
海外名校正版线上课程 | Unreal-红外世界的赛博朋克

SA StudioAlpha筑人 2024-04-18

Work by Ahmed Faris and Chen Xianing; 

Instructor Elena Manferdini,

Assistant Teacher Andrea Cadioli SCI-Arc, Spring 2020

  U  N  R  E  A  L

organized by STUDIO ALPHA in collaboration with SCI-Arc Los Angeles

本次课程为全程线上进行的workshop,为期9天(11月14日-11月22日)由南加州建筑学院SCI-Arc 系主任Elena Manferdini担任主导师,与SCI-Arc院系老师共同授课,打破地域和时间的限制,带来SCI-Arc官方课程内容(部分内容节选自 VS4210)。本次学习内容为数字色彩理论,以及帮助大家掌握并且熟练运用Epic Games虚幻引擎。最终模拟的主题将是Cyberpunk City赛博朋克城市关注人类肉眼看不见的光-红外线。完成此课程后,参与者将获得SCI-Arc的官方结课证书,优秀学员还有机会获得导师推荐信哦!具体报名方式详见文末哦~


Elena Manferdini
Atelier Manferdini 创始人南加州建筑学院SCI-Arc 系主任康奈尔大学、宾夕法尼亚大学客座教授www.ateliermanferdini.com

Elena Manferdini是Atelier Manferdini的创始人,在建筑,艺术,设计和教育领域拥有20年的专业经验。目前Elena在南加州建筑学院(SCI-Arc)任教研究生系主任。2019年Manferdini在洛杉矶设计节上荣获ICON奖,该奖项旨在表彰通过工作,性格和创造力领导力在洛杉矶,文化和社会上树立不可磨灭烙印的标志性女性。她的同名工作室拥有横跨三大洲包含艺术,建筑,展览和工业设计的作品。她拒绝简单的被定义,而是继续探索自己的创作道路,同时突破多个设计学科的界限。她的作品以光后相互作用和色度复杂为特征。Elena Manferdini热爱艺术,创造力,发明,并深信教育和创意合作的积极力量。

※Atelier Manferdini部分作品展示

Andrea Cadioli
SCI-Arc Visual Study Facultywww.andreacadioli.com

Andrea Cadioli,应用艺术和理论艺术领域的建筑设计师。生于意大利,曾担任EMI和MTV的音乐人和电视节目主持人,然后移居北京,与都灵工业大学和清华大学合作完成建筑硕士课程。经过与Graft Architects,Plasma Studio和Sou Fujimoto的多年实践,他被授予SCI-Arc欧洲联盟奖学金, 获得了洛杉矶的第二个硕士学位。Andrea在每种可用媒介中都拥护创造力和美学,目前任职于洛杉矶南加州建筑学院视觉研究系的教职员工。

Damjan JovanovicSCI-Arc Design Studio and Visual Studies Facultyhttps:// www.dmjn.net
Damjan Jovanovic是位于洛杉矶的建筑师,教育家和软件设计师。他目前在SCI-Arc担任全职设计教授。获得了Städelschule的建筑学硕士学位,并于2014年获得了AIV硕士学位论文奖。他在2014-2018期间担任Städelschule建筑课的教学老师。他的兴趣在于通过开发非标准设计应用程序来研究软件在建筑设计中的文化影响。在他的作品中,通过探索计算介质与美学之间的关系,将计算设计与一种艺术地位相结合,以揭示软件隐藏和未阐明的野心和操作。最近的项目包括以Marcel Duchamp对作品的重新诠释为中心的VR / AR作品,以及定位于游戏和建筑设计文化之间的教学软件应用。

Alexey MarfinSCI-Arc Fiction and Entertainment and Visual Studies Facultyhttps://alexeymarfin.com/

Alexey Marfin是一名电影导演,对城市生活感兴趣,并具有视觉效果方面的专业背景。他在伦敦的建筑协会学习,在那里他对设计电影世界感兴趣。在导演自己的电影之前,他在屡获殊荣的制片厂十五厂开始了视觉效果艺术家的电影制作生涯。阿列克谢的电影在全球范围内放映-釜山电影节,温哥华电影节,布鲁克林电影节等等。他在VICE,NOWNESS,《明报周刊》,《城市》杂志,香港电台,《超时》等西方和亚洲媒体中广受赞誉。Alexey曾在国际上任教和讲课,包括香港城市大学,清华大学和皇家艺术学院。现在,他与利亚姆·杨(Liam Young)在SCI-Arc教授小说与娱乐硕士,并开设了自己的视觉研究课程。


本次课程授课方式为全英文线上直播授课,课程目的是扩大学生对当代数字可视化的交流作用,尤其是运用色彩来定义当前时代的独特力量,此类知识和技术掌握。该课程将由SCI-Arc建筑学院研究生系主任Elena Manferdini讲授色彩理论课和SCI-Arc院系教师Andrea Cadioli来教学虚幻引擎的运用。
The goal of the workshop is to broaden students’ intellectual and technical mastery of the communicative role of contemporary digital visualization and in particular the unique power of colors to define the current times. The class will offer a combination of Color Theory classes -held by SCI-Arc Graduate Programs Chair Elena Manferdini-and Unreal Engine tutorials –held by SCI-Arc Faculty Andrea Cadioli.

Work by Liang Di Instructor Elena Manferdini,Assistant Teacher Andrea Cadioli. SCI-Arc, Spring 2020

由Epic Games开发的虚幻引擎是世界上最先进的实时3D创作平台,可以提供逼真的视觉效果和身临其境的体验。该开放平台是免费的,目前用于建筑,VR,游戏开发和电影。除了向学生介绍该软件外,SCI-Arc的UE院系其一系列理论课和主题演讲还将提供使用UE的重要视角,并向大家展示颜色如何成为沟通和功能的关键因素以及他们可以发挥建筑的感知力。

Developed by Epic Games, Unreal Engine is the world's most advanced real-time 3D creation platform for photo-real visuals and immersive experiences. The open platform is free and currently used for architecture, VR, game development and movies. In addition to introducing the students to the software, the series of theory classes and keynote lectures by SCI-Arc leading UE Faculties will offer a critical perspective for the use of UE and show just how colors can be a critical factor in communication and the power they can exert on perception in architecture.

Work by Liang Di Instructor Elena Manferdini,Assistant Teacher Andrea Cadioli. SCI-Arc, Spring 2020

在workshop结束之前,学生将产生一个实时模拟成果,该模拟在各种照明条件下都可以生效。最终模拟的主题将是赛博朋克城市。 在颜色方面,将重点关注人类肉眼看不见的光-红外线。本次课程将会改变你对世界的看法。

By the end of the workshop, students will produce a real time simulation, that comes alive under various lighting conditions. The subject matter for the final simulations will be the cyberpunk city. In terms of colors, the class will focus on infrareds -invisible to humans.

This class literally will change how you see the world.


本次workshop将在独特而生动的在线环境中提供一系列基础的颜色理论课程以及Unreal Engine教程。学生将在小单位中工作,并在整个workshop期间接受个性化的反馈。workshop将使参加者接触到广泛的当代数字设计工具和技术,以促进其建筑设计的视觉表现。本课程将以公开线上评图为高潮,学生将介绍他们的设计作品并收到著名建筑师和设计专家的反馈。

The workshop will offer a series of foundational Color Theory classes in tandem with Unreal Engine tutorials in a unique and lively on-line setting. Students will work in small tactical units and will receive personalized feedback throughout the length of the workshop. The workshop will expose participants to a wide range of contemporary digital tools and techniques in order to promote active viewing, along with facilitating the visual representation of their architectural designs. The class will culminate with a public broadcasted final review, where students present their design work and receive feedback from noted architects and design professionals.

日常的作业任务将取决于在线教程中介绍的原始工作流程。此类作业旨在针对特定的美学和色彩效果。Unreal Engine, After Effect, Photoshop是课程中最常用到的软件。在与老师的所有教学会议中都将需要使用到摄像头。
The daily assignments will rely on original work flows that will be covered during the online tutorials. Such assignments are designed to target specific aesthetic and chromatic results. Unreal Engine, After Effect, Photoshop are the most commonly used tolls during the workshop. Please consider the use of a camera connected to your main workstation, as this will be used during all meetings with instructors.

Course Schedule


Work by Ahmed Faris and Chen Xianing; 

Instructor Elena Manferdini,

Assistant Teacher Andrea Cadioli SCI-Arc, Spring 2020

Work by Liang Di Instructor Elena Manferdini,Assistant Teacher Andrea Cadioli. SCI-Arc, Spring 2020
Work by Liang Di Instructor Elena Manferdini,Assistant Teacher Andrea Cadioli. SCI-Arc, Spring 2020
Work by Liang Di Instructor Elena Manferdini,Assistant Teacher Andrea Cadioli. SCI-Arc, Spring 2020


850 USD(人民币5800元,内含50元电汇费) SA学员可用部分课时兑换
(不包含场景设计中可能运用到的 unreal engine素材版权费)





 (unreal engine 为免费软件)





SCI-Arc Chinese Vendor Standard Disclaimer Language

Disclaimer: Although [Vendor]’s instructors may have professional affiliations or have graduated from various colleges, universities, and other educational institutions, [Vendor] and its programs are not sponsored by, directly affiliated with, or operated in partnership with any college, university or other educational institution.  To the extent that any [Vendor] program may be held on a college or university campus, [Vendor] does so as a third-party contractor.  Similarly, if a [Vendor] instructor invites or allows [Vendor] participants to attend classes or other events at a college, university or other educational institution, such invitation or attendance shall not be deemed or considered as indicating a direct relationship or partnership with such educational institution. [Vendor] participants will not receive any official diplomas, certification or transcripts from a college, university or other educational institution.  [Vendor] instructors’ involvement with [Vendor] is separate and distinct from their employment and job responsibilities with other colleges, universities or educational institutions.  Participation in a [Vendor] program does not in any way guarantee or provide any preference for admissions into any college, university or educational institution with which [Vendor] instructors graduated from or have a separate professional affiliation.


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