这让我我想起了自己14年在马里兰州安纳波利斯圣约翰学院(St. John's College)研究生院毕业仪式上代表毕业生做的祝酒演讲。我想每一个被赋予这种荣幸的毕业生都很珍惜这个机会,借此表达身份认同或求学经历中最深的感受,希望自己的演讲能被一部分人记住,多年之后还会来一句,“他当年的毕业演讲很有意思。”
在思考了几天反复写了几稿之后,我把祝酒演讲稿发给了研究生院院长 Jeff Black 先生。
Thank you, Mr. Black!
At St. John’s, we love questions and love asking questions. One question many of us here, students and tutors* alike, get asked often is: how did you hear St. John’s College?
For me, I read How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler, and learned of Great Books Program, which until not long ago, was completely unheard of in China, my native country.
I fell in love with the idea and started to explore Great Books programs. I found St. John’s College. Pretty soon, I knew that I had two more reasons to apply to St. John’s: like-minded peers and dedicated tutors, who make this community of learning a Mecca for people from Boise and Burma.
St. John’s is really about great books, students and tutors. My experience confirmed my intuition. Classmates and tutors are two great sources of my inspiration. I remember Mr. Grenke’s signature question, “What does that word mean?” Some of us were petrified and stupefied by that question; others embraced the challenge.
While some questions scrutinize the clarity of our thought, other questions can be profoundly large. In at least two seminars, we spent a long time focusing on Mr. Sinnett’s opening question, in what way are Darwin’s research and Jung’s theories scientific?
Besides asking good and timely questions, tutors never hesitate to share with us their thoughts and knowledge, whenever they feel there is a need. Sometimes tutors’ erudition can be more than admirable. One student remarked, “Oh man, I wish Mr. Black were less bright.” I won’t tell you who said it.
Tutorial guidance spills out of class too: on paper and in the coffee shop and offices. I cannot stress enough how much I learned from writing papers and reading comments by tutors, just as much as in class discussions. When I had a hard time making sense of Leo Strauss, or found Lobachevski intellectually inaccessible, I turned to Mr. Grenke and Mr. Smith for help.
In this age of big data, many things seem to be quantifiable. Readily quantifiable. Not our experience here. I mean, how can we even attempt to quantify Aristotle, Austen, and Aeschylus? But how should we put our experience into perspective, if not numbers or words? Maya Angelou once said, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I remember how I felt in many class discussions and after-class mingling. And I remember Mr. Magnette’s childlike radiant ecstasy when he talked about how Maths tutorial opened up a new world for him. It is our tutors who have made this possible.
Thank you, our tutors!
To our experience here, to what we wholeheartedly feel, let us raise our glasses and toast.
To our tutors. Cheers.
从大家的几次笑声中,我知道两处头韵发挥了作用,增强了表达效果;从两处大笑中,我知道大家一下子就明白了我的两个梗;从观众多次点头中,我知道我的分享引起了大家的共鸣。演讲结束后,也有同学亲口告诉我,“Mr. Meng, very funny speech. I could totally relate to it.”
演讲和写作是一件事,只是媒介不同而已。William Zinsser 先生倡导的写作四大原则在演讲中也完全适用:clarity, simplicity, brevity and humanity.
You are what you write. You are what you speak.
Be yourself and make your voice heard.
纪念恩师 Justine A. Fitzgerald Juarez
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