
SA OpenProject+ 145开始报名 | Museum of Future

SA StudioAlpha大巧筑人 2022-03-24



Studio Alpha 每月不定期推出国际设计竞赛或者由SA老师自命题的Open Project供同学们来充实自己的作品集。涉猎范围包含建筑、景观、城市设计。为了鼓励大家的互相协作,并提升学生的主观能动性,竞赛都以1-4人组队报名为单位。SA的竞赛或者Open Project 对于每个学生都可以公平报名申请,老师选拔合适的同学参与。历时从2周至6周不等,只针对SA学员,大多数在使用一对一课时兑换后即可免费参加。SA每年生源有40%来自老八校,15%来自欧美院校,45%来自国内重点大学。学员间自由组队,和志同道合、旗鼓相当的小伙伴们一起参与OP设计。

SA今年已经上线了多个专属21Fall学员的OPSA自2019年4月24日起开始发布Open Project Plus (OP+),在OP+的设计讨论中邀请世界上最活跃的相关领域的前沿学者或工作者,顶尖的院校教职人员来进行Guest Critic,并与同学交流。SA OP系列是我们邀请相关设计领域的最优秀学者和从业者为给同学设计和作品集水平加分的专题小班课程,我们希望需要的同学都能找到最适合自己的OP,所以在每个OP开始前都会有个双向选择的过程,帮助我们控制OP队伍的构成以获得最佳产出。

更多信息请点击SA专题竞赛 | 我们只做你想不到的

Ji Shi

OpenProject+ 145

Museum of Future



去年春天,记忆中最大的艺术品抢劫案发生在鹿特丹。由于盗贼从肯斯特尔偷走了超过 1 亿美 元价值的艺术品,从莫奈,毕加索,高更到马蒂斯,众多评论批评了艺术馆潜在的安全漏洞, 并指责用于陈列艺术品的博物馆设计,陈述设计使得难以监控全面,因为它的规划布局和艺术 作品太靠近外墙。

肯斯特尔是由世界著名的建筑实践公司大都会建筑事务所(OMA)设计,并被广泛接受为公 司所设计的最好的建筑之一。在明星建筑师的光环与带领下,库哈斯作为基于分析图设计的鼻祖,OMA 过去几十年中已经建成了许多有争议的建筑。

尽管有损失和恶劣的批判,这一事件再次将我们的关注点投入到建筑中,并提醒我们应当如何 应对建筑设计的问题。假设艺术品陈设在另一栋拥有不同设计的建筑中,抢劫事件还会发生么? 假设安全系统能够得到保障会不会更好?是否有任何其他的陈列艺术品的方式能够减少被盗的风险?作为一个没有私人收藏和完全依靠借出的艺术品展示的博物馆,这类事件是否对未来 博物馆设计产生影响?会不会对管理机构的可持续性提出疑问?未来的经营管理,监控或是建 筑物的生命周期是否也可以是设计过程中的一部分?          

作为生活在网络社会的结果,我们与世界的关系与互动,构成了我们将如何使用数字媒体。许 多属于现实世界的事情现在已经需要通过我们的手机和个人电脑进行访问,基于网络存储进行 访问,是我们所说的云虚拟域。这对我们工作与体验带来了巨大的影响与改变。其中,最大的 一个也许就是消失的地域界限和距离的含义。

举一个例子,最近几年,许多大型艺术机构如冬宫、古根海姆博物馆和卢浮宫已经尝试在远举 例的分馆展示自己的藏品,给予其权利借出作品在国内外机构进行展示。例如最近借出的藏品展示在上海中国美术馆。另一方面,被认为最有价值的投资,艺术品已经成为商品进行交易。收入有限的人可能永远拥有艺术原物,但各种形式的副本可以成为各样的产品在日常使用,如钥匙链和鼠标垫。            

由于社会、文化、科技的发展,展示展品的思路也发生了改变,我们也对未来博物馆这种建筑类型设计产生了质疑。此次工作室选题的目的在于明确这个问题的存在与以上的质疑,并且从 更全球化的角度反思博物馆类型学的未来发展。



Xun Liu

Daimei Wang

Runze Zhang

Luo Fubin



1) 研究: 相应的示意图,图纸和研究模型  

2) 建筑设计: 概念与功能示图, 平面, 立面, 剖面,1:200, 1:500 总图,轴侧图,当地楼梯/竖向交通构成, 剖面 1:50, 过程模型

3) 制造: 1:20 系统细节, 作为模拟展示, 1:1 当地材料施工, 1:50 或 1:100 建筑模型




8 to 12 students, both individual and teamwork are allowed, maximum 2 students per each team. Language of teaching is mixed (Chinese and English). 仅限SA内部学员报名。


工作室选题将使用最新的数字表现软件和教学技术。学生每次讨论的全数字化演示将会归档,  记录为每周的进度。5周工作室选题将进行3个相互联系和重叠的阶段: 1)研究:设计,  技术,材料,现场调研和案例研究;2)设计: 建筑设计阶段;3)制造:原型,制作,展览准  备。


推荐软件: Autodesk Maya; Rhinoceros with latest plugins and add-ons (GH); Adobe Creative Suite


Week 1

Class 1: 建筑材料当地采集,  周边结构分析 / 不同建筑结构案例分析
Class 2: 案例分析/  场地分析 / 交通分析  / 场地平面分析 / 建筑功能

Class  3: 软件教学

Week 2

Class 4: 软件教学

Class  5: 堆叠 / 相关分析  

Class  6: 软件教学

Week 3

Class 7: 场地平面—出入口等  / 建筑体量
 Class 8: 建筑体量  / 内部外部关系
 Class 9: 客座教师中期评图

Week 4

Class 10: 空间布局  / 空间句法/ 室内设计 

Class 11: 深化方案  / 软件教学

Class  12: 深化方案 / 软件教学

Week 5

Class 13: 深化方案  / 软件教学

Class 14: 深化方案  / 软件教学

Class  15: 客座教师终期评图

Class duration: 3 hours, face to face in SA HQ offices in Shanghai (online teaching also available for students outside Shanghai)


Ercu Gorgul

Harvard, ITU

Ercument Gorgul is a multiple award-winning educator, designer, and technologist. Ercu held positions as a research associate and teaching assistant at the former Harvard Center for Design Informatics. Teaching appointments include Hong Kong, Tsinghua, Shanghai, Xi’an Jiatong Liverpool, and Tongji Universities; Shih Chien University in Taipei; Barcelona-based Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC) and London-based Architectural Association's (AA) Global Schools in China. Ercu is an expert on the teaching of creativity. He instructs courses and studios focused on experience and cities; remote sensing; affective neuroscience; interaction & UI/UX; generative design methodology; parametrics; mapping, visualization and digital media.

Tong Lu 

die Angewandte

Tong finished his advanced architecture studies at University of Applied Arts in Vienna (die Angewandte) as Master class student of Hernan Diaz Alonso, president of SCI-Arc. His design interest is form driven and his specialty is exploration of sophisticated forms. He is an advanced user of Maya and Z-­Brush a highly regarded versatile CAD platform both used to create novel tectonics in architecture.  

Tong held full-­time position as a senior designer in PURE, and currently working for world renowned Chicago based practice JAHN’s Shanghai office, specializing in high-rise and large scale projects. Tong is involved in teaching and academia extensively. He has taught modeling and digital fabrication in Tongji University, Fudan University’s Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts and more recently in Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University in Suzhou. He also participated in several workshops as a tutor, including IAAC Global Summer School and Tongji D&I Jewelry Design Workshop. His collaborative teaching work has been exhibited on numerous occasions nationally.

Guest Critic 评图嘉宾

Xuanzhi Huang

die Angewandte, AA, UCL

Architect, Zaha Hadid Architects, London

Xuanzhi Huang has completed his studies at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London (AA Dipl.) and the University of Applied Arts Vienna, ‘Die Angewandte’ (MA). Xuanzhi's diverse educational background propels his interest in multiple aspects of architecture. Ranging from digital complex form making and manufacturing, all the way to research theory and criticism, specifically focused on the influence of capitalism on architectural typologies, impacting daily public life. Xuanzhi previously worked at offices such Coop Himmelblau, Heatherwick Studio and Hassell. Having taught as a Unit TA and technique tutor at the AA and Bartlett, respectively, Xuanzhi has recently participated at NASA and Bradley University’s Centennial challenge for 3D print habitat on Mars. His previous design work has been exhibited at the London Design Museum.

Tanja Dubbelaar

TU Delft, Tsinghua

Architect, MVRDV Asia

A native of Delft, Tanja is passionate about the full lifecycle of buildings from design through post-occupancy. Being raised between the Netherlands and China, Tanja developed a keen eye and understanding on eastern and western aesthetics and way of life. As an architect, she is part of the design team of the highly acclaimed MVRDV project Shenzhen Terraces as well as two super high-rises Jinan IFC and Hangzhou Gateway through her previous work with SOM. Tanja has previously held positions at the international built asset consultancy EC Harris. She is the co-founder of Chako, a startup providing local women with job opportunities in Africa.

Runze Zhang


Interactive Engineer, AR Platform, TikTok

A Shanghai native, Runze is a creative technologist with a background in architecture and maths. His love of multidisciplinary thinking and learning lead him to concentrate in AR/VR technologies, as his interest in spatial experience and merging virtual and real can be reconnected through interaction on these platforms. Besides being a former guest curator at A+D Museum and a creative technologist at Los Angeles-based agency Kilograph, Runze is the 2018 winner of the prestigious Gehry Prize with his highly publicized graduate thesis “Games of Deletion” (with Alessio Grancini). Other XR productions include “Imagined Landscapes” and “Hollywood House” (for Kilograph).

Xiran Zhang


Architect, EERI Studio, Shanghai

An architect and an ikebana expert by training, Xiran specializes in cultural, hospitality and residential building typologies. She worked at Los Angeles based ANX Architects and studio MAI, over 5 years. Her collaborative design work has been recognized numerous times by the American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) Los Angeles Chapter Awards as well as World Architecture News (WAN) Awards. Her projects have been published extensively in print magazines and journals such as Domus, Dwell, Art in America and Objekt International, as well as online in platforms such archinect and archdaily. Xiran currently works as a project architect in Shanghai based EERI Studio and pursuing a PhD at her alma mater Harbin Institute of Technology.


[1] Appelbaum, Ralph. "DESIGNING FOR COLLECTIVE MEMORY: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum." Design Management Journal (Former Series) 7.4 (1996): 20-23.

[2] Riley, Terence, and Yoshio Taniguchi. Yoshio Taniguchi: nine museums. The Museum of Modern Art, 2004.

[3] Moore, Rowan, et al. Building Tate Modern: Herzog & De Meuron Transforming Giles Gilbert Scott. London: Tate Gallery, 2000.

[4] Moneo, Rafael. Theoretical anxiety and design strategies in the work of eight contemporary architects. Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 2004.

[5] Self, Ronnie. The architecture of art museums: a decade of design: 2000-2010. Routledge, 2014.

[6] Dernie, David. Exhibition design. Laurence king publishing, 2006.

[7] Wineman, Jean D., and John Peponis. "Constructing spatial meaning: Spatial affordances in museum design." Environment and Behavior 42.1 (2010): 86-109.

[8] ARMLEDER, John M., Katharina FRITSCH, and Gerhard MERZ. Museums for a new millennium: concepts, projects, buildings. Munich; London; New York; Prestel, 1999.

[9] von Naredi-Rainer, Paul. Museum buildings: a design manual. Birkhäuser, 2004.

[10] Basu, Paul. "The labyrinthine aesthetic in contemporary museum design." Exhibition experiments (2007): 47-70.

[11] MacLeod, Suzanne, Jocelyn Dodd, and Tom Duncan. "New museum design cultures: harnessing the potential of design and ‘design thinking’ in museums." Museum Management and Curatorship 30.4 (2015): 314-341.

[12] Macleod, Suzanne, et al., eds. The Future of Museum and Gallery Design: Purpose, Process, Perception. Routledge, 2018.

[13] Bannon, Liam, et al. "Hybrid design creates innovative museum experiences." Communications of the ACM 48.3 (2005): 62-65.

[14] Hall, Margaret. On display. A design grammar for museum exhibitions. 1987.




Studio Alpha 大巧筑人 | 2020 资费及服务


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SA树人奖 140 | HAN:DDL压线选手的急速自救

SA树人奖 139 | Acchan:最重要的是:不要放弃

SA树人奖 138 | W叔:做好自己,整个世界都会帮助你

SA树人奖 137 | Hazel:SA面授不完全指南

我从未见过如此多的UCL录取!| 英欧澳亚院校规模及录取率解析

纳尼?双非院校比老八校还受欢迎?| 院校规模及录取率解析(北美)

SA录取快报3月14日 | 宾大录取数连续第三年破百,哥大有望首年破百

SA录取快报3月5日 | 哈佛GSD本年度对大陆招生骤减约40%

SA录取快报2月29日 | MIT Cornell WUSTL 哪家巨款砸中了你?

SA录取快报2月11日 | 剑桥



SA OpenProject 142·143·144 | 适合MArch I申请的三个小练习

SA OpenProject 141 | 不飞机场

SA OpenProject 139 | 莫开车 noDrive

SA OpenProject 138 | 忆境 Memorial Space Ⅲ

SA OpenProject 137 | 上海线下搭建 重装家居-毛石

SA OpenProject 136 | 第三类型学下的微生产建筑

SA OpenProject 129 | 《牆。建築 》<Wall. Building>

SA OpenProject 128 | 竞赛专题:Proximity Island

SA OpenProject 127 | 口号都市

SA OpenProject 123 | 超写实 Hyper-Realism


SA OpenProject+ 115 | 十人居 3.0

SA OpenProject 107 | 

重返塔里埃森系列:Niche Lyceum 霓時琉



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