学术会议 | 第15届语言景观研究论坛征稿通知
Linguistic Landscape
The theme of Linguistic Landscape 15 is focused on fluidity and fixity in borderlands. We conceive of 'borderlands' broadly, to include both physical and imagined spaces, as well as both empirical and theoretical conceptualisations.
We welcome abstracts that investigate the linguistic landscapes of borderlands, including (and going beyond) the possible themes listed below:LL at and around geographical borders
LL at and around political borders LL in language planning and policy, defining borders Ideological borders in the LL Crossing the borders of academia into community-led LL research Crossing the borders between LL research and pedagogical application LL research and disciplinary borders Methodological borders in LL research Theoretical borders in LL research Historical borders in LL research Modality borders in LL research Linguistic borders in LL research Ethical borders in LL research
二、Abstract Submission
For individual paper submissions, please include a title and 250 word (maximum) abstract (excluding references).For panel submissions, please include a panel title and 250 word (maximum) abstract for the panel. Please then also include titles for each individual paper as well as a 150 word (maximum) abstract for each paper on the panel.The conference will mostly be in-person. If you would like to submit for a Zoom presentation, please submit as part of a hybrid panel. At least one presenter from the panel must be present in-person.Please include the language(s) of your proposed presentation. Translanguaging during presentations is also welcome.
三、Keynote Speakers
Call for Abstracts Announced: 8 September 2023
Abstract Submissions Close: 30 November 2023
Notification of Acceptance: 31 December 2023
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 31 January
2024Speaker Registration Deadline: 31 March 2024
NZ LL Winter School: 18-19 June 2024
Conference: 20-22 June 2024。
重磅!CiteScore™ 2021 语言学期刊影响力排名正式发布
科研助力 | 2022年语言学类期刊SJR排名分区列表(附Excel版下载)
学术调查| Martin Hilpert :什么让语言成为语言
马丁课堂|Martin Hilpert:语言与大脑的关系:从三个语言学实验谈起
马丁课堂|Martin Hilpert:如何阅读语言学学术论文?
大师对话|Steven Pinker与Noam Chomsky谈语言和人工智能在未来的发展大师对话|Krashen 教授与 Chomsky教授谈现代语言学的发展
大师对话|Halliday, Labov, Jacob Mey, Embleton教授谈功能语用与社会语言学的融合发展学术访谈|Ken Hyland:如何在高水平期刊发表自己的学术论文
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