学术会议 | 第48届宾夕法尼亚语言学论坛征稿通知
PLC 48
一、Keynote Speaker
Vera Gribanova received her PhD in Linguistics from University of California Santa Cruz in 2010, and since then has been Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Stanford University. Her research explores the principles that connect word and sentence structure to sound structure, primarily in Russian, Bulgarian and Uzbek.
Gribanova's project "Subjects and Clause Structure in Three Turkic Languages" explores the special status of the notion grammatical subject by looking at its grammatical encoding in the clause in Turkic languages, where the grammatical markers for subjecthood typical of Indo-European languages are dissociated. This investigation reinvents contemporary theories of this relation via a comparative investigation of subject case and verb agreement in several under-studied, closely related Turkic languages (Kazakh, Uzbek, and Kirghiz).
二、Call for papers
Abstracts are due by November 17, 2023. Notification of acceptance will be given by the end of January 2024.
Papers about language, on any topic in linguistics and associated fields, such as psychology, neuroscience, and computer science, are welcome. Session topics in recent years have included phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, and natural language processing. We encourage abstracts on both spoken and signed languages. Abstracts should indicate whether they are being submitted for consideration as a talk, poster, or both. (See instructions for authors below.) Abstracts should be anonymized: please do not include your name or affiliation within the abstract. Please also note that each author may only submit one first-authored abstract.Length: Please limit abstracts to two single-spaced pages in 12pt font, including examples, figures, and references. Examples and figures may be interspersed with text.Format: To facilitate the review process, please submit your abstract as a .PDF file.
To submit an abstract, you must follow these steps:
To begin, login at: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/6955/submitter If you do not have an existing Oxford Abstracts account, click on "Create an account." Enter author information in the provided fields. Please ensure that at least one author checks the "Presenting?" box. All authors who wish to receive e-mail correspondences or notifications should check the "Corresponding Author?" box. Please make sure at least one author checks the "Corresponding Author?" box. If the first author is a student, please indicate it in the relevant field. Please confirm your agreement by checking the boxes for "Permission to publish," "Author approval," and "Author will attend." Please specify whether you would like your submission to be considered for oral presentation only, poster presentation only, or either option. In the "Categories" field, please select a subfield from the dropdown menu that best fits your submission, even if you feel that none of the options are perfect. In the "Keywords" field, please enter three to five keywords, in order to facilitate the reviewer assignment process. Upload your abstract. Submit a .PDF file in the "Upload abstract" field. Only .PDF files will be accepted. Do not include your name or affiliation in the abstract/file name! Click "Submit." You will be directed to a summary page of your submissions. Ensure that the submission status displays as "COMPLETE" in green, as this confirms that it has been successfully saved. Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously. You may make any necessary updates up to the submission deadline by logging in to Oxford Abstracts and navigating to your abstract.
Email: plc@ling.upenn.edu
Conference website: https://www.ling.upenn.edu/Events/PLC/plc48/Penn Linguistics Conference
Department of Linguistics
3401-C Walnut Street
Suite 300, C Wing
University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6228
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