
30-day Visa-free Entry to China

GBA Community 2023-05-16

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South China's Hainan province has resumed the 30-day visa-free entry for business, family visits, tourism, medical treatment, exhibitions or sports competitions in the province.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

The visa-free arrangement was launched in 2018 and covers passport holders from 59 countries.

According to the Hainan Provincial Bureau of International Economic Development, the resumption shows Hainan's openness to the world and the deepening of connectivity between Hainan and visa-free countries, especially in economic, trade and cultural exchanges.

A representative from the bureau pointed out that more foreign enterprises and projects are expected to be established in the free trade port of the province.

The third China International Consumer Goods Expo will be held in Haikou in April. The bureau said that with the resumption of the policy, it is expected that more chief executives of the world's leading companies, overseas exhibitors and foreign buyers will attend in person, which reflects the motto of the Expo to "buy from the world, and sell to the world".

"The resumption will further improve the international accessibility of the Hainan FTP," said Li Shijie, dean of the School of Economics at Hainan University. "It will facilitate short stays of overseas personnel in Hainan and enhance the province's competitiveness in attracting international talent."

Li believes it will also activate the province's inbound tourism market, benefit its civil aviation industry, accelerate the return of consumption and promote the construction of an international tourism consumption center.

Russian expatriate Sergei Orlov, an entrepreneur and travel marketer in Sanya, said it's definitely good news for Hainan's travel industry.

"With visa-free opportunities, more international tourists will come to Hainan, and my company's business will likely be in demand," he said.

Albert Yip, director-general of the Sanya tourism promotion board, said that in recent years the board has been committed to upgrading and renewing Sanya's tourism resources and introducing large-scale cultural and sports activities, diverse music activities, exhibitions, conferences and exhibitions. 

With the policy resumption, such activities now can attract more international tourists to Sanya.

"The board is also carrying out tourism promotion activities overseas. With the policy resumption, we're confident in making Sanya a new benchmark for the construction of Hainan FTP," Yip added.

Source: ChinaDaily

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