent as a word document by email attachment to
fiona.farr@ul.ie (cc-ed to a.lenko@uw.edu.pl) before 26 th August, 2022.

Please also refer to the journal homepage for some general information about the orientation of the journal
and the types of papers it aims to publish. Papers will be published in English.

Selected authors will be requested to deliver full manuscripts of 6000-7,000 words, including references.

The authors will submit their abstracts and full manuscripts directly to the editors (not through the journal
submissions portal).

Author submission guidelines: https://journal.equinoxpub.com/SLTE/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/702


  • 26 th August 2022: abstracts submitted by contributors

  • 16th Sept 2022: decisions on abstracts by editors

  • 16th January 2023: full papers submitted – sent out for reviews (2, or 3 if necessary)

  • 17th April 2023: return papers to contributors for revisions (reviewers’ and editors’ comments)

  • 4th June 2023: contributors submit revised papers to editors for editorial/reviewer check

  • Mid- July 23: where relevant, editors return papers to contributors for final revisions

  • 14th August 2023: contributors return final papers to SI editors

These deadlines are strictly required for publication in the journal in November 2023

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