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Learning and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language: A Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Perspective

Colleagues are warmly welcome to submit abstracts for the panel described below, to be held at the next IPrA conferences in Brussels, Belgium, 9-14 July 2023 (https://pragmatics.international/page/Brussels2023).

Authors with interest should send their abstracts, formatted according to IPrA guidelines, to both Fengguang Liu and Daniel Kadar either by email at liufengguang@dlufl.edu.cn and dannier@dlufl.edu.cn. The deadline for abstract submission 1 October 2022.

Panel: Learning and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language: A Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Perspective

Organised by Fengguang Liu, Dániel Z. Kádár, and Juliane House

Panel Organisers




Dániel Z. Kádár

Professor Kadar is an expert of the study of language use. He is interested in the ways in which people build up and maintain interpersonal relationship with the help of language – an academic area often referred to as linguistic politeness research.

Juliane House

Juliane House教授本科就读于德国海德堡大学,双修英语和西班牙语翻译与国际法专业。在多伦多大学获得应用语言学博士学位,同时是芬兰于韦屈思莱大学以及西班牙海梅一世大学荣誉博士。Juliane House教授是德国科学基金会汉堡大学多语言研究中心的资深成员,指导参与了多个关于翻译和口译的项目。曾担任国际翻译与跨文化研究协会(IATIS)主席,研究兴趣包括翻译理论与实践、对比语用学、话语分析和跨文化交际等。



北京航空航天大学外国语学院副院长、博士生导师、博士后合作导师。主要研究领域为二语语用,研究兴趣涵盖语用学、二语习得等。迄今已主持国家社会科学基金2项、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大工项目等省部级项目多项。入选2020年和2021年爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”榜单。在Applied Linguistics, Assessing Writing, Discourse, Context & Media,ELT Journal, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, International Journal of Multilingualism, IRAL, Journal of Pragmatics, Language Teaching, Modern Language Journal, Pragmatics, Pragmatics & Cognition, Pragmatics & Society,System 等国内外权威学术期刊发表论文70余篇,在国际权威出版社出版学术专著2本,书评14篇,在SSCI期刊编纂专刊2期。担任中国语用学研究会常务理事,中国二语习得研究协会常务各理事。担任Discourse, Context & Media、Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development、International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism、Language Teaching Research、System多家国内外期刊编委。

新著推荐 | 任伟 :Second Language Pragmatics

The aim of this panel is to explore the area of learning and teaching Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) through the perspectives of cross-cultural pragmatics. Over recent years, Chinese has gained prominence in foreign language learning and teaching, and both pragmatics and applied linguistics has witnessed a surge of research focusing on CFL. Yet, we believe that more research needs to be dedicated to the cross-cultural pragmatics of CFL. Cross-cultural pragmatics can help researchers to investigate language learning and teaching from new angles due to its bottom-up and strictly language-anchored nature, which allow the analyst to observe CFL without relying on sweeping overgeneralisations and cultural stereotypes that have unfortunately gained momentum in this area (e.g. “Chinese students struggle to realise a certain pragmatic phenomenon due to their face-sensitivity”).

Here we distance ourselves from the strong contrastive hypothesis that linguacultural differences automatically trigger L2 learning difficulties. Still, we believe that contrastive pragmatic differences between Chinese as an L2 and the learners’ L1 should not be neglected if one wishes to examine the understudied issue why and how Chinese pragmatic phenomena may puzzle speakers of other languages who learn Chinese as a foreign language. For instance, as House et al. (2022) argued in a recent study dedicated to the learning how to realise the speech act Greet in a foreign language, if one expects the other to utter a greeting and the greeting fails to come, or one is greeted when no such greeting is expected, gut feelings of irritation may emerge. A contrastive pragmatic analysis of Chinese and learners’ L1 may help us understand cross-cultural differences of pragmatic conventions which may trigger such instances of foreign speaker puzzlement in CFL.

In the proposed panel we aim to dedicate special attention to the learning (and teaching) of the realisation of speech acts. We will use the speech act typology proposed in Edmondson and House (1981) and Edmondson et al. (2022) as a methodological anchor in the panel.

Edmondson, Willis, and Juliane House. 1981. Let’s Talk and Talk About It: An Interactional Pedagogic Grammar of English. Munchen: Urban & Schwarzenberg.
Edmondson, Willis, Juliane House, and Dániel Z Kádár. 2022. Expressions, Speech Acts and Discourse: An Interactional Pedagogic Grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
House, Juliane, Dániel Z. Kádár, Fengguang Liu, and Shiyu Liu. (2022). Greeting in English as a Foreign Language: A Problem for Speakers of Chinese. Applied Linguistics.

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