
双语 | 翻译必看!特朗普“造”的这些词竟要入选牛津词典了

2017-02-04 译·世界




近日,英国的《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary,简称OED)就将特朗普衍生词列入了词典的“候选名单”。也许不久的将来,你就会在《牛津英语词典》中发现这些特朗普衍生词。


Trumponomics (the president’s economic policy)


Trumpertantrum (angry early-morning tweeting laced with innuendo and falsehood)


Trumpkin (a pumpkin carved to resemble the former TV host)


The three words are among neologisms added to a watchlist of words that may be fast-tracked into the Oxford English Dictionary.


Eleanor Maier, OED associate editor, said a word would usually have been around for about 10 years before being added to the dictionary, but exceptions are made if a word achieves wide currency quickly and can be used without explanation. “Not everything we log will satisfy our inclusion criteria and some of them are likely to be relatively short-lived,” she said. “But it means we have a record of the usage and a place to add evidence and developments.”


Maier said social media had fast-tracked some words, beyond a relatively small pool of politically active Twitter users, to the wider population.


The new US president had given rise to one of the largest groups of words on the watchlist, which is used to monitor potential new additions to the dictionary, which is effectively the canon for standard British English.


Other Trumpian additions include:


Trumpflation, the inflation analysts predict will be caused by the new administration’s economic policies


Trumpist (a Trump supporter)


Trumpette (a female Trumpist)


Trumpista (a rare Hispanic Trumpist)


The lexicographer warned that the rapid rise of Trumpisms did not guarantee the US president his own section when the OED is next updated. “It may seem that the current political situation has given rise to new words at a faster rate than before, but it would be interesting to see if Lincoln, Reagan, Thatcher, and Clinton, for example, inspired at the time a similar number of short-lived, and now forgotten, neologisms,” she said.




As well as words that play on the president’s surname, words attributed to the extremes of the political spectrum have been added, though some may not outlive the recent election.


Healther, which was based on “birther” and means a person who believes that Hilary Clinton has a serious, undisclosed illness, is likely to go the same way as the Democrat presidential candidate’s election campaign.


But Vichy Republican, used by the left to describe a Republican who supports Trump because it is expedient, may live longer if the president’s shoot-from-the-lip style makes his party dump him mid-term.

“维希共和党人”(Vichy Republican,“维希”指第二次世界大战期间被纳粹德国控制的法国傀儡政权)则被左翼人士用来指称那些出于权宜之计支持特朗普的共和党人士。这一词汇有望存在得更久些,假如这位新总统口无遮拦的风格使他被共和党人在中期选举时抛弃。

British political woes have also contributed to the watchlist. Heading those that could make it into the dictionary is Bremainian, used by Brexit supporters about their disappointed referendum opponents. Brexit was added to the OED last year, and is the highest profile word to use “exit” as a suffix. Citing Texit/Calexit (the hypothetical withdrawal of Texas/California from the US), Maier said: “The –exit suffix seems to be following the model of –gate suffix, in giving rise to a number of ephemeral words.” She added: “So it may be that in the future, the –exit suffix is a dictionary entry in its own right.”

英国的政治悲剧也为《牛津英语词典》备选清单贡献不小。排在前面的就有Bremainian(英国留欧支持者),被英国脱欧(Brexit)支持者用来指称他们的公投对手。Brexit(英国脱欧)在去年被《牛津英语词典》收录,-exit词尾的使用极其巧妙。Teixt(美国德克萨斯州脱离美国)和Calexit(美国加利福尼亚州脱离美国)两词的发明也依法炮制。梅尔称:“-exit词尾似乎模仿了-gate词尾(自水门事件 Watergate之后,-gate词尾专门用来加在丑闻事件名称之后,中文使用如‘艳照门’)的使用,同样创造了许多非常短命的词汇。”她进一步称:“今后或许-exit词尾也会在词典中打下一片江山。”



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