SA OpenProject 107开始报名 | 重返塔里埃森系列:Niche Lyceum 霓時琉
Studio Alpha 每月不定期推出国际设计竞赛或者由SA老师自命题的Open Project供同学们来充实自己的作品集。涉猎范围包含建筑、景观、城市设计。为了鼓励大家的互相协作,并提升学生的主观能动性,竞赛都以1-4人组队报名为单位。SA的竞赛或者Open Project 对于每个学生都可以公平报名申请,老师选拔合适的同学参与。历时从2周至6周不等,只针对SA学员,大多数在使用一对一课时兑换后即可免费参加。SA每年生源有40%来自老八校,15%来自欧美院校,45%来自国内重点大学。学员间自由组队,和志同道合、旗鼓相当的小伙伴们一起参与OP设计。
过去一年,SA为19Fall学员开设了41个Open Project。截至2019年11月30日,SA今年已经上线了46个专属20Fall学员的OP。SA自4月24日起开始发布Open Project Plus (OP+),在OP+的设计讨论中邀请世界上最活跃的相关领域的前沿学者或工作者,顶尖的院校教职人员来进行Guest Critic,并与同学交流。SA OP系列是我们邀请相关设计领域的最优秀学者和从业者为给同学设计和作品集水平加分的专题小班课程,我们希望需要的同学都能找到最适合自己的OP,所以在每个OP开始前都会有个双向选择的过程,帮助我们控制OP队伍的构成以获得最佳产出。
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之前我们已经推出了该系列的第一个OP——山·石·门·桥, 这次的OP107则是该系列之二。
OpenProject 107
Niche Lyceum 霓時琉
And, whereas the connoisseurs and the intelligentsia may enjoy the associative play of narrative references in high-art design, little that is socially emancipating and enabling results from authorial, representational landscapes.
——James Corner
Oracle, paradisiacal, utopian, dystopian - mountains hold an especially enigmatic and bewitching place in our geographical imagination. Existing in juxtaposition to what’s underneath them, mountains are figures of otherness and difference. Differentiated from their contexts and as much myth as reality, mountains have their own stories, their own rules, their own characters, their own ecologies, their own functions, and their own forms.
Point Cloud Image of the Plateau and Chateau
Located on the plateau of the mountain Gao Mu Ta 高木塔 in front of the Qiandao Lake 千島湖, the place seems to be carved from the ancient spring stream from the mountain top. A medieval fragment which encompasses the ancient times and can still fascinate with its long‐standing charm. The site stands above a gentle hill, in front of a chateau, towering over a plateau, forests and sunsets. Sketching out over an enchanting landscape, in need of new forms and ideas to allow its stewardship and the ongoing promotion of such a priceless heritage.
Point Cloud Image of the Stream Canal
The Niche Lyceum asks you to design a garden for contemplation and admiration of the environment that will produce an exchange between landscape and spectator. A space where nature process plays a key role.
Landscape observation is the fundamental purpose of this space. It must appreciate the virtues of the location and experiment new ways of contemplation. Thanks to its privileged location, this new proposed space will become an international reference point for all visitors of this natural attraction of Qiandao Lake. The Niche Lyceum aspires to become the new meeting point for visitors and nature, a new place of understanding and an information point for hikers. In here, observation will become a unique sensory experience. In a place full of iconic images, this new space for contemplation must become a landscape reference for Zhejiang.
这个OP中我们强调Locale或Place并不是中立的空间解读和描述工具,而是有诠释(construe)、构建(construct)以及再造(reshaping)群体研修空间的功能;在我们可以用精确的点云描述空间的当代,空间数据获取易,如何通过过程的分析和平常的视角去构建主观的场所精神难,这个OP希望能用5周的时间构建起一个informed but subjective project,完成从site research出发到发现现象,提出意象,找到依据并通过空间为刻刀发挥的过程。
我们说了很多 现象学 批判地域主义景观 和公共艺术。
You can program it any way you want, and give it any form and purpose you can imagine. We invite you to imagine this spectacle with these motifs:
Light 霓
One of the most dramatic lighting conditions for landscape occurs when light and shadow work together to define a subject. The contrast of a backlit branch of autumn leaves against a dark shadow, or a sunset-lit mountain, glowing out from a dark storm cloud, will give power to the scene. Gao Mu Ta 高木塔, with its soaring limestone cliffs, provides many opportunities to appreciate at the edges of shadow and light. Although the plateau is an exceptional example, anywhere uneven terrain or low-angled sun casts shadows over the landscape, there can be that exciting contrast.
Reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. The seasonal humid micro climate on the maintain with the evaporation of the creeks is the congenital field for phenomenal light effects: rainbow, halo, moonglow and neon lights.
Albert Bierstadt. Sunrise in the Sierras. 1872
Time 時
Located at the foreyard of the chateau, the lyceum is designed to be inhabited. Grass, asphalt, and concrete paths infiltrate the proposed forms, inviting human participation suggesting or regulating what that activity should be. The lyceum is heavily used in all seasons. Children play. Students read, flirt, converse, meditate, brood. Spring rain, summer grass, autumn leaves, winter winds: All should be emphasized by and in turn emphasize the lyceum, which might take on the feeling of a natural object, one that points to the truth that humans too are part of nature.
Tang Yin 唐寅.
The Thatched Hut of Dreaming of an Immortal
Ming dynasty, early 16th century 明
Stream 琉
The Qiandao Lake Qiandao Lake is a human-made, freshwater lake located in Chun'an County and was formed after the completion of the Xin'an River hydroelectric station in 1959. The mountain with its watershed is a composed water system that combines tweak result from ecological engineering and the site's primal landforms. The watersheds that runs through the site creates a micro climate for the mountain site that is visible, audible,olfactible, palpable and sensible.
Basic elements like stone and water reach us on a gut level. A sparkling site can mesmerize us for hours. But typical fountains, though worthy landscape features, can be problematic for institutions when it comes to maintaining them.Preventing weary maintenance people from filling in the basin and, hence, transforming the fountain into a planter. We asked if the designer could create a place that would survive this attitude, and look for innovative ways to leverage the natural stream that runs across the site.
Victoria Falls. Zambia-Zimbabwe
Reference Case
Peter Walker. Tanner Fountain
Junya Ishigami. Art Biotop Water Garden. Image credit to nikissimo inc.
Gustafson Porter + Bowman.
Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain.
Image credit to Jason Hawkes.
开题课程讲座:题目解读,Site Study
Assignment:Site Study分组作业, Site Study
分组确认概念方向 Site交流汇报
Assignment:Site Study深化
课程讲座:Site plan教学
Assignment:深化项目里的Site Plan
Assignment:3D Study + Visualization
Assignment:Mock-up Final Presentation
Final Presentation
1. The Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. 2019.
3. Smithsonian American Art Museum. 1967.
4. ASLA. 2008. THE LANDMARK AWARD - Tanner Fountain
UPenn, MLA
SA常驻面授老师,已有5年SA教学经验。东南大学景观本科,宾大景观研究生毕业,曾任职于AECOM, DC的Lee and Associates。在芝加哥的Wolff Landscape Architecture专门负责研究设计微尺度的屋顶生态花园。曾在津巴布韦和孟加拉国做研究。除了设计,相信时间管理和了解听众也很重要。擅长区域尺度规划与身体尺度的总体思路,把经济,生态和场地行结合。梦想着把穷地方和孩子变富足,用景观城市化的方式! 在孟加拉国首都达卡的城市更新研究:Dhaka Tannery Transformation,入围ASLA Analysis And Planning Category,研究成果被收录于Alluvium: Dhaka, Bangladesh, in the Crossroads of Water。2013年与David Gouverneur团队在津巴布韦首都Harare进行人类状况调研,并对城市边缘地带进行了总体的城市和经济模型设计。
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