

周游、朱正 多维城市 2023-12-08



ChuangyeRoad is the main road connecting Bao'an Central District and Jiangang Mountain High tech Zone. At one end is the coastal super sports facilities, high-density business headquarters and super dynamic coastal zone. At the other end is Xin'an County, which is built at the same time with the Shenzhen special district. It is full of the neighborhood vitality and embrace you with a warmth close at hand.


In the past decade, as the city has moved westward, Bao'an is an administrative district with the fastest population growth, the most drastic structural changes and the youngest age composition in Shenzhen. Chuangye Road area, which adjacent to both Nanshan and Qianhai, is one of the most dynamic regions with strong development momentum.


The location characteristics of the central area and the exuberant urban vitality, Chuangye Road and Bao 'an central district build a spatial relationship of "front city and back alley", which is easy to remind people of Wall Street and New York Silicon Alley, the City of London and Shoreditch area. The agglomeration of people and innovative elements brings huge imagination space to the Chuangye road.

不同于增量地区以空间吸纳大产业、大总部,这些极具活力的人群、产业在创业路与现状存量空间构建了紧密的共生关系。如何以合理的路径导入更高质量经济活动(商业/ 商务/ 文化/ 创意)是设计考虑的出发点。但这些活动不应是直接“设计”出来的,而将在空间场域里自然生长出来。因此我们提出“街巷聚场”,通过有限度的设计手法,培育出一个多元丰富、可生长、可进化的空间场系。

Different from the incremental areas that absorb large industries and headquarters in space, these extremely dynamic people and industries have built a close symbiotic relationship between the Chuangye road and the current stock space.How to import higher quality economic activities (commercial/commercial/cultural/creative) in a reasonable path is the starting point of our design consideration, but these activities are not from any directly "design", these activities should be naturally grown in the space field. We propose a plan with limited design, to cultivate a diversified, rich, growable and evolvable field system.


We will focus our design on three aspects: a more dynamic street environment, more innovative catalyst projects, and a more inclusive and sustainable urban atmosphere to guide the Chuangye road to maintain diversity and complexity while "upgrading" the physical space.


2.1 重构“街巷体验” 


Reconstruct "Street Experience"


The upgrading of G107 brings an opportunity for building a more attractive traffic environment in Xin’an Area. Four north-south main road channels across G107 will be added in the area, which can largely release the existing traffic pressure on Chuangye Road.We will re-divide the street right of way and create a three-level street system of "Boulevard-Street-Alley" on the base of reconstruction of Chuangye Road.


One main road - Chuangye Road

G107改造后,创业路交通流量更加合理,我们通过缩窄创业路车行断面,释放给慢行空间, 塑造更具活力的主街。

After the reconstruction of G107, the traffic flow of Chuangye Road will become more reasonable. By narrowing the lane section of Chuangye Road, we can release the space for pedestrian and bike and create a more dynamic main street.


In the reconstruction of G107, the original structure of Chuangye Interchange will be retained. By adding a new facade, it will be transformed into pedestrian bridge as well as a new landmark linking the north and south.

5 boulevards


Including Xin'an 2nd Road, Xin'an 3rd Road, Bao'an Avenue, Qianjin 1st Road, Baoshi Road and the ground section of G107. We aim to reserve space for the implantation of future traffic facilities on the basis of re-balancing the space for pedestrians and vehicles. Expanded public spaces will be placed along roads at important nodes in combination with urban activities to create a more functional balanced arterial system in the urban center area.

10 条活力商业主街
10 dynamic main commercial streets


Including Fanshen Street, Dabao Street, Liuxian 2nd Street, Gongyuan Street, etc. We will adjust the right of way allocation more flexibly according to the time demand in ways of tidal lanes, bus lanes and flexible use of lanes. We will differentiate the development theme in different sections,weaken the functional division between buildings and streets, in order to form a diversified, interesting and characteristic commercial street system.

20 条城市里巷
20 urban alleys


The urban alley network is the capillary hidden in the urban villages, old residential areas and other neighborhoods. Based on the existing architectures, space for public traffic will be appropriately densified to optimize the microcirculation. Infrastructure and institutional supporting the formation of the public communication and social spaces will be provided at the corner of these alleys, let the inner lane of neighborhoods become the incubator of cultural creativity and community spirit.



Through the re-sorting of the street network, we aim to create a dynamic and fully connected street ecosystem and make streets and their corners the perfect places for relaxing and communication.

2.2 构建“超级路径”


Build a "Super Path"


Identify potential space and build a "super path" along the Chuangye road. Through the implantation of catalyst point project, it will provide the inital power for the reorganization and improvement of regional functions.


In order to connect the framework of regional development, we have defined five theme blocks, and identified potential resources by combining comprehensive renovation with demolition and reconstruction. Through the implantation of public services, consumer places, and mixed office spaces, five urban clusters with different characters and sense of place identity will be formed, becoming the " gathering anchor" for people and vitality.


翻身片区 - 我们保留有活力的城中村,组织起未来青年交往的趣缘聚场,提供多样的新社交消费场,“厂房计划”提供低成本创业空间,最大化城中村固有的社交优势,将新空间语汇嵌入老建筑结构,用新生活方式激活老市井街巷,打造青年群体的创新能量充电站。

By combining redevelopment and renovation,Fanshen Area is organized as an interests gathering field for future youth interaction, providing a variety of new social consumption places. The "Factory Project" provides low-cost entrepreneurial space, maximize the inherent social advantages of urban villages. Through the embedding of new spatial vocabulary into the old building structure and activating the old streets and alleys with new lifestyles, Fanshen Area will create an innovative energy charging station for youth groups.

建安花园 - 学校、医院、办公之间的节点枢纽,我们通过三组立体院落扭合、充实了社区的公共底盘,也促进周边公共资源的局部开放,形成开放混合的未来社区生活走廊,塑造适应年轻人居住、社群生活的社群聚场。

Jian'an Garden is a triplet gathering fields between schools, hospitals and residential areas. Through the three groups of courtyards, we can then twist and enrich the public foundation of the community as well as promote the partial opening of the surrounding public resources to Form an open and mixed corridor of community life which meet the requirement of young generation.

裕安花园 - 科技体验和青年潮玩耦合的创意聚场,外侧创造连续的创业路界面,内侧形成细碎的体验界面与大量灰空间,外置承重结构为空间灵活分割带来可能,可变的建筑单元适应商业需求的迭代,半永久的文化装置是潮流科创的空间载体,也是标志性的城市景观。

Yu'an Garden is a creative gathering fields where digital technology experience and youth fun are fused. It will create a continuous interface towards Chuangye road and a fragmented experience interface with vertical grey space towards the inner-streets. The design of structures provides the possibility of flexible space division, and variable building units will adapt to the evolution of commercial needs. The semi-permanent cultural installation is the spatial carrier of innovation, as well as iconic urban landmark.

新安26区二期地块 - 前业后居的总部聚场,采用1.5弹性开发模式,随着企业迭代提高开发强度, 无车化组织最大化地面绿地,层层退台的空中花园延续公园语境,引绿入户。城市核与半地下广场将地铁人流由喧嚣带入宁静,在郁郁葱葱的城市森林中偷闲效率生活。

The second phase of Area 26 is a central gathering field for headquarters and residence. It adopts a 1.5 flexible development model to increase development intensity as enterprises evolution. Car-free organization maximizes the ground green space and the sky gardens with receding terraces continue the park context and lead the greenery into the rooms. Urban core and semi-underground plaza will bring people out of the subway traffic, from hustle and bustle to tranquility. Allowing a grasp of relief from efficient life-style in the lush urban forest and a quiet beauty of nature in the heart of the city.

灵芝新村 - 连接新安公园与灵芝公园,是双公园间的榕林自然开放社区、生息聚场,我们提供更混合的社群功能与更优质的居住环境,用小体量创新群落建筑隐于现状榕林荫中,通过风雨廊与灵芝天棚提供了灵动的林下洄游体验。

Lingzhi Garden connecting the Xin’an Park and Lingzhi Park, creates an open community and a living field between two green anchors. We provide here a more diverse community functions and better habitat environment. Innovative clusters in small volumes are hidden in the shades of banyan forest. The corridors and canopies provide a dynamic migration experience under the trees.


Through the multi-layer linear corridor, the catalyst space, charm gathering field, park and other important places are connected to form the "SUPER PATH" of Chuangye road - a panoramic corridor showing the future work, consumption, life and leisure.


2.3 保育“新安本味”


Preserve "Xin’an Flavor"


The multi-scale Banyan street, food stalls in ancient village and neighborhood laneways constitute a vital basis with the thickest marketplace and community atmosphere in Xin 'an. We focus on the public life under the banyan tree and in the market, activating these street and alleys on the basis of preserving the original life.


Identify the "Xin'an Banyan Tree Map", continue the iconic Xin'an life style under the Banyan trees. Place the residential life scenes such as sports, culture, art and daily leisure into the comfortable shade spaces. By forming an under-tree design toolbox, appropriate scenes can be selected to meet the various scenes of community residents in specific construction projects, so that the elderly, children and young people can find suitable venues under these banyan trees.


The market is the main source of vital atmosphere in Xin'an. We transform the old market as well as build new markets to form a number of distinctive and interesting public living places. We focus on the transformation and improvement of Shangchuan market, Baomin market and Xinle market, integrate the fashionable functions of the bazar, flash art and creative theater, and become the new mental landmark of "Xin’an Flavor".


In the future, we expect to respond to the vibrant built character with a limited spatial design, letting digital technology, trendy art and market life grow naturally here. Here will be new buildings and new communities, But the image of Lingnan stay as old, the banyan forest stay as old.






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2021年度中规院学术交流会总结【PDF】下载成果公布丨连云港市新港城几何中心方案征集; 《杭州市钱塘区江海之城城市设计》方案公布!

