
学术会议| 第 33届欧洲二语习得研究会年会征稿通知

主流学者关注了 语言治理


The 33rd Conference of the European Second Language Association


Generally considered the foremost meeting for second language researchers in Europe, the 2024 conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA) will bring together for the thirty-third year researchers working on second language acquisition, processing, and use from across the world. The conference will be hosted in Montpellier (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3) from 3 to 6 July 2024.

Keynote speakers

• Stéphanie Roussel (Université de Bordeaux)• Joan C. Mora (University of Barcelona)• Nicole Tracy-Ventura (University of West Virginia)• Xavier Aparicio (INSPE, Université de Paris-Est-Créteil)

Call for Papers

Doctoral Workshop and Roundtable 

The conference will also offer a doctoral student workshop and a Roundtable (to be confirmed).

Types of Presentation

1) Individual papersLength of presentation: 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.2) Posters: A0, portrait or landscape.3) Papers at the doctoral student workshopLength of presentation: 15 minutes of talk by the doctoral student, followed by 15 minutes for discussion.The doctoral student workshop aims at fostering discussions of ongoing PhD research, as well as at obtaining feedback from senior researchers and other doctoral students. These workshops provide an opportunity for PhD students to present and discuss their work and explore future directions (25 minutes). Doctoral students whose abstracts are accepted are required to send their abstract, presentation, and a limited number of specific questions to the senior discussant ahead of the conference. The discussant will lead a 10-minute feedback/discussion session of the PhD work.  

Abstract Submission

The submission of presentation proposals closes on 10 December 2023. We particularly encourage the submission of poster proposals given that the number of paper slots are limited. We believe that poster sessions are an excellent opportunity to discuss research with other delegates on a more informal basis.The proposals for all presentations will be evaluated anonymously by at least three members of the EuroSLA 33 Scientific Committee. Evaluation criteria include:• quality of the content• clarity of the abstract• contribution to the field.Please note that you will have to create a Sciencesconf account to be able to submit your abstract.Notification of acceptance will be communicated by end of February 2024.Length of Abstracts Individual papers, papers at the doctoral student workshop, or posters: max. 500 words.Language Policy The working language of the conference is English, but presentations are also welcome in other European languages.Presenter Policy Each participant can appear as the first author (and presenter) of one presentation only, regardless of whether this is a paper in the doctoral workshop or the conference proper.

student Stipends

As in previous years, several student stipends will be available for students currently enrolled in either a Master's or a Doctoral program. If you wish to apply, please send the following information to eurosla33@sciencesconf.org before 10 December 2023:• Name, institution, and address of institution• Official confirmation of student status• Statement from supervisor or Head of department that the applicant's institution cannot (fully) cover the conference-related expenses.Please note that applicants who have already received such a stipend in the past are not eligible to re-apply.

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Language Governance Alliance





