
SA OpenProject+ 94开始报名 | 巨構城市主義 Mega-Structural Urbanism

SA StudioAlpha大巧筑人 2022-03-24



Studio Alpha 每月不定期推出国际设计竞赛或者由SA老师自命题的Open Project供同学们来充实自己的作品集。涉猎范围包含建筑、景观、城市设计。为了鼓励大家的互相协作,并提升学生的主观能动性,竞赛都以1-4人组队报名为单位。SA的竞赛或者Open Project 对于每个学生都可以公平报名申请,老师选拔合适的同学参与。历时从2周至6周不等,只针对SA学员,大多数在使用一对一课时兑换后即可免费参加。SA每年生源有40%来自老八校,15%来自欧美院校,45%来自国内重点大学。学员间自由组队,和志同道合、旗鼓相当的小伙伴们一起参与OP设计。

过去一年,SA为19Fall学员开设了41个Open Project。截至2019年8月7日,SA新年已经上线了33个专属20Fall学员的OPSA自4月24日起开始发布Open Project Plus (OP+),在OP+的设计讨论中邀请世界上最活跃的相关领域的前沿学者或工作者,顶尖的院校教职人员来进行Guest Critic,并与同学交流。SA OP系列是我们邀请相关设计领域的最优秀学者和从业者为给同学设计和作品集水平加分的专题小班课程,我们希望需要的同学都能找到最适合自己的OP,所以在每个OP开始前都会有个双向选择的过程,帮助我们控制OP队伍的构成以获得最佳产出。

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OpenProject+ 94


Mega-Structural Urbanism


The world continues to urbanize, in manyregions at an astonishing pace, and we as architects must find ways tointervene in its physical metamorphosis. Existing cities are expanding and newones are being formed without historic precedent. How we continue to urbanizeis of huge consequence. And, how we understand this phenomenon is critical toour ability to participate in the future urbanization of the world. This meanswe must invent new ways of thinking about cities and be agile enough tocontinuously modify and/or discard even the most recently developed theoriesand strategies. What possible socially and ecologically sustainable solutionscan be invented for accommodating future urban growth? 


For many cities around the world,large-scale superblock development provides the default solution foraccommodating urban growth. Superblocks, in their contemporary form, arebyproducts of modernism(现代主义) – from Le Corbusier(柯布西耶); to Soviet microrayons; to Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer’sBrasilia(巴西利亚); to Mao’s danwei (factory units); toSteven Holl’s Linked Hybrid in Beijing. Varying in size from 8 hectares to over50 hectares, with populations from 1,000’s to over 100,000, superblocks arespatial instruments with social, cultural, environmental, and economicimplications, operating between the scales of architecture and the city.


The Studio will focus on how to developyour own theory and try to express your idea and urban concept theoreticallythrough your design. Using Rockefeller center as an example to show yourattitude toward future process of urbanization and possible Mega-structuresystem.


The challenge of the studio is to re-conceptualize Rockefeller Center/ Central Park in New York City. The studio will be divided into two main phases.

Phase Ⅰ: Urban

The first phase will focus on the urban scale and massing. he studio will re-plan Rockefeller Center/Central Park at the urban scale. As a starting point, the project will return to the site configuration that existed at the conception of the original project planning. The new master plan(s) and massing studies will provide the urban context for architectural proposals.

Phase II: Architecture

The second phase will focus on the architectural scale. Each team will design in more detail the architecture of the urban scale plans. This exercise will fulfill the urban ambitions through architecture.


Rockefeller Center, Manhattan, New York (Recommended)

The site can be treated as vacant (Recommended) or can be renovated following a clear argument.









Week 1

Class1 - Studio Introduction+ Studio Lecture

--Assignment1: Research of history/Context/Site

Class2 - Pin-up: Research Presentation

--Assignment 2: Site Pick + Conceptual Collage

Week 2

Class3 - Desk Critic: Concept development

--Assignment 3: Schematic Design

Class4 08.24- Desk Critic: Schematic Design + Formal Parti

Week 3

Class5 - Desk Critic: Schematic Design + Formal Parti

Class6 - Desk Critic: Schematic Design + Masterplan

--Assignment 4: Mid-review Presentation

Week 4

Class7 - Pin-up: Internal Mid-review

Class8 - Desk Critic: Design Development

Week 5

Class9 - Desk Critic: Design Development

--Assignment 5: 3/4 review Presentation

Class10 - Pin-up: Internal 3/4 review Presentation

--Assignment 6: Final Presentation Mock-up

Class11 - Final Presentation

Assignment 1: Research of history/Context/Site

Central Park

Rockefeller Center

Assignment 2: Site Pick + Conceptual Collage

Central Park

Rockefeller Center


The minimum deliverables are listedas below:

Conceptual Collage with your manifesto(max 100 words),as required in Assignment 1/2

Conceptual Plan with your picked site,as required in Assignment 2/3

Conceptual Diagrams

Masterplan (including surround site),Fully finished

Plans, Fully finished

Axonometric drawing of overallmassing, Fully finished

Sections, Fully finished

Perspective drawing/ Renderings/Collages, Fully finished

Programmatic diagram (this could beincluded above)

Circulation diagram (this could beincluded above)


Other deliverables may include butnot limited to:

Physical model 1:2000

Site analysis

Case study



Formal Works

Tokyo Bay Project, Kenzo Tange 1961

Live Forever/ The Return of the Factory Proposal, Dogma 2013

Live Forever/ The Return of the Factory Proposal, Dogma 2013

LOMEX proposal, Paul Rudolph 1967

Students' Works

From Wang Jiaqi & Du Huiting

From Wang Jiaqi & Du Huiting

From Zhou Qingyuan

From Zhao Hui & Li Bayi


I. Urbanism:

1.Banham, Reyner. Megastructures: Urban Futures of the Recent Past (London: Thames and Hudson, 1976.)

2.Rem Koolhaas and Hans Ulrich Obrist. Project Japan: Metabolism Talks

(Cologne: Taschen, 2011.)

3.Grand Urban Rules (Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2009.)

4.Lin, Zhongjie. Kenzo Tange and the Metabolist Movement: Urban Utopias of Modern Japan (New York: Routledge, 2010.)

5.Shane, David Grahame. Urban Design since 1945 – A Global Perspective (West Sussex, UK: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 2011.)

6.Willis, Carol. Form Follows Finance: Skyscrapers and Skylines in New York and Chicago (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1995)

II. Essays:

1.Pope, Albert. “From Form to Space,” in Fast Forward Urbanism (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2011) pp. 143-175.

2.Shane, David Grahame. “Block, Superblock and megablock, A Short History. http://www.arcduecitta.it/world/2014/01/block-superblock-and-megablock-a-short-history/

3.“The Superblock,” in Arquitectura moderna y cambio historic: Ensayos: 1962-1976 (Editorial Gustavo Gili: 1978) pp. 94-112.

III. Precedents:

1. Monumento CONTINUO  [Super Studio] 1969

2. Stop City   [Dogma/ Pier Vittorio Aurelli] 2007

3. Campo Marzio  [Giovanni Battista Piranesi] 1762

4. A Field of Walls  [Dogma/ Pier Vittorio Aurelli] 2007

5. Walking City  [Archigram/ Ron Herron] 1967

6. Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture [Rem Koolhaas]    1972

7. Tokyo Project [Kenzō Tange] 1960

8. http://www.presidentsmedals.com/Entry-33201



Columbia, MSAAD

纽约哥伦比亚大学建筑学硕士, 西安建筑科技大学建筑学学士, Leed AP BD+C绿色建筑师认证,“有方”建筑平台特邀青年作家(2018-2020)。作品获得哥大Honor Award for Excellence in Design, NBAA Foreign Exchange Operations of Architecture Exhibition以及陕西省优秀毕设二等奖,并发表在YIMBY New York,哥大GSAPP年刊Abstract等多家媒体。在纽约,西安,上海拥有过不同尺度建筑的实践经历以及实际项目建成经验。

Guest Critic 评图嘉宾

Zhou Wu

Columbia University GSAPP 建筑与城市设计硕士毕业,武汉大学大学五年制建筑学学士。研究生毕业后曾担任 GSAPP 建筑与城市设计研究生项目数字与城市设计课程助教。2015年在纽约曾就职于基础研究所(Preliminary Research Office),参与城市设计和建筑设计竞赛。2016年加入美国WRT事务所并担任Urban Designer,参与美国本土高校校园规划与城市设计。擅长将资源信息整合成城市设计叙事框架,组织城市空间设计语言并转化成二维三维的视觉表达。对于城市设计信息模型的视觉表达有一定的见解。

Emilie Wang

Columbia University GSAPP获得建筑学硕士, 毕业时获得称号Honor Award for Excellence in Design.本科毕业于浙江大学建筑系,期间交换至欧洲学习, 拥有丰富的国外学习的经验。曾在美国事务所工作,现工作于上海AECOM,有一定的实践经验。哥伦比亚大学硕士期间师从Bernard Tschumi,喜爱探讨未来建筑与人与社会之间的关系,擅长建筑概念的发展和逻辑的表达。




Studio Alpha 大巧筑人 | 2019 资费及服务



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