
译词 | 一周热词:国家公祭日、时代周刊年度人物、李子柒海外走红、俄罗斯被禁赛…

Yee君 译·世界 2021-03-16

1. 2019国家公祭日仪式举行

2. 《时代》周刊2019年度人物揭晓

3. 视频博主李子柒海外走红

4. 俄罗斯被禁赛四年

5. 中国英语能力等级量表与托福成绩对接




national memorial day


China is holding a national memorial ceremony Friday morning in Nanjing City, east China's Jiangsu Province, to mourn the 300,000 victims of the Nanjing Massacre in 1937. 


Thousands of people from all walks of life gathered at the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing to pay tribute.  


At the ceremony, a national flag was flown at half-staff and a moment of silence was observed.  


On December 13, 1937, Japanese troops captured Nanjing, then China's capital, and began more than 40 days of slaughter, murdering about 300,000 civilians and unarmed Chinese soldiers. 


The date was designated as the "National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims" in February 2014 and a national memorial ceremony has been held annually on December 13 ever since.




mourn  v. 哀悼;忧伤;服丧

massacre /ˈmæsəkə(r)/  n.大屠杀;惨败;彻底破坏 v.屠杀;彻底击败;彻底破坏;(非正式)搞砸;(非正式)笨拙地演奏

all walks of life  各行各业;各界人士

invader  n. 侵略者;侵入物

pay tribute  致敬;朝贡

half-staff  n.半旗(同 half-mast) v.下半旗(同 half-mast)

observe  vt.庆祝 vt.观察;遵守;说;注意到;评论

slaughter  n.屠宰;大屠杀;(非正式)彻底击败 v.屠宰(动物)(尤指大量)屠杀(人、动物)(非正式)彻底击败(对手)

designate /ˈdezɪɡneɪt/  vt.指定;指派;标出;把…定名为 adj.指定的;选定的




TIME’s 2019 Person of the Year

Greta Thunberg, the activist who has become a leading voice on climate change, is Time's Person of the Year for 2019. At 16, she is the youngest person to earn the title in the magazine's 92-year history.


Thunberg burst onto the world stage in the past year, organizing school strikes and protest marches to call attention to a climate crisis that she says older generations are not taking seriously enough.


She has famously called out world leaders for debating scientific facts and failing to stop a global warming trend that will affect the world's children more than it affects anyone who's currently in power.


Reacting to the honor, Thunberg said she is "a bit surprised" to be chosen, according to The Associated Press, which adds that Thunberg dedicated her recognition to other young activists.




activist  积极分子;激进主义分子

earn the title  获此殊荣;赢得…的称号/奖项

call attention to  唤起注意;呼吁关注

call out  唤起;出动;大声叫唤




video maker Li Ziqi impresses the world

Li Ziqi, a vlogger who enjoys a fan base of more than 21 million people on Sina Weibo and 7 million strong followers on YouTube, has made a name for herself in her videos that highlight a traditional Chinese way of life in the rural areas of Sichuan province. Her videos cover a wide variety of crafts related to traditional Chinese culture. From making paper and ink to weaving cloth, from making a silk quilt comforter for her grandmother to building her own bread kiln with blocks, nothing seems impossible with Li's crafty hands as they work their magic to bring these things into existence.


Yet on Friday, a question about her has become hot on micro blog: "Are Li Ziqi's works a kind of cultural export?" By 14:00, the reading count reached 470 million, with 36,000 discussions. Many argue that her videos are about daily life, and therefore she is not a symbol Chinese culture.


Her videos have little words or conversations, and at first they were without any English subtitles or English headlines, yet they appeal to English readers. That shows the charm of the Chinese culture in every detail of daily life.


(英文来源:China.org.cn, China Daily)


vlog /vlɒɡ/  视频播客

vlogger  视频博主

make a name  成名;出名

comforter  n. 安慰者;圣灵;(美)被子;(英)羊毛围巾

kiln /kɪln/  n.(砖,石灰等的)窑;炉;干燥炉 v.烧窑;在干燥炉干燥

crafty  狡猾的;灵巧的

subtitle  n.副标题;说明或对白的字幕 vt.在…上印字幕;给…加副标题




Russia banned from international sporting events for 4 years

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on Monday banned Russia from major global sporting events in the next four years including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and 2022 World Cup in Qatar after accusing Moscow of falsifying data from an anti-doping laboratory.


Under the sanctions, the Russian flag and anthem are also prohibited from being displayed at major events.


However, while the Russian flag cannot be present at events, Russian athletes can compete under a neutral flag if they are free of association with the doping scandal. Some 168 Russian athletes competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, under a neutral flag. Russia has 21 days to appeal the decision.


(英文来源:China Daily, NBC News)


waste water  污水;废水

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)  世界反兴奋剂机构

falsify  vt. 伪造;篡改;歪曲;证明...虚假  vi. 撒谎

anthem  n. 赞美诗;圣歌;国歌(national anthem)  vt. 唱圣歌庆祝;唱赞歌

neutral  n. 中立国;中立者;非彩色;齿轮的空档  adj. 中立的,中性的;中立国的;非彩色的

be free of  远离…;免于…




TOEFL, Chinese English language standards linked

China's Standards of English Language Ability, or CSE, the country's first standards for English proficiency, have been linked to the Test of English as a Foreign Language, which will further promote the international integration of China's foreign language assessment system, according to education authorities.

教育管理部门表示,我国首个英语能力标准“中国英语能力等级量表(CSE) ”已与托福考试成绩对接,此举将进一步推动我国外语评价体系的国际融合。

The National Education Examinations Authority under the Ministry of Education and the Educational Testing Service, who administrates TOEFL tests, jointly released the results at a news conference on Wednesday.


By linking TOEFL test scores to the CSE, for example, a minimum overall score of 37 in TOEFL is equal to CSE Level 4, with the minimum scores of 4 in listening, 7 in reading, 13 in speaking and 13 in writing.


In January, test scores of Aptis and the International English Language Testing System, or IELTS, were linked to CSE.


(英文来源:China Daily)


China's Standards of English Language Ability (CSE)  中国英语能力等级量表

proficiency  n. 精通,熟练

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)  托福考试

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)  雅思考试

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