
2020上海ADD数字建造 | 次世代的建筑师从何出发?

SA大巧筑人 StudioAlpha大巧筑人 2022-03-24

SA in collaboration with SCI-Arc China InitiativeDigital Design & Fabrication2020上海ADD数字设计与建造工坊IDD原班人马接力正式上线啦!

本次上海秋季数字设计与建造线下工坊为期两周(10月23日-11月9日),课程内容将涉及3D打印和交互式机器人。完成此课程后,参与者将获得SCI-Arc China Initiative的官方结课证书,优秀学员将有机会获得老师推荐信!本次的workshop同样是由Director Hernán Díaz Alonso, Graduate Program Chair Elena Manferdini等知名老师,Program Director of China Initiative,中国首个3D打印设计品牌Xuberance创始人Steven Ma领衔其团队直接授课,线下工坊将在StudioAlpha大巧筑人上海设计中心和同济建筑设计学院的数字制造实验室中开展


本次workshop的主题为“The Pursuit of 3D Printable Design in the Era of Digital Fabrication”,关注点在于如何将3D打印设计发展为适合市场需求的实际消费产品,以及3D打印设计应用的商业策略。3D打印技术不仅为工业革命带来了新的开端,而且还为设计中的自我表达带来了新的可实现方式,使抽象的思想得以实现,开发出新的几何形状。如今,3D打印技术可以快速创建有形的项目,使个人们可以触摸,感受和评估他们的设计。这些新技术提供了令人难以置信的可能性,使我们能够重新诠释设计思想的传统,并允许在不久的将来按需打印更高质量的产品。

Titled “The Pursuit of 3D Printable Design in the Era of Digital Fabrication,” this workshop will focus on how 3D printing can be developed into real consumer products that suit market needs, as well as business strategies on 3D printing design applications. Additive manufacturing technology (3D printing) not only brings new beginnings to an industrial revolution, it also brings self-expression to new design approaches, allowing abstract ideas to be realized and new techniques to develop new form of geometries. Today, additive manufacturing technologies can quickly create tangible items that allow individuals to touch, feel and assess their design. The incredible possibilities afforded by these new technologies allow us to reinterpret the tradition of design thinking, permitting much higher quality products to be printed on-demand in the near future.

本次workshop将以英语为主中文为辅进行,主要使用Autodesk MAYA / Zbrush / Rhino / Grasshopper / Materialize Magics等软件。参与者需要携带自己的笔记本电脑,课程结束后的成果将会在SA上海设计中心展出。

Workshop的目标是让参与者通过不同类型的3D打印机和机器人的使用,设计和制作多种材料可选择的3D打印产品。在设计阶段,学生将通过Autodesk Maya和ZBrush学习使用网格建模技术,制作复杂的几何图形。在制造阶段,学生将以Maya设计来使用物化软件准备打印文件,并使用Rhino,Grasshopper和Kuka PRC生成机器人制造命令。

Workshop will be held in English and run primarily using Autodesk MAYA/ Zbrush/ Rhino/ Grasshopper/Materialize Magics etc. Participants need to bring their own laptops or workstations. Program results will be exhibited at Studio Alpha Shanghai. 

The target of this workshop is to let participants design and fabricate 3d-Printed products in multiple materials choices with different type of 3d printers and the use of robots. In design phase, the students will learn to make complex geometry using mesh modeling technique through Autodesk Maya and ZBrush. In fabrication phase, the students will take their design from Maya to prepare printing files using materialize software and use Rhino, Grasshopper and Kuka PRC to generate robotic fabrication commands.


source from Xuberance



This workshop offers new means to design inquiry where participants will actively use and explore computational tools both in stages of concept and practice. It is a full-time workshop requires a minimum of 40 hrs. per week. Each Theme Workshop will have a duration of Minimum of 3 days. It will be instructed by SCI-Arc Alumni & Faculties, Students will have access to the digital fabrication Lab from Tongji Architecture Design Institute .

Duration2-Weeks (October 23th - November 9th)
Phase 1 :October 23th – 27thDigital Design on 3D-Printing (Lighting & Ceramic Design)
Phase 2 :October 30th – November 3rdInteractives Robotics (Furniture Design) 
Phase 3:November 6th – November 9thFabrication and Production 

Design Workshops: Digital Design & Fabrication(4 Themes Digital Workshops)
Digital WS-001_Digital Modeling&Sculpting (3 Days)Digital WS-002_Additive Manufacturing (3 Days)Digital WS-003_Robotic Fabrication (3 Days)Digital WS-004_Productions (5 Days)


Hernán Díaz Alonsohttps://www.hda-x.co/( online master lecture)

Hernán Díaz Alonso assumed the role of SCI-Arc director beginning in the 2015 academic year. He has been a distinguished faculty member since 2001, serving in several leadership roles, including coordinator of the graduate thesis program from 2007–2010, and graduate programs chair from 2010–2015. He is widely credited with spearheading SCI-Arc’s transition to digital technologies, and he played a key role in shaping the school’s graduate curriculum over the last decade. In spring 2015 he served as Yale University’s Eero Saarinen Professor of Architectural Design. Díaz Alonso was named by DesignIntelligence as one of their 25 Most Admired Educators for 2018-2019 and won the American Academy of Arts and Letters Architecture Award in 2019.

Elena Manferdiniwww.ateliermanferdini.com(online master lecture)

Elena Manferdini contributes more than fifteen years of professional experience to her role as SCI-Arc Graduate Program Chair. She has been teaching design studios and visual studies seminars at SCI-Arc since 2003, serving most recently as coordinator of graduate thesis. Manferdini graduated from the University of Civil Engineering in Bologna, Italy and later received her Master's of Architecture and Urban Design from the University of California Los Angeles. Manferdini was awarded the 2013 COLA Fellowship given by City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs to support the production of original artwork. That same year, she received a Graham Award for architecture, the 2013 ACADIA Innovative Research Award of Excellence, and was selected as recipient for the Educator of the Year presidential award given by the AIA Los Angeles.

Steven MAProgram Director for SCI-Arc China Initiative(workshop instructor)

Xuberance创始人兼首席设计师,2008年获得南加州建筑学院建筑学硕士学位,获得 2008 年度 AIA Adam medal Award First Prize。Steven MA拥有超过15年的建筑经验,包括担任奥地利 “蓝天组” 建筑事务所的首席设计师 (奥地利的Coop-Himmelblau)和Hernan Diaz Alonso在洛杉矶的Xefirotarch。目前担任美国南加州建筑学院亚中国区卫星项目的负责人,同时也是同济大学创意&设计学院的兼职教授,以及广州美术学院的客座教授。被邀请参加许多国际数字研讨会,包括清华大学数字设计工作坊、同济大学DADA数码工厂、AA伦敦上海夏季项目。2015年获得米兰卫星沙龙奖一等奖,2014年中国室内设计创新设计奖。近两年,由Steven Ma领导的Xuberance还获得了2017年上海工业设计协会的最佳创新奖,以及2016年中国创意工业设计大赛金奖。作为著名的数字设计先锋,他的作品被广泛出版,并被收录在第九届FRAC CENTER举办的 “ArchiLab:自然化建筑” 的展览上(2013年,法国奥良)。区别于一般的优选生成的数字设计,Steven Ma的作品更青睐于巴洛克风格式的极致、繁复美学。

Himmel WangDesign Studio, Visual Studies(workshop instructor)

汪伣天,跨学科设计师,维也纳应用艺术大学建筑学硕士,师从Hernan Diaz Alonso。运用数字雕塑和新材料在不同的尺度和形式下表达设计逻辑与思考,其作品多次参加米兰卫星沙龙、上海设计周等国内外设计展览。于同济大学、清华大学、AA Summer School、Sci-ARC等院校合作课程任教。




(workshop instructor)




(workshop instructor)



SCI-Arc Chinese Vendor Standard Disclaimer Language

Disclaimer: Although [Vendor]’s instructors may have professional affiliations or have graduated from various colleges, universities, and other educational institutions, [Vendor] and its programs are not sponsored by, directly affiliated with, or operated in partnership with any college, university or other educational institution.  To the extent that any [Vendor] program may be held on a college or university campus, [Vendor] does so as a third-party contractor.  Similarly, if a [Vendor] instructor invites or allows [Vendor] participants to attend classes or other events at a college, university or other educational institution, such invitation or attendance shall not be deemed or considered as indicating a direct relationship or partnership with such educational institution. [Vendor] participants will not receive any official diplomas, certification or transcripts from a college, university or other educational institution.  [Vendor] instructors’ involvement with [Vendor] is separate and distinct from their employment and job responsibilities with other colleges, universities or educational institutions.  Participation in a [Vendor] program does not in any way guarantee or provide any preference for admissions into any college, university or educational institution with which [Vendor] instructors graduated from or have a separate professional affiliation.















上海超波普数字设计IDD暑校 # weekly vlog # 在这里~点击这里观看暑校完整回顾!


House of the Hyper Pop 上海超波普数字设计暑校




Studio Alpha 大巧筑人 | 2020 资费及服务


SA树人奖 143 | Alex:不断探索、不断取舍、不断去寻找意义

SA树人奖 142 | Jo:转专业杂念

SA树人奖 141 | 玉子:一个月申港大

SA树人奖 140 | HAN:DDL压线选手的急速自救

SA树人奖 139 | Acchan:最重要的是:不要放弃

我从未见过如此多的UCL录取!| 英欧澳亚院校规模及录取率解析

纳尼?双非院校比老八校还受欢迎?| 院校规模及录取率解析(北美)

SA录取快报3月14日 | 宾大录取数连续第三年破百,哥大有望首年破百

SA录取快报3月5日 | 哈佛GSD本年度对大陆招生骤减约40%

SA录取快报2月29日 | MIT Cornell WUSTL 哪家巨款砸中了你?

SA录取快报2月11日 | 剑桥



SA OpenProject+ 147 | Urban Thresholds 2.0 未来街面设计

SA OpenProject+ 145 | Museum of Future

SA OpenProject 142·143·144 | 适合MArch I申请的三个小练习

SA OpenProject 141 | 不飞机场

SA OpenProject 137 | 上海线下搭建 重装家居-毛石

SA OpenProject 136 | 第三类型学下的微生产建筑

SA OpenProject 129 | 《牆。建築 》<Wall. Building>

SA OpenProject 128 | 竞赛专题:Proximity Island

SA OpenProject 127 | 口号都市

SA OpenProject 123 | 超写实 Hyper-Realism




微信号 : StudioAlpha



