RSVP | Colour Workshop: Learning from Memphis & RAL COLOURS
The next DIIS Design Salon will be a "Colour Workshop" on December 4th, 2023. Three leading figures from the world of design and colour will discuss the color theory and application of the RAL design system and host a workshop.
This salon will invite the audience to play with colors hands-on along with the speakers. Anyone curious about colours can join us, and you may find the answer you've been looking for in this salon. As a special bonus, each participant will create their own unique colour-experiment gift.
阿尔多·西比克 Aldo Cibic
Aldo Cibic is the Chief Advisor at DIIS and the Co-founder of Memphis. He founded the Cibicworkshop, a multidisciplinary research centre that focuses on sustainable projects, exploring how to improve entire local areas, and defining new cultural, emotional, and environmental awareness in public spaces.
马库斯 Markus Frentrop
马库斯(Markus Frentrop)先生是德国劳尔色彩和劳尔学院的全球负责人。他曾领导劳尔色彩连续5次荣获德国设计大奖、红点设计大奖、中国设计智造大奖创智奖,并向颜色世界及工业、贸易、建筑及设计领域的色彩专业人士贡献了其深厚的色彩知识及经验。
Markus Frentrop is the Global Head of RAL COLOURS and RAL Academy in Germany, leading RAL COLOURS to win German Design Awards, Red Dot Design Awards, and China Design Intelligence Awards. He has contributed his deep color knowledge and experience to professionals in the fields of industry, trade, architecture and design.
施维山 Srini Srinivasan
施维山(Srini Srinivasan)教授是上海创新创意设计研究院首席运营官,世界设计组织前主席和参议员。他一直强调设计对于世界、生态、未来的重要性,并对教育行业做出了突出贡献。
Srini Srinivasan is the Chief Operating Officer of DIIS and a former president and senator of the World Design Organization. He has always emphasized the importance of design to the world, ecology, and the future, and has made outstanding contributions to the education industry.
|活动信息及报名方式 / Event Info|
活动地点 / Location
Design Innovation Institute Shanghai
505 Dongchangzhi Road, Hongkou District
活动时间 / Date & Time
12月4日 周一下午 14:30-17:00
Dec. 4th, Monday, 14:30-17:00
活动语言 / Language
Chinese & English
活动费用 / Participation Fees
早鸟票 / Early-Bird Tickets: 299 RMB
原价票 / Regular Tickets: 399 RMB 当日票 / On-the-Day Tickets: 499 RMB
报名方式 / RSVP Here
Please scan the QR code to join us!
First-come, First-served!
Come and join the Design Salon to get colour advice for your brand, your career, or your design challenges!
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