
学术前沿 | Top期刊主编推荐的经济学、发展经济学和农业经济学Top期刊

Marc 三农大数据 2022-12-31



推荐语 不管是基于影响因子还是通过专家“打分”,对期刊进行排名,给出Top5,或者Top10的名单,总是会引起各种争议。但是不可否认,无论是国内期刊还是国外期刊,一些“公认”好期刊上的文章的确是学术界新人“入坑”最好的学习材料。当新进入一个研究领域,要找到“线头”的时候,这些好期刊也是必不可少的参考资料。这篇推文是我在朋友圈看到斌磊(龚斌磊博士是近年来迅速“窜升”的青年经济学家,浙江大学公管学院研究员,也是我的学弟,我们团队的学术顾问)的转发,推荐给团队挑选素材用的,谁知他们选择在三农大数据上转发,也挺好。再次感谢斌磊提供素材!


原标题:What Are the Top Journals?


作者:Marc F. Bellemare (Food Policy 主编)



A question from a graduate student:


Based on our conversation about my interests, what are the most important ones (5? perhaps more?) that I should be paying attention to?


If there is some blog post you could point me to about the taxonomy of the field, I would be appreciative. I have heard the term “top 5 journals” thrown around a lot but I couldn’t tell you which ones they were, moreover I’m not sure if general top 5 econ = top 5 development.


My answer, edited for clarity and grammar:


Good question! Traditionally the top five journals in economics are: the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Political Economy, and the Review of Economic Studies.

好问题!传统上排名前五的经济学期刊是:the American Economic Review(AER),Econometrica, the Quarterly Journal of Economics(QJE), the Journal of Political Economy(JPE)the Review of Economic Studies(RES)

I say “traditionally,” because there are now seven or eight “top-five” journals. Taking the five I mentioned, you can add the Review of Economics and Statistics, the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, and the Economic Journal, and maybe even the new the American Economic Review: Insights and the Journal of the European Economic Association.

我说“传统上”,是因为现在有七、八种“前五名”期刊。我提到的五本,加上the Review of Economics and Statistics, the American Economic Journal: Applied Economicsthe Economic Journal,甚至是新出版的the American Economic Review: Insightsthe Journal of the European Economic Association

In development economics, the top journals are the Journal of Development Economics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, World Development, the World Bank Economic Review, and the Journal of Development Studies.

发展经济学方面,最顶尖的期刊the Journal of Development Economics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, World Development, the World Bank Economic Reviewthe Journal of Development Studies

In agricultural economics, the American Journal of Agricultural Economics is top (historically, if not by impact factor) along with Food Policy, Agricultural Economics, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, and maybe the European Review of Agricultural Economics.

农业经济学方面,the American Journal of Agricultural Economics Food Policy, Agricultural Economics, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy并列第一(从历史上看,如果不考虑影响因子的话)。

It’s hard to subscribe to just five table-of-contents emails, to be honest. Five is what you’d get in a field, but most development folks are interested in one other field (agricultural economics in my case), and then you have to know what’s published in top general journals because they often publish things that are germane to your research interests.


I should also have added: Among the general sciences journals, which often publish stuff of relevance to agricultural, development, and environmental economists, the top three are Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Science.

我还应该补充一点:在经常发表与农业、发展和环境经济学家相关内容的普通科学类期刊中,排名前三的是Nature、Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesScience

Over the years, I’ve found that the best way to keep up (short of having a departmental librarian who emails you the tables of contents you are interested in every time those journals release a new issue, as is the case in our department), is via RSS feed. Most journals have an RSS feed that you can subscribe to with a reader. I used to use Google Reader, but Google did away with it, and so now I use feedly, which is free (and is also how I keep up with blogs).

多年来,我发现保持期刊更新的最好方法是通过RSS订阅。大多数期刊都有RSS订阅源,你可以用阅读器进行订阅。我以前用谷歌阅读器(Google Reader),但是谷歌把它抛弃了,所以现在我用feedly,这是免费的(这也是我关注博客的方式)。

- END -





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翻译 | 沈梦露

推荐 | 杨奇明



