
BRI Asian Countries 5 | Indonesia 一带一路亚洲国家系列5 印尼

Louise GBA Community 2024-01-29

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Indonesia is a country located between the Indian and Pacific oceans. Its location is mainly in Southeast Asia with some territories in Oceania, which makes it a transcontinental country. The country is made up of more than seventeen thousand and five hundred islands, making it the only country in the world with more than ten thousand islands.


Indonesia shares a border with Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, East Timor, Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, Australia, Palau etc. The official language of Indonesia is Indonesian, other recognized languages include Javanese, Sundanese and many others.


Of the more than seventeen thousand islands, only 6,000 islands are inhabited. Main islands are Sumatra, Kalimantan (“Borneo”), Sulawesi (“Celebes”), Jawa (“Java”), and Papua (the western half of Papua New Guinea).



100,000 Indonesian Rupiah 


The currency used in Indonesia is Indonesian rupiah.


National Flag 国旗

The national flag of Indonesia consists of two equal horizontal bands, red on the top and white on the bottom. Red stands for human blood while white represent human spirit.


National Anthem 国歌

The national anthem of Indonesia is “Indonesia Raya,” meaning “Great Indonesia.”


National Flower 国花

The national flower of Indonesia is Jasmine.

印尼 的国花是毛茉莉。

National Animal 国家动物

The national animal of Indonesia is Komodo dragon.


Capital city 首都

The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta. It is located on the world's most populous island Java. Jakarta is officially a province with special capital region status. 


Surabaya 泗水

Statue in front of Surabaya city zoo 


Surabaya is one of the most ancient and significant trading ports in Indonesia. Here you will find some of the largest South-East Asia's shopping malls. Local myths explain that Surabaya derives its name from the words "sura" or "suro" (shark) and "baya" or "boyo" (crocodile), two creatures which, in a local myth, fought each other in order to gain the title of "the strongest and most powerful animal" in the area

泗水是印尼最古老最重要的贸易港口之一。很多购物广场在这个城市里。其名字“Surabaya”在当地有一个神话解释,“Sura” 或者“Suro”是鲨鱼,“baya” 或者“boyo”是鳄鱼,这两个动物曾为了获得“当地最强,最有权力的动物”的标志就打起来的。

The Skyline of Surabaya


Bekasi 勿加泗

Bekasi is a city in West Java not far from the capital, Jakarta. It is part of the "Jabotabek" region that makes up the conurbation around Jakarta.


Bandung 万隆

Ciater Hot spring 西亚特温泉

At the beginning of the 20th century, Bandung was the favorite resort of wealthy tea and coffee plantations. Bandung was then also dubbed the elegant "Paris van Java", meaning "the Paris of Java".

20世纪初时,万隆是富裕的茶园主和咖啡种植园主最喜欢的度假胜地,她们在这里拥有大片起伏的茶园和咖啡园。万隆也被称为“Paris van Java”,意思是“爪哇的巴黎”。

In Central Bandung there are Art Deco buildings of Dutch colonial heritage, that include "Gedung Sate" the Governor's office building; the present Bidakara Homann Hotel, and Gedung Merdeka, venue for the Asian-African Conference with its attached Museum.

在万隆市中心,你仍然可以欣赏荷兰殖民地传统的装饰艺术建筑,包括总督办公楼“Gedung Sate”;现在的Bidakara Homann酒店和Gedung Merdeka(亚非会议的会场及其附属博物馆)。

Medan 棉兰

This is the capital city of North Sumatra Province, it is also an economic hub and commercial center for the region. The diverse ethnicity in this city accounts for its wide variety of culinary spots which are rich with many different flavors.


Other major cities in Indonesia are Depok, Tangerang, Palembang, and South Tangerang.


Bali 巴厘岛

Subak Irrigation system


Bali is the world's top tourist destination; Indonesian Film Festival is held here every year. It has the highest biodiversity of marine species. For instance, there are over 500 reef-building coral species. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Subak Irrigation system is also found in this city. The city boasts diverse tourist attractions and the best international and local restaurants.


Ulun Danu Temple


Other temples on this island include Pura Taman Ayun Temple and Batu Balong Temple.


Garuda Wisnu Kencana Park

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park or GWK, is a tourist destination and attraction located at Ungasan, Badung on the island of Bali. It is devoted to the Hindu god Vishnu and Garuda. The park has a land area of about 60 hectares and is 263 meters above sea level.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana文化公园,位于巴厘岛的巴东昂加桑,是一个旅游目的地和景点。它是献给印度教的毗湿奴神和嘎鲁达。公园占地面积约60公顷,海拔263米。

Bali Zoo


Some other attractions in Bali include Bali Zoo, Kapten I Wayan Dipta Stadium, Mother Temple of Besakih and Puputan Monument, Taman Nusa Sidan, Bajra Sandhi Monument Denpasar, Kemenuh Butterfly Park, Taman Werdhi Budaya Art Center, Bunut Bolong, Batur Kintamani Volcano Museum, Lumintang City Park Denpasar, Tanah Wuk Mengwi, etc.

在巴里的其它景点包括巴厘动物园、卡普滕I Wayan Dipta体育场、贝萨基母亲神庙和普普顿纪念碑,塔曼努萨西丹、巴吉拉三地纪念碑登巴萨、凯门努赫蝴蝶公园、塔曼韦尔迪布达亚艺术中心、布努特博龙、巴图尔金塔马尼火山博物馆、鲁米顿格城市公园登巴萨、塔纳乌克门圭等。

Nature 自然

Indonesia support a high level of biodiversity, mainly a mixture of Asian and Australasian species. 36% of its bird species and 39% of its mammal are endemic. The most famous species associated with Indonesia are the Orangutan and the Komodo dragon.


People 人民

Indonesia is one of the world’s most diverse countries and diversity is a central feature of Indonesian culture. It has 300 ethnic groups; 750 languages and dialects, with several local languages having their own scripts. The importance of diversity is embedded in the nation’s motto: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (“Unity in diversity”).

作为世界上最多元化的国家之一,多样性是印尼文化的一个核心特征。它有300个民族;750种语言和方言,一些地方语言有自己的文字;由于该国独特的历史和地理,宗教众多。多样性的重要性植根于国家的座右铭:Bhinneka Tunggal Ika(“多样性中的统一”)。

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BRI Asian Countries 5 | Indonesia 一带一路亚洲国家系列5 印尼

Louise GBA Community

