
How Ancient China Used to Keep Cool in the Summer

GiC Team GICexpat 2020-08-28

As per usual, the summer is leaving us feeling out breath and sweating uncontrollably barely a few minutes after leaving our building.

Fortunately for us, air conditioning units and refreshing fruits and beverages are helping us keep our cool. But how did our ancestors in ancient China manage to survive through this much heat?


Porcelain pillows

Porcelain pillows were one of the most commonly used items, which helped people stay cool throughout the night with an empty interlayer that could contain cold water. While this may not be as ideal as today’s modern soft pillows we’re accustomed to, it did have its benefits. 

Bamboo pillow

Nicknamed the “bamboo lady”, this pillow has hollow ends and is made up of bamboo mesh for ventilation and heat dissipation.

Ice urns

Similar to modern day’s refrigerators, these containers helped keep all kinds of cooked foods or beverages, including wine, in a cool environment.

During the Zhou Dynasty, people were appointed to fetch ice and take it to noble officials as a sign of grace to help them cool down.

Towards the end of the Tang Dynasty, ice was created in the summer from mining saltpeter (a common name for potassium nitrate), which was often used to make gunpowder.

It was discovered by accident that saltpeter, when dissolved in water, absorbed so much heat that it cooled the water to ice. However, the amount of ice was very limited, and the main source of ice hidden in the winter, so only royal relatives and nobles would enjoy it.

It was not until the Song and Yuan Dynasties that ice cubes appeared in the market for cold drinks, chilled melons and fruit drinks.

 "central air conditioning”

In the Ming Dynasty, a group of palaces together were known as the "Hanliang Palace” with a room installed with "central air conditioning”. This type of refrigeration was very advanced at the time, enabling people to bring their body temperatures down when in this space during hot summer days.

Pipes were installed on the four eaves of the palace to let water flow down from all four sides of the temple, just like the Water Curtain Cave of Sun Wukong. With another fan blowing into the cold water, the indoor temperature naturally drops, and the cooling effect was excellent.

In the absence of technology, our ancient ancestors exerted their wisdom to keep themselves cool every summer! 

Interested in learning more facts about ancient China, including other ways people used to stay cool back then? 

Hit “Wow” for this article to let us know!

Editor: Crystal H

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